In the Wandao Palace, the atmosphere was tense and murderous.

Several god-transformation monks were pale and paralyzed as mud. Most of them were unconscious. The rest of their bodies were trembling and in extreme pain. This was exactly the result of being searched by the Xuantian Master and other people who returned to the void to search for their souls.

In comparison, Xiao Qingyun's situation is actually better, because the people searching for his soul are all fusion monks, less than ten people, and their methods are relatively sophisticated. The damage to his soul is not that great, and some of his actions are even Power.

Feeling the surging anger and murderous intent of the people around him, he knew that if he didn't do something, there would be only one result waiting for him, that is, his body and soul would be destroyed, and he would die without a complete body!


"Don't make the mistake of yourself!"

With a sharp shout, Xiao Qingyun stood up, completely ignoring Xu Yang behind him, and only looked at the monks in the hall, especially the ones in front: "I am an angel from the upper realm, representing the face of heaven. How is the strength of heaven? You all already know that if the mantis arm is used as a chariot, the result will be the destruction of both body and spirit!"

After hearing these words, everyone looked at him coldly and didn't express their opinions at all. They only watched how he shouted.

Such an attitude made Xiao Qingyun even more panicked, but now that he was riding a tiger, he had no other choice. He could only insist on saying: "Although the Heavenly Court's actions this time are somewhat inappropriate, they are also done for the overall interests of our human race and are a last resort." After all, things have changed now, and the remaining monks in the academy have also accepted..."

"The overall situation of the human race?"

Before he finished speaking, someone came out of the queue. She was a gorgeous woman in colorful robes: "You are so narrow-minded that you dare to call yourself the Heavenly Court and think that you are the Lord of the Upper Realm. You are actually immoral and steal your position!"

" not good!"

Seeing this person, Xiao Qingyun was startled at first, and then his expression changed drastically.

In the midst of the chaos, something went wrong, and he actually forgot one important thing, that is, the Ten Thousand Dao Academy pursues the concept of "education without distinction, universal unity", rather than the supremacy of humanity, and it cannot achieve the supremacy of humanity.

Because in Wandao Academy, in addition to human monks, there are also a large number of demon clans, and even the Xin clan among them are "relatives of the emperor". They have a respected status and strong strength. They always have a place in the Mingxiao Hall of Qilin Palace. Bit.

Such a gorgeous woman in front of her is not from the Xin clan, but she is also from the demon clan. She is a descendant of the Qingluan fairy from Fengwu Mountain. Powerful combination.

Not only her, the number of demon cultivators in Wandao Academy has remained high from the beginning to the end. Their history can even be traced back to the good spirits of Guobei Academy, who were the founders of the family and ministers of the dragon.

In addition, Wandao Academy has rules and regulations for governing the world and raising them properly. They use methods such as "spiritual planting to control beasts" and "spiritual enlightenment" to cultivate a large number of spiritual beasts, so that they can be reborn as humans and transform into monsters. The number is even more terrifying. Although it is not as large as the human race with a huge population base, it still accounts for 30 to 40% of the total number.

Therefore, in the Ten Thousand Dao Academy, there is no such thing as the supremacy of Dao, only the idea of ​​universal unity.

No matter the human monks or the monsters and spirits, they do not consider themselves to be divided into blood races. They are all monks in the academy and the disciples of the Taoist master.

So, wouldn't his words be tantamount to poking a hornet's nest?

Xiao Qingyun's face was full of horror, and he hurriedly defended: "The situation in the upper world is different from that in the lower world. The demons in the upper world are evil and do evil. In order to protect ourselves, we, the human monks, had no choice but to do this helpless thing. It's not..."

He hurriedly defended, but his descriptions became darker and darker. Seeing that Fairy Fengming's face became more and more unkind, he quickly changed the subject: "No matter what, you will eventually ascend to the upper world. From ancient times to the present, no immortal has been born in the lower world. All of you who have been promoted to the union are all powerful people with peerless talents. Is it possible that you will be trapped in this lower realm until death, or will you blindly follow this person, commit rebellion and become the enemy of heaven?"

As he spoke, he turned his attention to Xu Yang, who was behind him.


Xu Yang didn't react to this, but everyone was furious. The red-haired and red-bearded fusion monk even stepped forward ferociously, trying to capture him.

This made Xiao Qingyun's complexion change and he shouted repeatedly: "Don't make the mistake of yourselves. You are different from this person. He has a supreme treasure and a heavenly opportunity. Even if he does not mention cultivation and does not ascend to the upper world, he can still live in this earthly world." You will never grow old and live forever!"

"You all follow him so blindly, why don't you sacrifice your own path to die for him? My heavenly court recruits talented people, and with the combined power of all of you, you can even have a place in the upper world!"

"At that time, you will be able to gain the support of heaven and the emperor's guidance. Not only will you be able to be promoted to the Mahayana, but you will also be able to get a glimpse of the path to immortality and achieve the path to immortality in the future!"

"Think twice, think twice!"

Xiao Qingyun kept talking, trying his best to persuade.

Although he also knew that there was little hope of doing so, even those academies who ascended to the upper world, but their Nascent Soul cultivation levels were like latrine stones, smelly and hard, let alone these major cultivators who had returned to the void and merged.

His heart is so strong that it is hard to shake him!

But now, what can he do? He can only try his best and fight to the death.


"Do you think that everyone is just like you and has no sense of shame?"

True Lord Red Eyebrows, whose nature is like fire, came in a rage and wanted to slap him to death on the Mingxiao Palace.


At this moment, a whisper rang out, and the ethereal light flashed past, wiping Xiao Qingyun and others away without a trace.

"Tao Master!"

Seeing this, True Lord Red Eyebrow stopped just now, Fairy Fengming and others also turned their eyes and looked at the cloud bed, waiting for Xu Yang to make a decision.

"It's tolerable, but what can't be tolerated!"

Xu Yang looked at the crowd and spoke calmly but decisively, setting the tone of the matter.

"Tao Master!"

Hearing these words, the Red-browed True Monarch suddenly raised his eyebrows and showed a bit of excitement: "We will kill him in the upper realm and change the world for thousands of years!"


"That's doable!"

"The Emperor of Heaven is nothing more than a Nine Tribulations Immortal. Although there is a gap between us and him, it is not irreparable!"

"My Wandao Academy has heavenly craftsmanship and mecha skills. As long as I can ascend to the upper realm and operate and develop secretly, thousands of years later, I will definitely be able to make the heaven pay for my debt with blood."

"Having said that, we still need to take a long-term view!"

"Although Tianting is an imposter, he is not the founder of the Taoism in the past, the ancient immortal god, but he has also inherited the Taoism, and there are many secrets and methods in it. With his true immortal cultivation, if we go forward rashly, I am afraid that we will surrender. Snare.”

"The upper realm and the lower realm are different from time to time. With the resources of my Ten Thousand Dao Academy, I can continue to work for ten thousand years to launch the seventh-level heavenly craftsmanship and high-grade fairy mecha, and then go to the upper realm to explain it."

"The seventh-level heavenly craftsmanship, corresponding combination, has not exceeded the limit of this world, and there is great hope that it can be achieved within ten thousand years!"

"There are still predecessors like me in the heaven. I wonder if they can survive until that day..."

Seeing Xu Yang setting the tone, everyone also spoke out.

Everyone agrees with the plan to conquer the sky.

But everyone has their own opinions on how to cut it and how to cut it.

Those with fire-like natures, such as the Red-browed True Monarch, and the newly promoted merging geniuses such as Fairy Fengming, advocate going directly to the heavens and nourishing war with war until the world is turned upside down.

The four great heavenly masters, being mature and prudent, suggested developing in the lower realms and accumulating strength until the seventh-level heavenly craftsmanship was completed, creating top-grade fairy mechas, and then going up to heaven to settle the cause and effect.

Everyone has their own views, opinions, and reasons, and no one can be wrong.

In the end, I could only turn my attention back to Xu Yang and see how he made the decision.

"It is natural to do the deeds of conquering the sky, but we must not rush forward."

Xu Yang also made up his mind and said calmly: "I will dispatch a clone to go to the upper world to explore first. As for the matter of the academy..."

As the same saying goes, what is tolerable is what is intolerable!

If you can even tolerate this kind of thing and make concessions, then what else will you not be able to tolerate and make concessions on in the future?

Not to mention that Xu Yang doesn't want to endure it, even if he takes a step back and says that he, the Taoist master, is willing to tolerate it, these people under him, the hundreds of millions of monks in the Wandao Academy, are not willing to accept it.

This is determined by the shaping of the concept of life. Under the academy system and moral education, all high-level cultivators are moral cultivators who have gone through layers of selection and numerous tests.

Under the influence of the overall environment, their outlook on life and morality have long been finalized. For them to accept this kind of thing is to destroy their Taoist heart and deny their own concept of life, which is absolutely impossible!

Although with Xu Yang's authority, no one dared to say anything even if the matter was suppressed, but just because they didn't dare to say it on the face didn't mean they didn't dare to say it in their hearts.

If people's hearts are broken, it will be difficult to lead the team!

Among the many characteristics of his teaching skills, he leads by example, has a role model for all generations, and upholds integrity, but there is no "mind control", "disguising a deer as a horse" or "confused right and wrong!"

The system of Wandao Academy was built from top to bottom by him, the Taoist master. Once he denies all of this, the system of Wandao Academy will collapse from top to bottom and eventually lead to its demise. Or distortion.

That is definitely not what Xu Yang wants to see.

This head cannot be opened!

This revenge must be avenged!


Three days later, Xuantian College, Qingfeng Xiaozhu.

In the professor's cave distributed by the college, Ye Hao sat alone, staring at the screen with cold eyes.

On the screen, the news broadcast was full of normal news.

"According to the 9321st census of the Wandao Academy, as of the year 13579 of the Wandao Era, the total population under the rule of our Wandao Academy was 298,750 million people, of which The number of cultivators is 298.7 billion. They account for 99% of the total population..."

"It has been seven thousand three hundred and twenty-five years since the two realms merged. With the power of the world and the support of all the dharma of our Wandao Academy, the Yuanling of heaven and earth has grown significantly, and the overall level of cultivation has been greatly improved. There are now ten combined true kings Eight people, 3,285 people who have returned to the virtual world, 1,750,000 god-transforming venerables, 787,450,000 Yuanying monks..."

"According to the survey, after the two worlds merged, the world's status rose. To this day, the boundaries between heaven and earth are still expanding. The current population under the Academy's rule has not yet reached 50% of the world's capacity..."

"The latest Earth Spirit Cultivation Method launched by Wandao Academy has passed the actual test. Currently, the masters of each major college use their respective colleges as the spiritual foundation to practice the Earth Spirit method, sort out Feng Shui, and adjust the Earth Qi to enhance the overall Yuanling. The next batch of Earth Spirits is expected to be available. It will be released after a hundred years and will be redeemed by credit contribution..."

"Frontline battle report, the Tianmo Sect is fighting again. Several combined-level demons from the world of desire joined forces to attack the demon-suppressing tower, but were cut back by the Taoist master with Xuanyuan. The alert defense level of the three major demon-locking towers has been raised, and it is expected that there will be three more The real merging monarch is transferred to ensure the safety of the Magic Locking Tower..."

Looking at the information broadcast on the news, Ye Hao frowned and secretly wondered: "Three days have passed and there is still no news. Could it be that that group is bluffing?"

As a member of Xuantian Academy and a professor with the official title of cultivating gods, he naturally knew that three days ago, someone broke through the realm and came to Xuantian City and claimed to be an angel from the upper world. He also knew that his master Xuantian Academy Master and his There were conflicts.

Therefore, he is very concerned about this matter. He has been in front of the TV these days to see if there are any relevant news reports.

But three days later, there was still no movement, and there was no news from Xuantian College. This made Ye Hao very puzzled: "If it is a bluff and not a messenger from the upper realm, where did it come from, and will it happen again?" The matter of joining the world..."

"Now let's move to the live broadcast of the first conference of Wandao Academy. The master of Tiangong Academy, Zhenjun Fengming, will host this conference!"

Just when Ye Hao was deep in thought, the scene suddenly changed and he came to the conference site.

In the venue, on the main stage in the center, the beautiful Fairy Fengming, dressed in colorful clouds, put on a serious look and preached loudly: "The thirty-six main courtyards of Wandao Academy, the seventy-two branches, and a thousand Eight hundred branch schools voted, and the Ascension School Plan was unanimously approved."

"Now, based on the Taoist master's decision and the votes of all the schools in the Wandao Academy, I issue the highest order of the Wandao Academy. From now on, all parties, schools, colleges, and departments will fully cooperate to form the Ascension Academy!"

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