In a dilapidated ancient temple, leading to a secluded house, everyone sat around a bonfire, listening to someone tell stories about ancient times.

This kind of scene is also wonderful.

Everyone looked horrified, but there was nothing they could do.

The storyteller, on the other hand, was calm and composed. He folded the fan from nowhere and struck it in the palm of his hand like a piece of wood.

"Do you know what kind of mountain is a mountain and what kind of tree is a tree?"




Everyone was silent, no words could be spoken.

The storyteller smiled and solved the mystery.

"The mountain is the soul-eating mountain of life and death, and the tree is the yin-yang tree that leads to the secluded world!"

"This story begins with this mountain and this tree!"

"Endless years ago, in the beginning, Laojun opened the sky."

"The clear air rises and the turbid air sinks, which is why the sky and the earth are dark and yellow, and the universe is primitive!"

"Heaven and earth are one side, but they are divided into two sides. One side is Yang and the other side is Yin. They are the two realms of Yin and Yang."

Xu Yang spoke eloquently about the origin of this world.

In this world, there is also a theory of the creation of the heaven and the earth, but the one who created the heaven was not Pangu, but Taishang Laojun.

Among the Taoist canon is the "Tai Shang Kai Tian Jing", which tells the story of Laojun creating the world and educating all living beings.

"Laojun opened the sky, and the world was divided into yin and yang. The two realms are separated and each performs its own duties."

"So, in the underworld, there is a black mountain, which has existed for an unknown number of years."

"The underworld is the place of reincarnation, where living souls travel back and forth, bringing with them a sense of Yin spirit."

"Thousands of years of accumulation of yin energy finally gave birth to a spiritual wisdom in the Black Mountain and turned it into a mountain spirit!"

"Black Mountain becomes a spirit, and gradually develops itself. Then it begins to swallow the ghosts intentionally or unintentionally, and strengthen itself."

"After thousands of years of this, Heishan finally became a big monster. When the Yuanling fell silent, the gods ascended and flew away. The underworld was left without a master, and reincarnation collapsed. So it took over the land and became its king and built the City of Death in Black Mountain!"

"It's for——Old Monster of Montenegro!"

Xu Yang knocked on his folding fan, and the sound of the book settled down. When he looked at the crowd, he didn't know why, but only saw panic.

They didn't know why this storyteller, whose origins were unknown and who didn't even know whether he was a human or a ghost or a demon or a demon, was telling them these unrelated things.

But one thing is certain, that is, their situation is not good now.

This Lanruo Temple, this storyteller, is full of weirdness.

Everyone was horrified, but Xu Yang ignored them and continued.

"As the saying goes, when a person achieves enlightenment, a chicken or a dog ascends to heaven, Black Mountain becomes a spirit and brings many benefits to others."

"The one who has benefited the most is a locust tree growing on the Black Mountain."

"This tree is a locust tree, and it is naturally strange. It has the ability to connect the two realms of yin and yang."

"It's for——Tongyou Yin Yang Huai!"

Xu Yang knocked on his folding fan and said in a deep voice: "After Heishan became a spirit, the Yin-Yang Sophora japonica also turned into a demon. Although it is not as good as the ten thousand-year old demon of Heishan, it still has thousands of years of Taoism and calls itself Grandma Dryad."

"A mountain and a tree grow together, and they are deeply rooted. Especially the tree demon. His life and property are all in the hands of the old Black Mountain demon. He doesn't dare to resist at all. He can only let it be driven and work as a tool of the tiger."

"There is a way in heaven and earth, and there is a law for all living beings. If only yin does not arise, if only yang does not grow, even demons are no exception."

"The tree demon and the old black mountain demon are both spirits of the Yin world, and Yin belongs to the demons. Therefore, they must absorb the popularity of the Yang world to practice. Otherwise, they will be so lonely that not only will their cultivation be difficult to enter, but they will also be in danger of death."

"So, the old demon from Black Mountain controlled the tree demon, used his yin and yang ability to connect the secluded world, opened the passage between yin and yang, slaughtered a temple, and turned it into a gloomy ghost."

After saying that, Xu Yang lowered his gaze and looked at the surprised and uncertain people: "Do you know the name of that temple?"




Everyone was silent when they heard this, and their eyes were even more horrified.

"The name of the temple is Xifeng."

"Later, Lan Ruo."

Xu Yang tapped his folding fan and looked at everyone: "Everyone is lucky to be here."


The jokes made everyone want to cry without knowing how to respond.

Xu Yang ignored it and continued.

"At this point, Lan Ruo is a ghost, devouring strangers, turning into a pair of old monsters that feed on blood, and finally attracts Taoist masters to suppress them."

"However, few people know that the tree demon not only has the ability to connect yin and yang, but also has the ability to move space. However, it consumes a lot of money and the gain outweighs the loss, so it is rarely used."

"After Guixi is sealed, the living people stop, the blood food gradually disappears, and without the nourishment of Yang Qi, not only is it difficult to advance in cultivation, but there is also the risk of going crazy and becoming a demon."


After hearing this, Ning Caichen finally couldn't bear his curiosity and broke the silence: "Demons can also go crazy."

Xu Yang smiled and explained: "Being possessed is not falling into the devil's way, but the physical body of the Yin God colliding with the inner energy of the magic power out of control, causing riots and self-destruction. All cultivators are in danger of this, and demons are no exception."

"I see."

Ning Caichen nodded: "So..."

"So that old Black Mountain demon can't sit still."

Xu Yang said with a smile: "We can only order the Yin soldiers of the City of Wasted Death to go out in all directions to capture the souls of the newly dead and devour them. At the same time, we can let the tree demon use its innate magical power of space movement to create ghosts and monsters everywhere, attracting the souls of the dead." People throw themselves into a trap.”

After saying that, he looked at everyone and said, "This is where you all come from."


Everyone was panicked, and their doubts gradually disappeared, but they were soon filled with panic.

Lanruo Temple, Yin and Yang Sophora japonica, a pair of old demons, waiting to be fed.


"Master, spare your life!"

Everyone was horrified, and before they could say anything, they saw the girl beside them stand up and suddenly fall to their knees.

It was Nie Xiaoqian.

Nie Xiaoqian knelt on the ground and looked at Qingdie and the two people behind her at a loss. However, she ignored it and only looked at Xu Yang and said in a sob: "Sir, we are orphans without an owner. We were captured by the tree demon. He turned into a ghost, seduced men into this temple, and killed them."


Everyone was shocked when they heard this, especially Feng Sheng, who was even more unbelievable: "Miss Nie!"

Nie Xiaoqian ignored him and cried again: "Xiaoqian knew that her sin was serious and unforgivable, but she still boldly begged the young master to free our sisters from the ghost body. After that, even though our souls are gone, we still have a little bit of true spiritual freedom!"

After saying that, he kowtowed.

Xu Yang looked at her and smiled: "You are quite smart."

These words made Nie Xiaoqian's heart skip a beat. She knew that her little thoughts could not be concealed from the other party's eyes, so she hurriedly said: "Xiaoqian is so bold that she deceives the young master. She deserves death for her crime. She deserves death for her crime!"

After saying that, his head was like pounding garlic, he kept knocking, and everyone was stunned.

Seeing this, Xu Yang also shook his head: "Get up."


Nie Xiaoqian raised her head and looked at him blankly. Then surprise gradually appeared in her eyes, and she fell to the ground again: "Thank you, Master! Thank you, Master!"

Xu Yang didn't say anything, turned around and walked away.

There really isn't much to say.

A female ghost, lonely and helpless, was captured by the tree demon and acted as an aide to the tiger. She couldn't help herself. How could she have survived until now without a little cleverness and a little thought?

The world of ghosts may not be simpler than that of humans!

Therefore, Xu Yang did not pursue anything and gave her a way out.

"Brother Li..."

Seeing Xu Yang turn around and leave, everyone finally reacted, and Ning Caichen hurriedly followed.

Nie Xiaoqian stood up and said, "Young Master, be careful, this place is no longer the Yang world, but the underworld. It is a ghost created by the old demon from Black Mountain and grandma, and it is connected to the Black Mountain City of Wasted Death. It is very dangerous..."


Before he finished speaking, he heard a rumble, countless dust and rubble falling, and the already dilapidated ancient temple was about to collapse.

"not good!"

"It's grandma!"

"Master, be careful!"

Seeing this scene, the expressions of the three ghosts changed, and Nie Xiaoqian even exclaimed.

Before the screams of shock subsided, black shadows were seen breaking through the sky, and countless vine roots, like pythons and dragon snakes, entangled themselves in Lanruo Temple, crushing the building stones and wood.


The ancient temple collapsed, the main hall was shattered, and among the rocks and clouds, a giant tree rose into the sky. Its thousand-foot-long body cast a dark shadow, and it took root right behind the main hall.

The earth shook, the mountains shook, rocks collapsed, and the clouds collapsed. Everyone was frightened and fled, but there was no way out.

In the midst of despair...


The sword energy spurted out, and the brilliance was so bright that it swallowed up everyone's vision.

After an unknown period of time, the sword light dissipated and the vision gradually recovered.

The people who were still in shock looked around and saw that they were in a deserted wilderness. The surrounding trees cast shadows and bared their teeth and claws. However, they could not see the faint ancient temple before, let alone the tall storyteller and the ghostly shadow of Sophora japonica. Dryad.

Could it be that everything just now was just a bizarre dream?

But this...

Everyone looked at each other in confusion, looking at each other who were both familiar and unfamiliar, as well as Nie Xiaoqian and other equally confused ghosts and witches. Their thoughts were even more confused, and it was difficult to distinguish between true and false.

Just when everyone was at a loss...

"The road to heaven leads us back, and the seven stars are our swords!"

"Get into formation!"

With a soft shout, sword lights shot up in all directions and merged brightly, knitting dense seams and immediately turning into a sword world, illuminating a dense and ghostly place inside.

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