Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 459: Spirit Devouring Insect

Seeing his disciple Chen Song hesitating to speak, Xuanyuan Zhen immediately sighed and said:

"If you have anything to say, just say it!"

Hearing this, Chen Song plucked up his courage and said:

"Master! You know that the trial of the Hopeless Sea has changed, so why do you want to take this muddy water?

Master, don't you often say that those who fight for fame will lose their bodies because of their fame; those who seize profit will die for profit;

All in all, it would be better for me to wait for the water to be beautiful and the mountains to be green, to be at ease, please... please Master think twice. "

As Xuanyuan Zhen's eldest disciple, Chen Song naturally knew some unknown things.

He had discussed with the Master before, about the trial of the Hopeless Sea, and he knew that the Master was going to be in danger.

That's why he dared to speak to Xuanyuan Zhen, hoping that the Master could stay in the cabinet.

Xuanyuan Zhen glanced at Chen Song when he heard the words, felt the concern in his words and was not angry, then turned his head to look at the distant sky, and said softly:

"I've made up my mind on this matter, you go down first!"

Seeing that he could no longer persuade the Master, Chen Song sighed helplessly, and teleported away.

At the same time, in Qianling Prefecture, southern Xinjiang, outside the mountain gate of the Tianyan Sect headquarters.

A disheveled, ragged cultivator, whose true energy was almost depleted, staggered and fell outside the mountain gate while flying with his sword.

Immediately, he was loudly reprimanded by the disciple guarding the mountain gate:

"Where did the beggar come from? This is the sect of my Tianyan Sect, and the idlers should retreat quickly."

"I... I am Xia Housheng, a disciple of Tianyan Sect. Hurry... take me to the head of the sect, I have something important to report."

Xia Housheng said weakly, and then took out a piece of identity jade badge of Tianyan Sect disciple from the storage bag with difficulty,

Then he slumped on the ground, panting heavily.

After the disciple guarding the mountain gate confirmed his identity information, he saw that Xia Housheng had many injuries on his body and that his true energy was exhausted.

Guessing in my heart, this Xia Housheng must be the senior brother who returned from a mission outside. He dared not neglect important matters, so he quickly threw out the Flying Sword and took Xia Housheng to the main peak in the Sect.

After the secret realm of Tianyin Mountain ended, Xia Housheng went all the way south, but he was interrogated by three people from Tianyuan Pavilion on the way.

At first Xia Housheng wanted to get away with it, but unexpectedly the other party wanted to snatch Xia Housheng's storage bag.

In desperation, Xia Housheng had no choice but to stand up and resist. After some fighting, he killed two and escaped one.

Afterwards, Xia Housheng was hunted down endlessly, and once almost died. When he was seriously injured and dying, he took the Medicine Pill given to him by Lu Chen in a panic.

Who would have thought that once the Medicine Pill was eaten, Xia Housheng would soon be revived with full blood, and the Cultivation Base would be slightly improved.

This made Xia Housheng amazed by Lu Chen's Medicine Pill as a Deva, so he rushed back to southern Xinjiang desperately, not daring to stop along the way.

So much so that he rushed to Tianyanzong

, there is no real energy to maintain Yujian's flight......

And at the bottom of the Yalong River at this moment.

The exclamation of a female cultivator immediately attracted everyone's attention.

But immediately everyone's face changed drastically, and they couldn't help feeling their scalps go numb, and they quickly moved closer to the middle, looking around in horror.

"Sososo... Sososo..."

I saw countless dark brown insects that looked exactly like leeches, and were quickly approaching everyone.

The ground and the formation light curtain above the head were all covered with that kind of bugs.

These insects seemed to be overwhelmed by an army, and soon came to everyone.

"Everyone, be careful! These are spirit devouring insects, quickly... launch an attack quickly, and don't let them get close."

At this time, a disciple in the crowd exclaimed.

Then take the lead in offering your own Magic Treasures, and start attacking these devouring insects to avoid them approaching.

Spirit Devouring Insects are a group of spirit insects that move extremely fast and have sharp teeth. They specialize in eating substances rich in Spiritual Qi, and are very ferocious.

The other disciples also showed panic after hearing the words "spirit devouring insects". They quickly sacrificed their own Magic Treasures and started to attack.

Especially the female cultivator, who was so frightened by the dense swarm of spirit-eating insects that her face turned pale.

"Boom boom boom..."

As the crowd continued to attack, the flames burst into flames and exploded again and again.

"Ah... help me... help me..."

At this time, a disciple let out a scream, and then called for help one after another, and the Magic Treasures in his hand fell to the ground with a bang.

I saw countless spirit-eating insects covering him, and some directly entered his body, like countless ants covering his whole body.

Then there were bursts of chewing and biting sounds, mixed with the disciple's screams, even if he rolled on the ground desperately, it would not help.

In just a few breaths, the cultivator was devoured by the spirit devouring insects, leaving only a pile of white bones.

This scene immediately made everyone feel horrified, so they launched an attack even more desperately, for fear that they would die like that.

However, the spirit-eating insects seem to be inexhaustible, and they are inexhaustible. Often, as soon as you kill a wave, countless spirit-eating insects will rush up.

And it was discovered that the corpses of the spirit-eating insects would also be eaten by the later spirit-eating insects.

And the spirit devouring insects that eat their companions seem to have become more powerful in terms of defense and attack.

During this period, a disciple wanted to fly Yujian and rush out of the formation light curtain, but before he got close to the formation light curtain, he was enveloped by the spirit-eating insects attached to the formation light curtain.

Then he let out screams, and when he fell, he had turned into a pile of bones.

"Brother Yunfei! What should I do? My true energy is being consumed at a very high speed. If this continues, we will all die here."

While launching an attack, Qi Yutang approached Yang Yunfei,

shouted anxiously.

"What about Brother Han Yu?"

Yang Yunfei did not answer Qi Yutang, but called their senior brother Han Yu loudly.

Han Yu is the person with the highest Cultivation Base in this trip. He has a Cultivation Base with a Dzogchen fusion period, and he is also a leader in the Outer Sect, so everyone takes him as the leader.

"Everyone, don't panic, we will definitely find a way to get out."

Han Yu shouted loudly when he heard the words.

Then he slashed out with a sharp sword, and a powerful Sword Ray immediately followed him. When the Sword Ray arrived, another large group of fast-approaching spirit-eating insects were beheaded.

At this time, Han Yu quickly threw out dozens of array flags, which turned into several golden beams and scattered around, and then disappeared into the surrounding sand and stones.

At the same time, Han Yu quickly formed seals with both hands, with a faint brilliance flashing at the fingertips,

Then a formation light curtain quickly formed like a vegetable greenhouse, covering everyone in a space the size of half a basketball court.

"Sosososo... Sososo..."

At this time, a large number of spirit-eating insects quickly covered the formation light curtain, making everyone worried for a while.

Fortunately, no matter how rampant the spirit-eating insects were, they couldn't enter the formation light curtain. They were so anxious that they ran around and made strange roars.

At this moment, everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief, praised Brother Han's extraordinary means, and then quickly sat in the Lotus Position to recover their true energy.

Qi Yutang looked at Sun Lifang's figure in the crowd, and when he saw that she was fine, he smiled knowingly.

"Yutang is in trouble! Where's Cheng Zhi? Zhao Chengzhi is gone!"

After Yang Yunfei looked around, because he didn't see Zhao Chengzhi's figure, he said anxiously.

Qi Yutang looked around subconsciously, and after confirming that there was no Zhao Chengzhi in the formation, his face also changed sadly and said:

"It's over, it's over, something must have happened to Zhao Chengzhi."

Yang Yunfei also felt sad when he heard the words, the three of them just had a small relationship, but he was forced to leave his hometown because of his concubines.

Taking into account the brotherhood, Zhao Chengzhi and Qi Yutang took the initiative to follow him out. Now that something happened to Zhao Chengzhi, Yang Yunfei felt very guilty and sad.

Yang Yunfei looked angrily at the spirit-eating insects outside the formation, really wishing to rush out and kill them all.

"Brother Yunfei! Do you think we will also become a pile of bones, and we will hate it here?"

Qi Yutang lost his way.

Hearing this, Yang Yunfei looked at Qi Yutang with some confusion, and said with a smile:

"Don't worry! We'll be fine."

"Hurry up and take out all the Spirit Stones on your body and give them to me. I don't have many Spirit Stones on me. Otherwise, when my Spirit Stones are exhausted, everyone will die here when the formation fails."

Just when everyone recovered their true energy, Han Yu suddenly said anxiously.

His words immediately aroused a lot of discussion among the crowd, and the scene became noisy......

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