Cultivator Returns to the City

Chapter 1082: Ji Xueqing

Ji Xueqing's breakthrough went very smoothly, and her foundation has been very stable and solid after these months. The exercises she cultivated are also top-level cultivation exercises, and the heaven and earth aura on Penglai Immortal Island is also very abundant...All the conditions are already there, and it is natural!

The movement of condensed golden pills may be relatively large in the duny world, but it is very small on the aura of Penglai Xiandao.

Mainly because the aura in the duny world is thin, and if you want to condense the golden core, then you must stir a larger range of heaven and earth aura, so that it can gather enough to support the condensation of the golden core.

But it doesn't need to be like this on Penglai Fairy Island. The rich heaven and earth aura only needs to mobilize a small area to support the condensed golden core.

When Ji Xueqing became successful, her whole personality had undergone some subtle changes, and she had a little more dusty breath that couldn't eat the fireworks.

In addition, her appearance that had already begun to gradually decline, showing some fine lines has also returned to her radiant face in her early thirties, and she looks about ten years younger.

In fact, Ji Xueqing's age is now more than forty years old. After careful calculation, Yin Xiu and her have known each other for about 20 years.

Although her cultivation base was not weak before, her own maintenance was good, and she stayed in the spiritual world like Penglai Xiandao every day, as long as she did not condense the golden core, the essence of life has not changed, and it is still flesh. For ordinary fetuses, it is inevitable that people will begin to show signs of decline and aging when they reach their forties.

It's just not as obvious as ordinary people in the world.

Right now, Ji Xueqing formed a golden pill, the essence of life has been transformed, and he has truly stepped into the threshold of comprehension, has a lifespan of three hundred years, and naturally becomes a lot younger.

Seeing that Ji Xueqing had finished consolidating her pill, Jiang Xiaoxiao couldn't help but quickly ran towards her with joy, "Xueqing, congratulations, finally broke through the cultivation base and condensed the golden pill!"

Ji Xueqing, who had just gotten up, couldn't help smiling when she heard Jiang Xilin's congratulations with joy, and said, "Xinxing, you should be soon too."

"Well! It should be during this time."

Jiang Xiaoxiao responded, and then she couldn't help but look at Ji Xueqing's face carefully for a while, then smiled and stretched out her hand to pinch Ji Xueqing's face, and said, "Oh, this condensed golden core is really different. It’s a lot younger and more beautiful, and even the skin has become soft and supple. The feeling of holding it is different, but it makes me envious."

When Jiang Xing pinched her face to tease, Ji Xueqing couldn't help but snorted, then gave Jiang Xing a look, and said, "Is there anything to be envious of? You just said that you will break through this period of time. You have condensed the golden core, won't you also be younger and beautiful than now, and your skin will be white and tender!

"Hey, that's what happened at the time, right now, this hasn't broken through yet! Come on, girl, squeeze this watery little face..."

Jiang Xiaoxiao smiled and stretched out a hand to gently squeeze Ji Xueqing's chin.

Ji Xueqing rolled her eyelids and slapped Jiang Xingling's hand angrily, and said: "You fellow, be careful, I will clean up you later. You must know that I have condensed the golden core now, you are not mine. Opponent, don’t cry and beg for mercy when the time comes, hum..."

After being so little'threat' by Ji Xueqing, Jiang Xing suddenly jumped aside, hurriedly jumped aside, and laughed: "Ahem, that, Xueqing, nothing happened just now, right?"

"Oh, by the way, congratulations again for condensing the golden core and becoming a true cultivator from now on! Then, I have something else, I will leave first, don't worry, bye bye..."

After finishing talking, Jiang Xingxiao ran to her room as if escaping...

Yin Xiu and Ning Yuejing watched Jiang Xingxiao and Ji Xueqing play around, they couldn't help smiling for a while, and they couldn't help laughing.

However, Jiang Xing's temperament is a bit more lively, even now it hasn't changed much.

"Xiao Jing, go over."

At this moment, Yin Xiu said to Ning Yuejing beside him, and walked over to Ji Xueqing.

Ji Xueqing also walked towards both of them.

"Xue Qing..."

"Sister Ji, congratulations on your breakthrough to the Golden Core Stage!"

Yin Xiu yelled, and Ning Yuejing smiled and congratulated Ji Xueqing.

Luluo on the side also stood in front of Ji Xueqing, looking up at Ji Xueqing with those big round eyes, and exclaimed with a soft voice: "Sister Ji, congratulations!"

"Gaj, Gaj!"

Xiaoman also ‘chucked’ onto Ji Xueqing’s shoulder, grinning, and shouting at her again and again.

Little Pi and Ling, who are like a worm, naturally joined in the fun, and each yelled a few times.

Ji Xueqing couldn't help pursing her mouth, her eyes narrowed slightly, and a smile appeared. She leaned slightly to pick up Luluo, kissed her fleshy little cheek hard, and then smiled: "Luluo is so good!"

At the moment, Luluo suddenly let out a crisp laughter...

After Ji Xueqing put down Luluo, she raised her hand and patted Xiaoman again, squeezed the spirit flying in front of her, and squatted down to rub Xiaopi's head, and said, "There is also Xiaoman, Xiaopi, Little jelly is also obedient!"

Watching Ji Xueqing play around with a few little guys, Yin Xiu couldn't help but smile, and then said: "Xueqing, you just condensed the golden core. During this time, you will have to retreat for some time, so that you can stabilize your cultivation. "

"Well, well, I will. I'll start going to retreat later." Ji Xueqing released Xiaopi and quickly stood up to answer.

After finally breaking through to the Golden Elimination Stage, Ji Xueqing's mood also appeared to be particularly relaxed and happy, with a hint of joy in her eyebrows and eyes.

After chatting with Ji Xueqing for a while, Yin Xiu carefully explained to her all aspects of the situation and some details that need to be paid attention to after the breakthrough to the Golden Core period.

After that, Ji Xueqing said goodbye to Yin Xiu, Ning Yuejing, Luluo, Xiaoman one by one, and then returned to her room, preparing to retreat and stabilize her cultivation.

It will take her at least one or two months before she leaves the retreat. During this time, she will not see Yin Xiu, Ning Yuejing, Luluo, and Xiaoman.

Speaking of which, this is Ji Xueqing's first real retreat. After all, in the past, the cultivation base was not in the golden core period, and it was impossible to bigu.

Watching Ji Xueqing return to her room to Yin Xiu and Ning Yuejing also left with Luluo and Xiaoman.

However, after leaving the courtyard where Ji Xueqing and Jiang Xingling lived, Ning Yuejing did not return directly to the other courtyard where she usually lived and practiced, but followed Yin Xiu to the Penglai Pavilion.

When he walked to Penglai Pavilion, Yin Xiu looked at Ning Yuejing who was following him, and couldn't help asking in surprise: "Why, Xiaojing, what's the matter?"

The expression on Ning Yuejing's face seemed a bit hesitant, and finally bit her lip, and whispered: "Master, I... I have something to talk to Master."

Seeing Ning Yuejing hesitate, Yin Xiu couldn't help but startled. Looking at her, she seemed to have something in her mind, and her expression became slightly less calm.

After a moment of sinking, Yin Xiu nodded lightly and said, "Okay, then come with Master."


Ning Yuejing obediently responded, and immediately followed Yin Xiu into the inner hall of Penglai Pavilion... (To be continued.)

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