Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 460 Horror Attracting Star Art

As we all know, formations are generally divided into: spirit formations and divine formations. Each formation is divided into first-level to ninth-level in terms of power.

Formation can be further divided into functions: defense formation, attack formation, auxiliary formation...

From the effect, it can be divided into: illusion array, killing array, monitoring array, teleportation array...

But no matter what kind of formation, Spiritual Qi is needed as the source of energy for the formation to run.

So, when Brother Han Yuhan suggested that everyone take out their own Spirit Stones.

Although it caused criticism from some people, it didn't take long for everyone to choose to hand in their own Spirit Stones.

After all, for Spirit Stones, life is the most important thing.

"Senior Brother Han! What should we do now? We can't stay here forever! If I had known this was the case, I wouldn't have come to participate in this mission."

Another disciple of Huang Fenggu looked at Han Yudao in fear.

"Don't be discouraged! I believe that if the Elders find out that we haven't gone up for a long time, they will definitely come down to check in person. By then, won't we be saved?"

Han Yu comforted, then sat in the Lotus Position and began to recover the true energy in his body.


Just when everyone thought that they could sit back and relax with a formation light curtain to isolate the spirit-eating insects.

A few leech-like, dark brown insects were sticking their heads out of the river sand under everyone's feet.

Then he scrambled towards one of the female disciples of the Yinshen Sect who had a cold face but was beautiful and moving.

And because the female disciple was recovering her true energy, she didn't realize the danger was coming.

"Be careful!" Qi Yutang, who had been scrutinizing Sun Lifang all the time, saw this, his face suddenly changed, and then his figure flashed, and he rushed directly to Sun Lifang.

Everyone opened their eyes immediately upon hearing this, including Sun Lifang.

It's too late, but it's fast.

Sun Lifang opened her eyes, and immediately found the spirit devouring insects under her feet, then her eyes froze, her body backed away quickly, and she raised her hand to perform a fireball.

A fireball the size of a grapefruit mysteriously appeared out of thin air, then flew to the feet, and then turned into a ball of flames, turning several spirit-eating insects into ashes.

When Qi Yutang flashed to Sun Lifang's side, Sun Lifang was out of danger.

This time, after Sun Lifang saw Qi Yutang, she finally had a little bit of emotion on her face.

In fact, she had already discovered Qi Yutang's existence in the team, but because of her own

What happened to her, she was ashamed to face Qi Yutang.

"Okay... Long time no see!" Qi Yutang looked at Sun Lifang in embarrassment, and it took him a long time to say such a sentence.

At this moment, Sun Lifang was less youthful, but more mature and charming, Qi Yutang was in a trance.

"Well... yes... it's been a long time, thank you!"

Sun Lifang looked at Qi Yutang with complicated eyes, and smiled awkwardly after hearing the words.

"By the way! How did you come to the Central Plains?" Qi Yutang pursed his lips and forced himself to smile.

After Sun Lifang heard the words, a look of pain flashed in her eyes, but she concealed it well.

But then, Sun Lifang's expression suddenly changed, and she exclaimed: "Be careful!"

At the same time, she pulled Qi Yutang aside, because she saw several spirit-eating insects emerging from the river sand, ready to attack Qi Yutang.

Then he cast fireball again to destroy those spirit devouring insects.


However, at this time, a large number of spirit-eating insects continued to emerge from the river sand.

Everyone was so scared that they rushed to attack the ground like whack-a-mole.

Qi Yutang and Sun Lifang even fought side by side, as if they had returned to the time when they first met, they worked together to kill Demonic Beasts, and cooperated very tacitly.

During this period, two more disciples accidentally fell and turned into two white bones.

It wasn't until Han Yu threw several formation flags again that no spirit-eating insects continued to emerge from the river sand.

After solving the devouring insects in the formation, everyone became jittery,

Because no one knows if there will be another spirit-eating worm emerging from somewhere in the next second.

Yang Yunfei looked at Qi Yutang and Sun Lifang chatting enthusiastically, and couldn't help laughing in his heart:

"These two must have an adulterous relationship! If Zhao Chengzhi sees it, he must be making a fuss...Zhao Chengzhi..."

Yang Yunfei thought subconsciously, but suddenly thought that Zhao Chengzhi was gone, and felt sad again.

What Yang Yunfei didn't know was that when Zhao Chengzhi was seriously injured by a backlash because he secretly absorbed the energy in the spar, he did encounter a large number of spirit-eating insects attacking him again.

This frightened Zhao Chengzhi half to death at the time. Even if he had the Cultivation Base of the Gold Core early stage, he was powerless to fight back when he was seriously injured.

can only helplessly

Watching the devouring insects climb up own's body,

But when countless spirit devouring insects crawled over Zhao Chengzhi's body,

A puff of black smoke suddenly gushed out of Zhao Chengzhi's body, enveloping him.

Countless spirit-eating insects originally wanted to have a full meal, but they all shriveled up.

Because at the critical moment just now, Zhao Chengzhi instinctively operated the "Prime Ancient Attracting Stars".

Then he was surprised to find that his own Cultivation Technique could actually absorb the Blood Essence contained in the spirit devouring worm, thus allowing himself to recover from his own injuries.

This made Zhao Chengzhi so happy that he immediately lay flat on the ground, letting these spirit-eating insects rush towards him.

And he only needs to keep running the "Imperial Star Attraction Art".

With the death of a large number of spirit-eating insects, Zhao Chengzhi not only recovered from his injuries, but also the true energy in his body hardened rapidly.

To his surprise, the Blood Essence of the Devouring Insect not only has a healing effect, it can also increase its own Cultivation Base.

So he worked harder to absorb the Blood Essence in the spirit devouring worm.

With a large amount of Blood Essence entering Zhao Chengzhi's body, "Prime Ancient Attracting Stars" seemed to have magical powers,

In Meridians, I extract the Spiritual Qi contained in Blood Essence for my own use, so as to enhance my own Cultivation Base, which shows the horror of this formula.

With the passage of time, the Gold Core in Zhao Chengzhi's body is constantly producing cracks, and the cracks are still expanding.

It wasn't until the Gold Core in his body was full of tiny cracks, as if it would shatter if touched, that Zhao Chengzhi opened his eyes abruptly.

Because he found that continuing to absorb the Blood Essence of the Devouring Insect would not have much effect, and he still needed an opportunity to break through the Nascent Soul stage.

An Opportunity to Copy the Fate Soul from the Three Souls and Seven Souls into Dantian, Pen Fun Library

That's right, Zhao Chengzhi at this moment, under the powerful role of "Prime Ancient Attracting Stars" and his experience in rebuilding Realm,

Cultivation Base has leaped through from the Gold Core early stage to the Gold Core stage Dzogchen.

He has experience and knows that this kind of thing cannot be rushed.

Feeling his own strength, Zhao Chengzhi showed a ghostly smug smile on his face, and then said to himself:

"Not bad! Although the aptitude of this physical body is not good enough, but with the old man's ancient star-attracting formula, I believe it will not be long before the old man will be able to break through to the stage of transformation,

At that time, I, the Heavenly Devil Sect, will once again stand at the top of this cultivation world, attracting countless people to worship, hahaha..."

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