Cultivation: When you do things to the extreme

Chapter 336 Planning (Second update)

"Ascension to the Academy?"

"Such a big move, with everyone mobilized from top to bottom, is even worse than the battle preparation orders when the two worlds merged during the Demon Ran disaster."

"Could it be that what that group of people said was true and that they were really angels from the upper realm, and this triggered the ascension incident?"

"No, if it is really an angel from the upper realm, then the ancestors of the past should be behind it. Even the immortals and gods are inextricably related. The relationship between the two parties, no matter how close they are, should not be hostile. Why is the academy doing this now? Movement, a posture of preparing for war against the enemy?"

"Could it be that the person who came here is evil and wants to start a war?"

A monk who transforms into a god is a monk who transforms into a god. With one thought, he has thousands of thoughts, and in a blink of an eye, Ye Hao has seen the key clues.

"Ascension to the Academy, Ascension to the Academy, since it is an ascension, it must be from bottom to top!"

"The people from the upper world are coming with bad intentions and are provoking a war. Is that why the Academy is so prepared for war?"

"Upper realm, ascension, battle..."

Ye Hao's eyes changed, showing shock.

But the shock turned into shock, and the shock turned into fright. There was no fear or trepidation, but rather a sense of eagerness and eagerness to try.

His surname is Ye, from the Ye family!

Wandao Academy, although it seeks fairness in laws and regulations, does not mean selflessness or renunciation. Practitioners still enjoy their own freedom. As long as they do not break the laws and abolish public affairs for private purposes, the academy will not control how they behave. .

Therefore, under the main body of the academy, there are also various factions, groups, and groups. There are large academic institutions, such as Mingxiao, Tiangong, Shennong, Bingwu, etc., and small families, such as the Xin Family Hu Clan, There are also families with different surnames.

His Ye family is also one of them. The strongest member of the family is a major cultivator of returning to the void. Although he was unable to become the master of the 1800th branch of the academy due to limited abilities, he also got the position of deputy master. Barely considered a first-class family.

And all of this is thanks to the ancestor of their Ye family - Ye Fan!

Thinking back to those days, when the two worlds were not united, Wandao Academy was not yet so prosperous. Ye Fan, the ancestor of their Ye family, was just a mediocre ordinary monk. His greatest pursuit in life was to enter the Golden Elixir.

But no matter what, opportunities can't be stopped when they come. At the beginning of the union of Dao, Fa, Yuan and Ling, Wandao Academy mobilized a large amount of resources to start full combat preparations to deal with the disaster of Demon Ran.

Their ancestor, Ye Fanhui, had a discerning eye and a sharp gaze. He decisively seized this opportunity. In the dark magic weapon workshop, he relied on his "screw-driving" skills in exchange for credit contributions. In the end, he successfully formed the elixir and stepped into the Yuan Dynasty step by step. Entering the infant realm created the foundation of their Ye family.

Although in the end, due to limited talent, he was unable to enter the realm of deity and went to the underworld with regret, this is still an extremely inspirational story that has inspired generations of descendants of the Ye family.

Today, the Ye family has become the Huixu family. It is also a high-level family in the Wandao Academy and is qualified to take a seat in the Mingxiao Hall of the Qilin Palace.

These achievements are all attributed to their ancestor Ye Fan, and to the integration of the Taoist world and the Yuanling world.

Not only their Ye family, Wandao Academy, up and down, all cultivators must be grateful for the great opportunity of that era.

If it were not for this opportunity to bring the two realms together and revive the Yuanling, the Wandao Academy would never be as glorious as it is today.

Today, under the rule of Wandao Academy, the total number of cultivators has reached a terrifying 298,750 million.

There are nearly three trillion people. What is this concept?

What is even more terrifying is the number of high-level cultivators among these three trillion people.

Not counting the combination, not counting the return to the void, not even counting the transformation into gods, there are 787.45 million people in Nascent Soul alone!

Three trillion people, nearly 800 million Nascent Souls!

what does that mean?

This means that under the rule of Wandao Academy, the monks' infant condensation rate has reached one in four thousand.

About every four thousand monks, one person condenses into a Nascent Soul.

What a terrifying probability is this?

When Guobei Academy was not yet established, the entire world, with a population of hundreds of millions, would need thousands of years of accumulation to produce a Taoist master with the Nascent Soul cultivation level.

Now, there is one Nascent Soul for every four thousand people, and there is a golden elixir foundation underneath it. The gold content of the monks in the academy has reached an extremely terrifying level.

All of this is due to the union of the two realms and the resurrection of the Yuanling!

The combination of Taoism, Yuanling, and the two realms is not as simple as "one plus one equals two."

The power of the Yuanling world seems to have played a leading role in the Taoist world. The result of the combination of the two worlds is far greater than the two, which has greatly increased the status of the world, and both the living space and resource output have increased significantly.

Only in this way can the population increase from 300 billion to 3 trillion in just seven thousand years.

Not only the quantity has improved, but the quality has also been improved.

Cultivation requires resources and even more qualifications!

The improvement of world status and the growth of Yuanling's power have also significantly improved the qualifications of living beings. Among other things, let's talk about those with spiritual roots. According to the statistics of Wandao Academy, the probability of newborns having spiritual roots has reached an astonishing level. Sixty-five percent.

Sixty-five of the one hundred people have spiritual roots and can practice directly. The remaining ones without spiritual roots can also rely on resources to practice the martial arts methods sent from the world of divine martial arts, plus the false cultivation methods left by the gods... …

Nowadays, the number of cultivators in Wandao Academy has reached 99% of the total population, and the remaining 1% are newborns who have not yet practiced cultivation. They have truly realized the great wish of "everyone is like a dragon".

This is the great result of the integration of the two worlds and the governance of the academy!

Therefore, Ye Hao was not a little afraid or panicked, but instead felt excited and even ready to make a move.

It’s coming, it’s finally here, the new era is finally here!

In the last era, the ancestor Ye Fan was able to create the foundation of the Ye family with his mediocre appearance and rely on "driving screws". As for him, he has already cultivated himself into a god, been trained by the academy, and supported by his family, and he can What kind of world will it create?

Ye Hao was very excited and looking forward to it. With his talent, there was no hope of returning to the void in this life. After his life span of more than 2,000 years as a god ended, he would either go to the Yinshan Prefecture to become a ghost or a god, or he would simply disappear into thin air.

Although three thousand years ago, Wandao Academy introduced the Earthly Cultivation Method, which can greatly extend life and even lead to immortality, it requires too many resources to be invested. Even Wandao Academy can only introduce a limited number of imperial seals.

Currently, only the masters of major academies and the great monks who have returned to virtual reality are qualified to practice the earthly method.

The ancestors of his Ye family who were returning to the void were only the vice-presidents. At least they had to wait until the next batch of imperial titles were released before they could be eligible to redeem them with their credit contributions. There was no way he could get his turn as he was just a god.

Therefore, the new era of Ascension Academy is his only opportunity, and he must seize it!

As for the risks…

There are risks, and they are huge.

Ascension, ascension, from bottom to top, is called ascension!

The risk in the lower world versus the upper world is not only huge, but it is simply a matter of using mortals to defeat immortals and seeking death.

But for the sake of the road, why fear life and death?

Ye Hao believed that the Taoist Master and the Academy would not lead them to death unless they had no choice but to survive in death.

So, what's there to be afraid of?

It’s just a matter of giving it a try!

What's more, this fight may not be lost!

Since the scourge of demon dyeing was eliminated seven thousand years ago, Wandao Academy has entered a relatively peaceful period of development. Although there are movements from time to time in the three magic locking towers that need to be suppressed, there has never been another war between the two worlds.

Therefore, for more than 7,000 years, Wandao Academy has been using the abundant resources after the two worlds merged to develop vigorously. The trillions of people are just one of the results, not the entire crystallization.

Apart from the population, there are also supplies. After more than seven thousand years of peace, without the consumption of war, the Wandao Academy has accumulated so many resources, how much magic money, how many spiritual stones, how many materials, how many spiritual treasures, how many mechas, and How many dark soldiers, ghost generals, gods and kings of the underworld...

Ye Hao didn't know and couldn't imagine it.

But he can be sure that once the Wandao Academy starts fighting again, and the war complex system that has been silent for more than seven thousand years starts to operate again, the power it will explode will shock even the upper world.

What if we go against each other and go against the sky?

What the Wandao Academy does is something that goes against heaven!

Even more than the risks, Ye Hao is more concerned about how far this so-called "upper realm" has reached, but he must not be a useless silver-gun wax head. His future path, as well as the rise and fall of his family, But they are all worried about it!

Three days later, Qilin Palace and Mingxiao Palace.

"The plan to ascend to the Academy has been carried out!"

"According to the plan, the Ascension Academy will use the "Void Palace" as the main core, and will use all its strength to deduce the seventh-level heavenly craftsmanship within ten thousand years, refine the top-grade immortal weapon to break the Void Monument, and use this as the core to create the top-grade billions of magic weapons. The fairy mecha flies to the academy!"

"Ascension Academy is expected to recruit a hundred fusion cultivators, three thousand Void Return cultivators, one hundred thousand Divine Transformation cultivators, and one million Nascent Soul cultivators. Golden elixir and the following are temporarily excluded. Registration is currently open. All parties are welcome. If you apply enthusiastically, you should be able to meet the recruitment plan within ten thousand years."

"All parties, all governments and colleges are cooperating fully to mobilize magic money, spiritual stones, and various materials and supplies. When the Ascension Academy is completed, it should be able to supply the war for a hundred years."

"The planned new mechas and related magic weapons have also been put into production. When they ascend to the upper realm of the academy, we will ensure that all cultivators have mecha control and logistical reserves..."

True Lord Fengming, who is also the master of Tiangong Academy, stood before His Highness to report on the progress.

Xu Yang nodded, chuckled and said, "Well done."

"The upper world and the lower world, ten times the time difference, a plan that lasts thousands of years..."

Standing aside, the mature and prudent Palace Master Chunyang, one of the Four Heavenly Masters, groaned, then raised his head and looked at Xu Yang: "Tao Master, you need to be careful when you go here!"

Xu Yang's expression remained unchanged and his chuckle remained: "This is natural."


Palace Master Chunyang sighed: "If our predecessors had not been imprisoned and allowed us to practice deeply for a hundred thousand years, this matter would have been absolutely foolproof. Now that our troops are in danger, we are powerless and can only rely on the Taoist Master." Got it!"

"Ten thousand years is enough, why need a hundred thousand!"

True Lord Fengming has a beautiful appearance and is even more domineering: "After ten thousand years, when the academy ascends, they will be ordered to give blood for blood and life for life!"

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