Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 461 Su Family's Surprise Change

After Lu Chen thanked Xuanyuan Zhen, he left Xuanyuan Pavilion, and then found a random Lingxi building and opened a room.

After entering the room, another defensive formation and phantom array were arranged, and then entered the world of golden beads.

Then sat in Lotus Position, took out Xuanyuan Zhen to own two Jade Slips, after Divine Sense checked it, I couldn't help but feel grateful to Xuanyuan Zhen senior again.

Because of these two Jade Slips, one of them records Xuanyuan Zhen's perception and experience of the way of refining weapons.

You know, this is the experience and insight of Qi Shen, and ordinary people have no chance to see it.

And the other Jade Slip records the method of refining a weapon called "Five Elements Refining Illustrated Book".

The method of the so-called "Five Elements Refining Illustrated Book" is a bit like a cookbook to put it simply.

First of all, it gives a general overview of the basic theoretical knowledge about refining equipment, which is equivalent to introducing this cookbook, what kind of cuisine it belongs to, and what methods are there.

Secondly, it is an introduction to the classification and grade of various refining materials,

In terms of classification, refining materials are divided into: ore, plant, biological and so on.

In terms of attributes, refining materials are divided into five attributes: gold, wood, water, fire, and earth.

In terms of grades, there are two grades of refining materials.

One is the spiritual level, the other is the divine level, and each level is subdivided from first-level to ninth-level.

Then it is recorded, the level introduction after refining the finished product, is divided into: Magical Item, Magic Treasures, Lingbao, Houtian Lingbao, Innate Lingbao, Dongtian Lingbao, Ancient Xuanbao.

Finally, there are a large number of pictures, such as swords, guns, halberds, axes, hooks and forks, idle sticks, whips, maces, hammers, etc., everything that one expects to find.

And it also comes with detailed refining methods and materials needed.

Of course, it sounds simple here, but it is actually quite complicated, and a lot of information can't help but make Lu Chen's brain buzz.

After taking a deep breath, Lu Chen ran the Chaos Dao Sheng Jue, and began to deduce and sort out the "Five Elements Refining Handbook".

Because Lu Chen knew very well that he would definitely not be able to learn the art of refining weapons on his own, and at the critical moment he had to learn the art of chaos.

It not only allows you to easily grasp the content, but also can be analyzed and extended to achieve the effect of drawing inferences from one instance.

When Lu Chen was studying "Five Elements Refining Artifacts", time has come to the night without knowing it.

Tai Baicheng Su Mansion, based on the Su Family Courtyard, suddenly produced a faint formation light curtain, and within a few breaths, the entire Su Mansion was enveloped.

Then, 17 or 18 figures held the jade tokens and flew through the air with ease, passing through the formation light curtain.

In the formation, the person in charge glanced indifferently, at the foot of the big Su Mansion, then the corners of his mouth slightly raised,

Then a sharp light flashed in his eyes, and a black bead the size of an egg appeared in his hand, and real essence was injected into it.

The bead the size of an egg immediately flickered pale.

Pale golden halo.

Then, a golden brilliance turned into a beautiful parabola in the air, falling towards the Su family courtyard as quickly as a pop.


After the golden brilliance fell, it exploded immediately, and the huge energy immediately destroyed several houses, and the Su family inside disappeared directly in the explosion.

However, if you look inside from the outside of the formation, you will find that there is nothing unusual about the Su family.

With such a big commotion, everyone in the Su family immediately woke up from their closed eyes, and then stepped into the air or flew with their swords, and came to the sky above the Su family.

Soon, the members of the Su family, headed by the old man Su Galaxy Cluster, stopped in the air and stood opposite the eighteen flying cultivators.

When everyone in the Su family saw the appearance of the person who came, everyone had an incredible expression on their faces, and then it turned into endless anger.

Because no one would have guessed that the people who attacked the Su family were members of the Leng family headed by Leng Qiuchan.

When the old man Su Galaxy Cluster saw this, his pupils shrank even more, because the opponents were all cultivators above the Nascent Soul stage.

Moreover, the old man also discovered that the Su family has been shrouded by a powerful formation light curtain.

He couldn't help thinking in his heart: "It seems that the Leng family has made sufficient preparations and wants to wipe out my Su family."

Although Su Galaxy Cluster was furious in his heart, he still suppressed his anger, looked at Leng Qiuchan and asked lightly:

"Brother Leng! What do you mean by this? The Su Leng family have been friends for generations, and you and I are brothers and sisters. Why did you bring people to attack my Su family?"

Hearing this, Leng Qiuchan immediately sneered and said:

"Hehehe...Brother Su! Let's stop talking nonsense. The matter has come to this point, and I can't blame it. If you want to blame, you can only blame your Su family for being too greedy. Kill! No one will be left behind!"

As soon as the words fell, Leng Qiuchan's figure quickly flew towards Su Galaxy Cluster,

The cultivators walking behind him immediately took out their own Magic Treasures and rushed towards the members of the Su family.

When the Su family saw this, they also offered their own Magic Treasures to resist vigorously.

For a moment, the sky above the Su family was filled with swords, lights and swords, colorful lights, explosions, and powerful true essence filled the entire sky.

However, in the face of attacks from more than a dozen Nascent Soul cultivators,

Except for the old man Su Galaxy Cluster, the eldest Su Zhiguo, the second Su Zhizhou, the third Su Zhicheng, and a few core members who have the Nascent Soul phase of the Cultivation Base, everyone else in the Su family is only the Gold Core phase of the Cultivation Base.

So the battle developed almost one-sidedly, and soon the Su family had suffered heavy casualties.

The old man Su Galaxy Cluster used a battle ax to fight against Lengqiu Chan. Both of them were Cultivation Base of Nascent Soul stage Dzogchen, and the fight was inseparable for a while. Biqu library

Almost each of the three Su family brothers had to face two Nascent Soul middle stage cultivators, so they soon fell into a disadvantage.

The other Gold Core stage cultivators of the Su family are basically facing the situation of being slaughtered.

And the few remaining Nascent Soul masters of the Leng family rushed to Su

family compound, massacred a group of female relatives and descendants.

At the moment of crisis, Su Ruolan's grandma did not give in to her husband, and broke out a powerful fighting force. She repelled several powerful enemies with her own strength, and even killed two of them.

Then gathered all the female relatives and younger generations in the courtyard of the front hall of the Su family,

Among them were Su Ruolan, Su Mu, Su Jingrou, Su Junmin and more than 20 people, but Leng Yue'e and Leng Yuexin were not there.

Seeing the masters of the Leng family's Nascent Soul stage attack again, Grandma Su's eyes froze, and then she sacrificed a three-legged tripod-shaped Magic Treasures,

Under the infusion of Grandma Su's true essence, the Magic Treasures immediately spread a huge golden light curtain around,

The light curtain shone with pale golden brilliance, like a huge translucent hood, enveloping everyone in it.

To everyone's surprise, the light curtain formed by the defense Magic Treasures can actually withstand the attack of the Leng family's Nascent Soul stage masters, which shows its extraordinary quality.

When Su Ruolan and the others watched the Su family continue to die tragically through the defensive cover, everyone's heart was extremely heavy.

"Boom boom boom..."

The masters of Leng's family kept attacking the defensive cover, and there were bursts of bangs.

The three-legged cauldron above everyone's heads kept shaking, and this scene immediately made everyone's hearts fall to the bottom of the valley.


Just when everyone thought they could relax, Grandma Su suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood, and her face turned pale.

"Grandma!" Seeing this, Su Jingrou, Su Ruolan and the others exclaimed with tears in their eyes.

"Mom!" Seeing this, Mother Su cried out in concern.

At this time, the three-legged cauldron on the heads of several people suddenly sank a few inches, and the surrounding defensive shields also dimmed a little.

The eyes of the masters of the Leng family lit up when they saw this, knowing that the old woman would not last long, so they quickly continued to attack.

Seeing this, Grandma Su's expression changed, and she immediately tried her best to run the formula, injecting true energy into the defensive cauldron.

The surrounding light curtains emitted dazzling light again.

However, the house leak happened to rain all night,

At this time, Su Zhiguo and Su Zhizhou lost to their opponents after all. They were shot down one after another, their bodies smashed into the roof, and they did not know whether they were alive or dead.

Su Zhicheng was seriously injured several times, if it wasn't for the few ten thousand year stone marrow vitality pills on his body, he would have been beheaded on the spot.

However, several Nascent Soul stage cultivators from the Leng family joined the battle, causing Su Zhicheng to be shot down very quickly, and he also didn't know whether he was alive or dead.

Seeing his own son being shot down one after another, and the tragic death of everyone in the Su family, the old man Su Galaxy Cluster was filled with grief and indignation, and he kept slashing out with the giant ax desperately.

Every time it is struck, a huge ax shadow will be formed, flying around with terrifying power like a 3D special effect.

Leng Qiuchan didn't expect that the desperate Su Galaxy Cluster was as intimidating as God of War, even he didn't dare to face hard steel,

You can only avoid the opponent's attack with the help of defensive Magic Treasures and own Movement Technique......

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