There is nothing much to say about the breakthrough and promotion. After retraining for several lifetimes, I am already familiar with driving. Once the relic essence is absorbed and the internal energy is transformed, it becomes the Qi Haiyuan Dan.

It is worth mentioning the difference in system.

Although the realms are similar, the martial arts Yuan Dan and Yuan Ling Jin Dan are not the same thing.

Martial Arts Yuan Dan refers to the vitality dantian, which condenses the body's qi and blood and opens up the qi sea dantian, thereby generating higher quality and more martial arts true energy, and the physical body's qi and blood will be greatly enhanced.

The Yuanling Golden Pill is a golden elixir that activates the spiritual roots through the law, absorbs the Yuanling of heaven and earth into the body, and transforms the mana, and finally condenses and takes shape in Dantian. However, it is not the same thing as Dantian. It focuses on mobilizing the Yuanling of heaven and earth. Although the power can also enhance the physical body, the effect is not as good as the martial arts Yuan Dan.

If the Yuan Dan is the Golden Dan, then why should Xu Yang practice martial arts? Wouldn't it be better to just practice Qi and practice in peace?

Martial Arts Yuan Dan and Yuan Ling Jin Dan are two different things and different systems, but they can coexist in the human body and are both the foundation of practitioners.

To use a not very accurate but easy-to-understand term, it is - dual cultivation of magic and martial arts.

Is it inappropriate for two major systems to practice together?

Xu Yang is not sure, but at least for now, he doesn't see any conflicts or hidden dangers. Instead, they are a perfect match and complement each other.

Therefore, he still plans to develop the two major systems of Qi, blood, martial arts and Tao, law and Yuanling in parallel.

If there is a problem, solve it. Only by overcoming the obstacles can you reach a prosperous road.

Anyway, he has Zhuang Zhou's Mengdie, the method of traveling around the world, and he can keep trying and making mistakes. No matter whether he succeeds or fails, it is a piece of experience and insights. If he spreads it under his feet and builds steps, it will be a ladder to the sky.

After his meritorious deeds were completed, Xu Yang opened his eyes, and the aura around him was restrained and unfathomable.

When Su Shaoqing saw this, he was also very surprised and immediately knelt down on the ground: "Congratulations to the ancestors for entering Yuan Dan!"

Although there is a suspicion of flattery, this joy is indeed real. After all, our lives have been linked for a long time, and our faith and respect are more important than blood ties.

Xu Yang shook his head, chuckled and said: "There is no need to call me ancestor emperor in the future. It doesn't sound nice and is inconvenient."

"This is!"

Hearing this, Su Shaoqing hesitated, but still nodded obediently: "Then what should I call you Shaoqing from now on...?"

Xu Yang smiled: "Call me Master."


Hearing this, Su Shaoqing was shocked and stammered: "How can Shaoqing be on par with the ancestors?"

Xu Yang shook his head: "A real man doesn't stick to trivial matters, and a cultivator puts Tao first, so why should he care about worldly views?"

"But Shaoqing is... please ask the ancestor emperor Rong Shaoqing to call him the ancestor!"

Even so, Su Shaoqing still couldn't let go, so in the end he could only come up with a compromise.

"That's fine, it's up to you."

Xu Yang didn't bother too much and just said: "But you have to change your name outside. Otherwise, even if the cultivator is young and not old, it will be suspicious."

"Young Master understands."

Su Shaoqing nodded, chuckled and said, "How about you call me Young Master in front of others in the future?"


Xu Yang was silent when he heard this.


Seeing Xu Yang's sudden silence, Su Shaoqing was also a little puzzled: "But what did Shaoqing say wrong?"


Xu Yang shook his head and said quietly: "It's just that calling him like this reminds me of an old friend."

"Old friend?"

Su Shaoqing watched his expression, curious in her heart but did not dare to ask more questions. She could only carefully test and said: "Then Shaoqing should call someone else instead?"

"No need."

Xu Yang shook his head and did not dwell on this topic. Instead, he asked: "After Yuan Dan, is Shenqiao?"


Seeing Xu Yang intending to change the topic, Shu Shaoqing also responded: "I heard that the Shenqiao warrior can use the vitality of the human body as a bridge to build a bridge from the sea of ​​​​Qi in the Dantian, connect the great road of heaven and earth, and finally use the power of the human body to control the power of heaven and earth. .”


Xu Yang raised his eyebrows: "In this way, it is similar to the harmony between heaven and man of the Ningshen warrior."

"Although they have the same purpose, they are completely different!"

Su Shaoqing shook his head and explained: "The unity of heaven and man of the Concentrating Spirit Warrior is to use the spirit to attract the vitality of heaven and earth to enhance the power of one's martial arts, while the bridge of heaven and earth of the Shenqiao Warrior is to use one's own powerful vitality to build a bridge. The power of human qi and blood and the ability to control the great ways of heaven and earth have already involved the great secrets of the human body and the great ways of heaven and earth."

"The power of human energy and blood?"

"The power of heaven and earth?"

Xu Yang murmured, seeing the splendor: "Is there any specific technique?"

"These... descendants are unfilial!"

Su Shaoqing smiled bitterly: "The method of the Divine Bridge is a top secret. You must understand the God of War Illustrated Book to inherit it. But nowadays, the major forces seem to have more families than sects. Even the Demon Sect is composed of several major families. Control, even though we tried to steal the technique, the result was..."

In the end, only a wry smile remained.

"Is that so?"

Xu Yang was not surprised when he heard this.

As early as just now, when he heard that the God of War Illustration could change the physique, Xu Yang had guessed that such a development would happen.



These are two different power structures, each with its own strengths and weaknesses.

The sect's strength lies in its numbers and qualifications. After all, it can recruit disciples from all over the world. The number and qualifications of its disciples are definitely higher than those of a family born by blood. However, without blood connections, it can easily lead to factional disputes and internal divisions.

The advantage of the family lies in the blood relationship. The relationship between the clan members is closer than that of the disciples of the sect. However, success is also related to blood, failure is also related to blood, nepotism is used instead of meritocracy, the development speed is far slower than that of the sect, and the size is even more limited. At the same time, the direct lineage is branched out. There is also the possibility of "a loving father and a filial son".

Under normal circumstances, the sect's power would definitely be greater than the family's power.

But this is not a normal situation. The God of War Catalog can change a person's physique, which is equivalent to directly erasing the problem of qualifications. There is no need to consider meritocracy, just use nepotism. Anyway, it can change the physique, and mud can also be used to support the wall.

Therefore, today's major forces are more like families than sects, with no blood relationship. Do you want to study their God of War catalog and obtain the skills of the Divine Bridge Realm or even the Divine Martial Realm?

Go ahead and dream!

Therefore, there is nothing that can be done about Tianwu's legacy failing to recover. After all, when the opportunity was lost and the Great Zhou Dynasty was destroyed, no one could reveal the God of War Catalog. However, when the God of War Catalog could be revealed, Tianwu's legacy could still be revealed. Without recovering his strength, he is unable to compete with the major forces for this treasure.

If you want the Shenqiao Shenwu Kung Fu, you can only go to the major forces.

But without the power of Shenqiao or even Shenwu, why should we seize the skills from the major forces?

The situation seemed to be in a closed loop, so Su Shaoqing had no choice but to smile bitterly.

But Xu Yang didn't care.

Without Kung Fu, you can’t practice martial arts?

Then I will become an immortal!

He doesn't have the martial arts skills of the Shenqiao Realm or the Divine Martial Realm, but he has a lot of real secrets for the Nascent Soul Realm of Divine Transformation, and he even has a method of returning to the void.

First use the method of cultivation to increase your combat power, and then go to the major forces to get the God of War catalog to complete the ultimate goal of "double cultivation of magic and martial arts".

How simple a thing?

Although Yuanling cultivation really requires spiritual root qualifications, which Xu Qingyang's body does not have, this is not an iron rule for him, because the spiritual root is, to put it bluntly, a Yuanling absorber, which can greatly improve the efficiency of Yuanling absorption. Meet the needs of cultivation techniques.

In other words, as long as you can absorb a large amount of the power of the soul into your body, you can cultivate regardless of whether you have spiritual roots or not.

In the real world, Xu Yang relied on spreading the martial arts and Taoist scriptures, and used the special effects of the "ancestors of the martial arts scriptures" and "the ancestors of the Taoist scriptures" to enhance the absorption rate of Yuanling, and planted two "Martial Spirit Roots" and "Dao Spirit Roots" for himself. ", coupled with external assistance such as spiritual stone pills, formation rituals, etc., he achieved the feat of cultivating immortality without spiritual roots.

It works in the real world, and naturally it works in dreams too.

Because the God of War catalog has not been widely circulated among the major factions, there are still many warriors in the world like Su Shaoqing who practice martial arts, which can help him absorb Yuanling and refine his Qi.

In addition, the essence of the Evil Emperor's relics can also be converted into mana, which is equivalent to special elixir materials.

He could definitely tie up a group of experts and ask them to charge the Evil Emperor's relic, and then use the essence of the Evil Emperor's relic to practice.

As for won't work for the time being. Tianji Pavilion can roughly lock his position. Before the water is muddied, he can't develop his power, or even sit in one place for a long time. He must keep moving and fight those bastards. Guerrilla, in order to ensure your own safety.

Needless to say, after several lifetimes of practice and training, Xu Yang's wisdom and scheming quickly formed a blueprint in his mind.

But to realize the plan and make the blueprint come true, resourcefulness is not enough, it must be supported by strength.

Although he has entered the realm of Yuan Dan, Yuan Dan is no more than a warrior on the Earth Ranking, and there are still two heavy mountains on top of him, the Master of the Heavenly Ranking and the Venerable Shenwu.

Therefore, we must be stronger!

Xu Yang waved his sleeves and robe, and a piece of spiritual light fell like rain, revealing a large number of items.

There were iron armors, corpses, and many ice crystal fragments.

It was the Iron Heart Fort Earthly Evil Soldier, the Ageless God Beggar Shi Wei, who had died at his hands before, as well as the fragments of the Xuan Ice Coffin, as well as the two burly men carrying the ice coffin.

Storage bags?

Of course not. He had just resurrected, so where did the storage bag come from? It was just a Qiankun Sleeve spell derived from the "Qiankun Bag".

Of course, this Qiankun Sleeve is not the other Qiankun Sleeve. Although it can also collect objects and people, it is far from the point of "the Qiankun in the sleeve". At most, it is a disposable storage bag and a beast-taming bag, and its function is quite limited.

"Fifth brother, seventh brother!"

Seeing the corpses of the two big men, Su Shaoqing's eyes turned red.

In the Tianwu legacy, the Su family was destroyed. Only she and her two brothers escaped from the secret passage with the Xuanbing coffin. Unexpectedly, they leaked the news and were targeted by people from the Iron Heart Fort and the Demon Sect. In the end, they died tragically of the immortal. The god beggar is under the stone stick.

Fortunately, Shi Wei had already been beheaded, and his death was even more tragic.

"The two of them are your clan brothers, so let them rest in peace."

Seeing this, Xu Yang didn't say much, and directly used a spell to disperse the "soul-binding curse" on the two of them, then melted the ground and buried their bodies.

He can refine corpses and ghosts. Although he can "resurrection" the two of them, without the ancestor's altar and ritual incense, the transformed ghosts are no longer the original people and cannot compete with Taoism at all. Compared with the underworld, ghosts and gods.

Therefore, it is better to rest in peace.

Su Shaoqing had no objection to this, but was a little surprised that the ancestor's tone sounded as if these corpses had a second choice besides being buried in the ground.

Do you want to whip the corpse to vent your anger?

While Su Shaoqing was puzzled, Xu Yang had already activated the spell and lifted the soul-spelling spell on all the corpses.

The Soul Imprisonment Curse, a heretical Taoist method, can imprison the soul of the deceased in the corpse, thereby enhancing the evil spirit of the ghost and the corpse. It is a must-learn method for conquering ghosts and refining corpses.

Although it is an evil way, it is righteous if used correctly, and Xu Yang will not stick to small details.

The spell was released, and although the imprisonment was short-lived, a gloomy and sinister energy still emerged from the heavily armored corpse.

These Black Iron Divine Weapons are actually warriors, or warriors with alchemy cultivation. They are physically strong and have unrivaled physiques. In terms of quality, they are even higher than the corpses of ordinary foundation-building monks, and are even the best materials for refining corpses.

In addition, the dark iron magical weapons on their bodies are also extraordinary. They are the "specialties" of Iron Heart Castle. The dark iron spiritual materials generated from the God of War catalog are forged with the secret method of killing the wolf and breaking the tribulation of the wolf. Finally, they become this weapon, capable of attacking and defending. A black iron magic weapon with both abilities.

After practicing corpse refining, although he has no real energy and can no longer form the Earthly Evil Formation of Iron Heart Fort, Xu Yang has his own Taoist Yin Soldier Formation, which can also be used as a good combat force.

I saw Xu Yang using his magic power and chanting the curse.

"The sky is clear, the earth is spirited, the Yin soldiers and the five ghosts listen to the talisman's command, and their supernatural powers change thousands of miles, slaying the unruly people in the world, and slaying all the unrighteous gods in the world..."


The spell was recited, the dark wind rose, and phantoms flew out from the corpse, sending out bursts of screams in the cave.


Su Shaoqing's eyes shrank, and he was extremely horrified. He looked at the ghosts howling in the sky, and Xu Yang, who was sitting on the stone platform, destroying the spell. He didn't know what to do for a moment.

Is this... a method of manipulating souls and controlling ghosts?

Is there such magic in the world?

No, it should be said that the ancestor emperor actually knows such evil arts?

Could it be that he also learned from the God of War catalogue? I heard that the magic of the demon sect can also charm the soul, control the mind, and refine various demon corpse puppets...

The sight of Yin soldiers practicing was so strange that Su Shaoqing was confused and at a loss.

Xu Yang ignored it, and the spells and talismans were destroyed, and the complicated talismans and seal characters penetrated into the bodies of the ghosts all over the sky.



The dark wind howled, and the ghosts fled in fright, rushing back into the body.

"The divine soldiers are in a hurry—get up!!!"

Just a deep cry was heard, and the seventy-two corpses that were silent on the ground stood straight up. The whole body was filled with gloomy and evil energy, and there was a faint light in the black iron armor, like evil ghosts in hell, trying to choose people to devour. .

It's exactly the method of ghost corpse refining!

The combination of the art of conquering ghosts and the art of refining corpses is stronger, more intelligent, and more ferocious than pure ghosts and zombies. If one of them fails, there is a risk of backlash. It is a very extreme evil sect. Taoism.

But evil methods have one characteristic, and that is quick results.

With his current strength, and these seventy-two armored corpses, he would not be able to defeat the Tianbang warriors who had reached the Shenqiao realm, but he could still survive by cutting off his tail.

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