For people, having enough to eat and nothing to do is a very scary thing, because they will create all kinds of things for themselves, and in the end they will turn everything upside down and have no way to end it, so they can only start over.

Therefore, a force or a group must have an enemy, an opponent, to transfer conflicts outward to ensure internal stability.

Therefore, during the Tianwu period, the Great Zhou Dynasty continued to expand outwards and realized the true unification of the world.

But what about after the world is unified?

Conflicts still need to be resolved, and demand still needs to be stimulated, otherwise there will be internal chaos. After all, warriors are extraordinary and full of energy. If you don't find something for them to do, then they will find something for you to do.

In order to give these people something to do, alleviate conflicts, and stimulate demand, Xu Yang founded the Shenwu Ranking List and Jiazi Fengyunzhan, luring them with fame and fortune, and giving the world's warriors a goal and pursuit.

Needless to say, the Shenwu Ranking List is just a ranking list.

Mainly Jiazi Fengyunzhan.

Sixty years later, a great battle began to determine the ranking of Shenwu and compete for the title of "No. 1 in the world".

Although he is number one in the world, he is not the only number one in the world, because in order to deduce the martial arts system, Xu Yang needs to go hand in hand and let a hundred flowers bloom, so he gave many "number one in the world" titles, such as the number one skill in the world, which is internal strength. The cultivation level is number one in the world.

In addition, there are also the best sword in the world, the best palm in the world, the best doctor in the world, the best craftsman in the world, etc., so that the warriors in the world can each specialize in one area and compete for development. You chase each other and drive the progress of the entire martial arts system. .

This is the Shenwu Ranking List and Jiazi Fengyun Battle created by Xu Yang back then.

And now...

"There are four main rankings in the Shenwu Ranking List, namely the Shenwu Ranking, the Heavenly Martial Ranking, the Earthly Martial Ranking, and the Human Martial Ranking!"

"The Shenwu Ranking only lists those who are strong in the Shenwu realm. There is no limit to the number. As long as your cultivation reaches the Shenwu realm, you can be on the list. The ranking on the list and the title of No. 1 in the world will be determined through the Jiazi Fengyun Battle!"

"The Tianwu Ranking only ranks warriors at the Shenqiao realm, taking the number of Tiangang, and ranking thirty-sixth. There is no need to decide the ranking through Jiazi Fengyun Battle, and you can challenge on weekdays. Those on the list are honored as Tianbang Grandmasters."

"The Earth Martial Arts Ranking only ranks warriors in the Yuan Dan realm, taking the number of Earth Demons, and ranking 72nd. There is no need for Jiazi Fengyun Battle to determine the ranking. You can challenge on weekdays. Those on the list are respected as masters of the Earth Ranking."

"All warriors ranked below the Yuan Dan realm in the Human Martial Arts Ranking are numbered one hundred and eight in Tiangang and Earthly Demons, so they are also called the Hidden Dragon Ranking. Those at the top of the list will almost always become Grand Masters in the Heavenly Ranking and even powerful divine martial artists in the future."

"In addition to the four main lists, there are also lists such as the Magic Weapons List, the Exotic Treasures List, and the Beauties List to satisfy the world's yearning and pursuit of magic weapons, rare treasures, fame, wealth and beauty..."

Su Shaoqing introduced: "Thousands of years ago, the leader of the Demon Sect, the Heavenly Demon Lord Leng Aotian, defeated the Six Holy Lands of the White Way in nine consecutive Jiazi Fengyun Wars, climbed to the top of the Divine Martial Arts, and was revered as the No. 1 Demon in the World and the No. 1 Divine Martial Arts. Strong, even though he disappeared later, no one can shake this ranking."

Hearing this, Xu Yang also became interested: "One man can defeat the top six, and this is nine times in a row. Could it be that he has completed all the five sets of God of War catalogs collected by the magic sect?"

"There are such rumors. Although no one has been able to confirm it, the existence of Leng Aotian has indeed given the underworld demon sect, which has always been weak, the qualification to compete with the White Path Holy Land."

Su Shaoqing shook his head: "It's a pity that Leng Aotian suddenly disappeared for unknown reasons a thousand years ago, which made the Demon Sect fall into a weak position again and was overwhelmed by the six holy places of the White Way."


When Xu Yang heard this, he smiled inexplicably and asked: "In the realm of divine martial arts, how long is your lifespan?"


Su Shaoqing was startled and then realized: "It is generally around two thousand. Even if you take some heavenly materials and earthly treasures and life-extending wonders, it cannot exceed two thousand five hundred years. At least I haven't seen it so far."

"Two thousand lives?"

Xu Yang frowned when he heard this.

Two thousand lifespans, in the real world of cultivation, is the standard lifespan for a spiritual cultivator.

That is to say...

In the realm of divine martial arts, he is a god of assimilation.

The realm of Shenqiao is better than Nascent Soul.

How did you reach the state of becoming a god?

Is it because the God of War catalog was split?

Although the complete God of War Illustration is a Mahayana level skill, it can only be practiced to the realm of god transformation after being split. If you want to go further, you can only complete these illustrations, just like the Demon Lord Leng Aotian that day, it was completed by one person. The five major catalogs have become the best in the world, the most powerful...


The Tianmo Sect has five God of War catalogs for Leng Aotian to practice. What about the six holy places of the White Path? Is it possible for them to gather the God of War catalogs together to understand and practice together to gain a higher level of power?

Most likely!

Although this will harm the interests of the lower levels, for the top-level Shenwu strongmen, advancing in cultivation means an increase in strength and longevity. How many people can resist such a temptation?

For the sake of common interests, the powerful divine warriors of the six holy places will most likely gather the twelve sets of God of War catalogs in their hands to understand and practice together to deduce a higher martial arts realm.

Therefore, the realm of divine martial arts is only the peak on the surface. There may be even more powerful warriors secretly, even if they are not as good as the combined ones, they can still be comparable to returning to the void.

"Fortunately, it's just a return to void, I can handle it!"

Although it is not good news, Xu Yang is still optimistic.

Because there are worse references.

The complete catalog of the God of War contains Mahayana exercises at the lowest level.

If the underworld and the white sect, the Holy Land Demon Sect, put aside their grudges and assemble the forty-eight God of War catalogs in their hands, then there might be hope of becoming an extremely powerful warrior comparable to a fusion.

A powerful combination?

This and returning to the void are two different concepts. Unless there is a fairy mecha like Xuanyuan Bai Yujing, it will be difficult for Xu Yang to deal with existences of this level.

Fortunately, they didn't, well...most likely not.

If there is a warrior at the combined level, he will definitely seize the God of War Temple and the 49th God of War Catalog Shattering the Void. The current world cannot be such a black and white opposition.

If there is no fit, then it is easy to say that it can be dealt with.

"Below the Heavenly Demon Lord, there is Wei Dao, the director of the Shenwu Alliance, who is known as the best in the world. He practices the Seventh Monument of the God of War Illustration, Xiantian Yiqi, and the Eighteenth Monument of Yin and Yang Wuji. I heard that the basic cultivation of Neiyuan Zhengong is Not weaker than Leng Aotian, but his moves are not as good as him, so he was ranked second."

"In addition, there are the Overlord Sect Master, Li Hengjiang, the best puncher in the world, Xiaoyao Peak Master, Ning Wuwo, the best puncher in the world, Cihang Swordsman, Zen Master Jingnian, Tinghai Rujun..."

Su Shaoqing listed the people ranked on the Shenwu Ranking one by one. Xu Yang kept it in mind and did not ask too many questions.


"The master of Tianji Pavilion is the best in the world - Dao Wuya!"


Xu Yang frowned and asked in a deep voice: "Is this person familiar with the art of heavenly secrets?"

Su Shaoqing nodded: "It is rumored that the Tianji Pavilion holds the 27th Tablet of the God of War, the Universe Bagua. It is said that it can calculate the secrets of heaven, ask ghosts and spirits, and know the past and the future. It has always been quite mysterious in the world, except for the major forces. It is difficult for ordinary people to come into contact with the Shenwu Venerables."

"Qiankun Bagua?"

Xu Yang murmured, feeling secretly worried, but not too worried.

Although the rank of God of War Illustrated is high, his Taoist and magical powers are not bad either. They are inherited from the ancient immortals and gods in the Taoist world. Now that he is protected and blessed by Liudingliujia, even if the master of Tianji Pavilion is the Venerable Shenwu, It is impossible to directly check his situation. At best, we can only deduce the general direction.

After a period of time, the soul of Tao Fa's body is restored and the "escaped one" is transmitted over. Even if Xu Yang stands in front of him, he will not be able to count.

By the way, the time flow rate between this world and the Taoist world is one to one. I don’t know whether it’s because they are close in distance or because they have the same status. In short, the time is equal, which makes him dream again and again, and his thoughts for a thousand years have come to nothing.

But it doesn’t matter. The time flow rate between the Taoist world and the real world is still one hundred to one. Calculating, he still has thousands of years. As long as he obtains the God of War Temple and the God of War Catalog within these thousands of years, he can hope to solve the virtual problem. The problem of Lingdongtian.

Shenwu ranking list, Jiazi Fengyun Battle!

After the two have finished speaking, the pattern of the world will be basically clear.

Su Shaoqing looked at Xu Yang with uneasy eyes, hopeful and uneasy at the same time: "What is the ancestor going to do next?"

Xu Yang smiled and asked, "What do you think?"


Faced with such a question and looking at Xu Yang's expression, Su Shaoqing was a little hesitant, but in the end he regarded this as a test and said in a deep voice: "Emperor, although our descendants are unfilial and failed to maintain the foundation of the Great Zhou Dynasty, we also left behind There are many secret hands and hidden branches in the legacy, but they are leaderless and difficult to activate."

"In addition to my legacy of the Great Zhou Dynasty, there is also the legacy of Tianwu, the inheritance of martial arts, and the role model for all generations. Even though it is impacted by the God of War Illustration, it is still popular among people. There are even hidden forces like the "Tianwu Association"."

"Now that your ancestor has returned, you will surely be able to respond to your call and gather the power of the Great Zhou Dynasty to secretly develop as before, grow bigger step by step, and then try to obtain the God of War Catalog..."

Su Shaoqing was planning while watching Xu Yang's reaction.

In fact, these are not her thoughts, but years of planning by the Tianwu legacy, who want to replicate what Xu Yang did back then and revive the foundation of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

The idea is good, but... a bit unrealistic.

But Xu Yang didn't point it out directly, he just looked at Su Shaoqing with a smile and asked, "Have you ever heard of a sentence?"

Su Shaoqing was startled: "What are you talking about?"

"When times come, heaven and earth all work together, and the heroes who are destined to die are not free!"

Xu Yang shook his head and said calmly: "As a human being, you still have to rely on yourself!"


Su Shaoqing looked stunned, but then he realized it, and a wry smile appeared on his face: "It is what the ancestor said, it is Shaoqing who is naive."

At this point, she had to admit that the dream of Tianwu Legacy was beautiful, but it was destined to be a beautiful dream.

Yes, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse. The Great Zhou Dynasty did have a hidden hand in those days, and many branches of hidden veins were hidden deep. Even though all forces suppressed it and went through thousands of catastrophes, there was still a lot of power left, scattered throughout the world. .

In addition, the Tianwu Legacy also has the support of many people. There are some secret organizations like the "Tianwu Association". As long as he, the Tianwu Emperor, stands up and raises his voice, the world will surely respond.'s just these remnants who are responding from all over the world.

His martial arts are extraordinary and his power reaches the heavens.

Those forces that hold the catalog of the God of War, as well as those Shenwu Venerables and Tianbang Grandmasters, how could they lower their heads and cede their interests just because of a so-called forerunner from ten thousand years ago?

The result of the Tianwu survivors' response was to be suppressed by all the major forces in the world!

Xu Yang currently does not have the strength to compete head-on with the powerful Shenwu warriors, so rashly developing his power would be irresponsible to his subordinates, and also irresponsible to himself.

Therefore, he has no intention of contacting the Tianwu legacy, nor does he have any plans to develop his power immediately.

Based on what he did back then, there is no guarantee that those people did not suffer from "Tianwu PTSD" traumatic stress syndrome.

Now that he is resurrected, all the major forces will strictly monitor and pay attention to the changes in all aspects. Once he develops secretly under the cover of a medical center or other names like he did back then, he will definitely enter the field of vision of all the major forces, and then Kill the wrong ones, don't let them go, destroy all possible targets.

Although he could travel around the world and start over after death, it was better not to die as much as possible. He didn't want to just teach a group of disciples and then have them all wiped out. How unjust would these disciples be?

Development is not possible.

But it won’t work if we don’t develop.

The Temple of War and the God of War Catalog must be obtained.

what to do?

Very simple, muddy the water first!

It's easy to fish in troubled waters. As long as the water is muddy, no matter how careful the major forces are, he can develop in the gap.

As for how to muddy the water.

First of all, you must have a certain strength.

Even if you can't defeat Master Shenwu, you still have to be able to deal with Master Tianbang, otherwise you won't be able to make any waves at all.

Tianbang Grandmaster, Shenqiao Warrior, corresponds to Nascent Soul.

Xu Yang is currently in the martial arts Baodan cultivation level, which corresponds to foundation building.

The difference between the two realms of Foundation Establishment and Nascent Soul is difficult to bridge even with the help of heaven-reaching means.

Therefore, the first step is to improve your cultivation!

Although there is no catalog of the God of War, Xu Yang has also developed the martial arts system to the Yuandan realm by relying on his insights back then and the deductions of later generations. Now he can be directly promoted without the hindrance of realm bottlenecks.

The only thing lacking is resources.

In this world, although the Yuanling is revived, it seems to be locked by the major forces using the "God of War Catalog". Except for the mountain gates of the major forces and some special places, the Yuanling Qi is not abundant in other places.

The soul of heaven and earth is scarce, let alone other resources.

How to get promoted without qualifications?

Xu Yang directly took out the Evil Emperor's relic.

The evil emperor's relic was the rare treasure that made his martial arts achievements possible.

This object is said to have been discovered by the first evil emperor of the Demon Sect in an ancient tomb from the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. It can absorb the warrior's skill and turn it into essence and store it in it.

In the magic sect, there are also various evil techniques and methods that absorb other people's skills. However, no matter how clever the caster is, absorbing other people's energy is only of a auxiliary or temporary nature. No one can really permanently possess other people's skills. Be it for yourself, and greatly and endlessly increase your own cultivation.

Even if it can be done, due to the difference in the nature of the true essence, it will only be harmful rather than helpful, and it will often lead to the disaster of going crazy. The higher level is to absorb the yin and yang through the tonic technique of men and women, but it is still only an auxiliary nature, and there are many Risk is not the best way to go.

But the essence transformed from the Evil Emperor's relics can be directly absorbed as skill to enhance the inner essence of the warrior. It is truly a rare treasure.

After Xu Yang got the relic, he did some research and found that although it was consumed in the process of converting the skill into essence, the storage of skill and essence was almost unlimited, and no matter how much it came, it would never be rejected.

During the Tianwu period, Xu Yang formulated a national policy. All warriors in the realm of concentration, before their death, could come to Kyoto and inject their own skills into the Evil Emperor's relics in exchange for preferential treatment for their descendants.

Based on this, over eight hundred years, the Evil Emperor's relic absorbed the skills of countless warriors, and the amount of essence within it reached an extremely terrifying level.

Xu Yang also tried to use this method to forcefully break through the martial arts realm, but he had no technique, and several attempts ended in failure, and there was even the danger of exploding his body. He could not force his disciples to fight hard, so he had to give up the idea in the end.

From the current point of view, this treasure is most likely related to the War Temple. In other words, all the treasures in this world are related to the War Temple, including the Heshi Bi and the Bodhi Tree that he obtained before.

For this reason, even after thousands of years, the Tianmo Sect, which already owned Venerable Shenwu, still regarded this object as a treasure, searched for its traces everywhere, and finally hunted down Su Shaoqing.

Xu Yang held the Evil Emperor's relic, felt the amount of essence inside, and found that there was not much left.

This is also a matter of course. Although a large amount of essence was injected into it during the Tianwu period, it was later used to cooperate with the Xuanbing coffin to restore the vitality of his physical body. After ten thousand years of consumption, there was not much left.

Fortunately, he is already at the peak level of Dan Bao, and the remaining essence is enough to break through the level and be promoted to Yuan Dan.

Yesterday, I spent the whole night squirting with a few semen, so I delayed the update. Sorry, I’ll make it up now.

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