Cultivator Returns to the City

Chapter 1083: Not just master

Stepping into the hall, Yin Xiu walked towards the futon in the middle, and said, "Xiao Jing, what do you want to talk to Master?"

Luluo, Xiaoman, and Xiaopi, a group of little guys who had left Ji Xueqing and Jiang Xingxiao’s courtyard before, ran to play around by themselves, and did not follow them.

Hearing Yin Xiu's question, Ning Yuejing didn't answer anything right away, her eyebrows showed a little hesitation, even a little struggle.

Immediately, he bit his lower lip like a cruel heart, and suddenly speeded up his steps. When Yin Xiu just stopped and was about to turn and sit down on the futon in the middle of the hall, Ning followed him. Yue Jing opened her hands suddenly and gently hugged Yin Xiu from behind, pressing her cheek against Yin Xiu's back.

This sudden situation made Yin Xiu a little stunned, and the motion about to turn around couldn't help but stop.

At this time, Ning Yuejing's voice followed, "Master, I don't want you to be just my master. You...should understand what I mean, right?"

Ning Yuejing's words made the expression on Yin Xiu's face a little condensed.

After a while, he suddenly sighed and looked down at Ning Yuejing holding his hands on his chest from behind, then raised her right hand and gently held Ning Yuejing's palm, and then turned around. .

Seeing Ning Yuejing looking up at her tightly, her eyes flickering, Yin Xiu's left hand could not help but caressed her pretty and delicate cheek, and said softly: "Xiao Jing, Master, it's not a silly thing. People. Your mind, Master knows how to..."

"Master, you..."

Ning Yuejing looked at Yin Xiu eagerly, biting her lower lip, her eyes unblinking.

Yin Xiu saw her slightly nervous and worried look, he couldn't help showing a smile, gently stroked the tip of her forehead to one side for her, and whispered, "Master never thought about it. What to resist. Master is not desperate. It's just that for more than a hundred years, in addition to practicing, Master has followed the flow with the flow of almost everything, or a little drifting with the flow."

"It used to be the case, and now it is the same for you, Xueqing, and Xinxing. You have seen your sister Xinjing's actions just now. You knew your sister Ji's thoughts about it earlier."

"Master is not blind, let alone blind. Although your sister Ji has never said anything, even your sister Yingying hides deeper. However, they have been twenty years since they knew Master."

"For so many years, they have never scorned any other opposite sex, and have always guarded Master's side. What kind of thinking is this, and how can Master be unclear?"

"And you. You are my only personal disciple. When you were young, you had a kind of attachment to your master like a master like a father. This is probably because you only grew up with your mother and didn't have the love of your father. Afterwards, even my mother died, and only you were left."

"Later, I don't know when, Master felt that your attachment to Master seemed to gradually go beyond the level of Master and Father, adding some other meanings."

"Master sees everything in his eyes. However, Master has neither promoted it nor thought of making you exterminate it, just as before, letting the flow go. Master thought at the time, maybe some strange things will be eliminated naturally. Feelings, maybe one day, you will be like this moment..."

Speaking of this, Yin Xiu paused, with a faint smile on the corners of his mouth, his palms continued to stroke Ning Yuejing’s white and soft cheeks, took a breath, and then said: "Since in the end you still haven't exceeded those The master and disciple’s feelings have disappeared, but it has become more and more profound, and the master will not resist."

Yin Xiu smiled, "Like you said, you are my disciple, not just my disciple. How?"

Yin Xiu's words made Ning Yuejing feel like tears, her eyes filled with tears in an instant, her eyes became red, crying with joy, and some slight grievances.

A pair of tearful eyes fixedly stared at Yin Xiu and choked vigorously. Ning Yuejing raised her hand and wiped a handful of tears from her eye sockets, and choked: "Master..."

After yelling, Ning Yuejing couldn't control her emotions at once, sobbed, she threw herself into Yin Xiu's arms, hugged him tightly with both hands, buried Yin Xiu's chest, and whispered whimper.

The faint smile at the corner of Yin Xiu's mouth remained, but he reached out his arm around Ning Yuejing's waist, and patted her back shoulder with the other hand, soothing her emotions.

Looking at the outside of the hall, the eyes are both deep and a little bit as if a little burden has been put down, relieved and relaxed...

Just before entering the hall, Ning Yuejing's words, as well as her expression and tone at the time, already made Yin Xiu aware of what she wanted to say.

In terms of the relationship between men and women, Yin Xiu does have a big defect.

For more than a hundred years, cultivation took up most of his life.

For him in the past, men and women are dispensable things, which is also an important reason for his attitude of letting the flow go and going with the flow.

Later, it wasn't until he felt a bottleneck in his state of mind in the realm of cultivation that he realized that after his cultivation level could not break through, he gradually gained some understanding.

After that, Yin Xiu returned to the earth, experienced many, many, and slowly found some emotions that were missing in the past, or that he had ignored.

At the same time, I also met Ji Xueqing, met Jiang Xingxiao, accepted Xiao Jing as a disciple, and met many other people.

Later, Yin Xiu accidentally fell into the dream state caused by those mirage dragon balls.

It was the different periods of life in the dream state, the period of emotional experience in the dream state, that allowed him to face these and experience them.

Even his state of mind is truly fulfilled because of this.

It's just that the perfect state of mind does not mean that there will be any obvious changes in the reality of What has changed is that Yin Xiu's state of mind is more transparent, clearer, and able to understand everything.

However, his xinxing is still the kind of letting the flow go.

After all, in the past hundred years, Yin Xiu has been indifferent to almost everything except for his strong pursuit of cultivation, and he has taken the attitude of letting it go.

This is obviously not going to change drastically overnight.

Listening to Ning Yuejing's whispering swallows, Yin Xiu held her lightly, stroking the soft long hair behind her, and said softly: "Okay, Xiaojing, stop crying."

Ning Yuejing vented a little bit, and her emotions were gradually controlled.

After hearing this, she couldn't help but let out a ‘um’, her voice still choked slightly, and said, “Master, Xiao Jing is very happy, I’m glad you didn’t refuse because you are my master...”

With that said, Ning Yuejing raised her head, tears still glowing in her eyes, but a smile was already on her face. (To be continued.)

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