Cultivator Returns to the City

Chapter 1081: Dependence and Accompany

As 12:1 noon, the quotas for the medicine and marrow lotion that Xianzi released on the Internet were also sold out in a very short time.

It was sold out in less than ten minutes.

Such a hot situation naturally made Xianzi go up and down for a while. After Zhao Yan reported the situation to Ji Xueqing, even Ji Xueqing couldn't help feeling a little excited.

After all, the Xianzi Group was established by her alone. In recent years, due to changes in the general environment and current situation, the situation of the Xianzi Group has not returned to its peak.

However, with the launch of the medicine and marrow lotion that Yin Xiu has obtained, the Xianzi Group will obviously be able to return to the most prosperous situation in the past, and it can even be expected to be far better in the future. How can I be unhappy in my heart?

Ji Xueqing also mentioned these situations to Yin Xiu, and Yin Xiu was also very pleased with this. For him who is nostalgic for the past, the life he worked in Xianzi back then was quite unforgettable.

Since his birth, Yin Xiu has been more than a hundred years old. However, since his childhood, he has been devoted to martial arts, and then he ventured to the realm of cultivation beyond the starry sky to pursue the fairy road.

Moreover, staying in the realm of cultivation is more than 80 years.

Today, for more than a hundred years, the life at work like ordinary people in Xianzi Company is a precious experience for him.

So for Xianzi, Yin Xiu still has some weight...

After the Spring Festival, the Xianzi Group was busy up and down due to the hot sales of various elixirs that aided cultivation, and the elixirs refined every day would be sold out in a very short time when they were sent to various counters.

Zhao Yanyou mentioned to Ji Xueqing that he hopes to allow Yin Xiu to refine a few more furnaces for the pill, and expand the production capacity of the pill.

However, Yin Xiu felt that in the long run, it would be enough to have a medicine furnace for every kind of pill.

Although the entire market is now in a state of short supply, as time goes by, this over-normal demand will gradually subside.

Moreover, with the launch of these medicines, the cultivation speed of those who are still in the foundation building stage has been greatly accelerated, and it will not take too long for a large number of people to break through the Qi refining stage.

In addition, one pill of these elixir at each stage of the foundation building can last for up to a week, and each elixir has a furnace to supply market demand.

At best, it is just like now, turning on the pharmaceutical furnace 24 hours a day to refine the pill.

After thinking about Yin Xiu's opinion, Ji Xueqing also felt that the current shortfall in supply was only temporary, and it would naturally gradually balance out over time.

After all, let’s leave the Xiaopeiyuan pills and the marrow lotion aside. The rest are the four base-building medicines. The time required to make one furnace is only six to eight hours. It can make three to four furnaces a day, and each The output of the furnace has reached around 50,000 pills.

Calculated like this, if the furnace is fully capable of refining medicine, 150,000 to 200,000 pills can be produced every day, which is more than one million pills a week.

Even if China has a large population, the demand will not be too large for the time being.

After all, the price of these medicines is not low, and people of ordinary background can't afford it. In addition, the economic situation has not really recovered at the moment. Most people just buy a few pills occasionally and use them every week.

In addition, the people who are really determined to practice martial arts now only occupy a small part, and more ordinary people are still busy running around for life.

Although most people also go to the martial arts gym to practice martial arts, they are just like fitness in the past. They are more about strengthening their bodies and trying their luck. What if they are some kind of martial arts geniuses? ?

If you know that your talent is average, many people will naturally not be willing to spend too much energy and money in this area.

Ji Xueqing also relayed Yin Xiu's words to Zhao Yan.

Zhao Yan thought for a while, and felt that this was the case, so she stopped mentioning it, and just asked the factory to maximize its production capacity to meet the current strong demand as much as possible.

And after the pill and marrow lotion launched by the Xianzi Group were bought back by many people for use, those people immediately felt that their cultivation speed had indeed accelerated a lot.

Such news naturally spread quickly on the Internet, and even many media rushed to report it.

This has further stimulated people's demand for these medicines and marrow lotions from Xianzi Group. However, the production capacity of Xianzi Group is only so large, which naturally allows many scalpers to make a fortune.

Many people who are not bad for money, but can't get the medicine, simply buy it from those scalpers. As for how expensive the price is, these people don't care so much.

One week after Xianzi Group’s pill and marrow lotion went on the market, the prices of these pill and marrow lotion in private transactions have increased by at least 30% over the original price, whether online or offline.

Even the prices on the black market in many places have increased by more than five to six. Especially the most scarce marrow lotion is doubled.

Those scalpers are making a lot of money.

Even many people who originally bought the medicine and intended to use it, saw that these medicines were so scarce and so expensive that they couldn't help the temptation of profit. They sold the medicines at high prices and made a profit. One stroke.

These disturbances from the outside world have been disturbing, and Yin Xiu, Ji Xueqing and others did not pay much attention to it.

The entire Yanyue Sanxian Island went up and down, except for Yin Xiu and the others after New Year’s Eve. They were always the same as usual. Perform their duties...

Yin Xiu also took care of himself to practice in the Penglai Pavilion these days.

As time gradually reached March, after several months of refining the true essence and solidifying her cultivation base, Ji Xueqing finally reached the point of breaking through and condensing the golden core.

Yin Xiu noticed the change in her true essence, and immediately removed the restriction that had penetrated her body, and personally went over to protect her.

Ji Xueqing's breakthrough caused small-scale fluctuations in the surrounding heaven and earth's aura. Jiang Xiaoxiao, who lived in the same yard with her, was immediately alerted. Then Ning Yuejing, who learned the news, also rushed over with Luluo and Xiaoman.

"Yin Xiu, Xueqing is going to make a breakthrough?"

Jiang Xiu saw Yin Xiu already standing aside, and after looking at Ji Xueqing, she asked Yin Xiu.

Yin Xiu nodded lightly to her, and said, "I want to break through."

After a slight pause, Yin Xiu glanced at her again and said, "Your situation is probably going to be fast too. I don't expect it to be ten days and a half months."


Jiang Xiong couldn't help being overjoyed upon hearing this.

She really didn't have a thorough view of her own situation than Yin Xiu.

"Naturally it is true." Yin Xiu smiled.

At this time, Ning Yuejing said: "Sister Ji is finally going to make a breakthrough and condense the golden core. As long as this golden core is 10%, then you will have a three-hundred-year life. And sister Ji has now been used by the master of the five elements. Lian’s lotus seeds have been reborn, with extraordinary qualifications, and there won’t be many twists and turns in the road of cultivation in the future."

Hearing Ning Yuejing’s words, Jiang Xingxiao's expression darkened inexplicably, and sighed softly, and said: "Yes, once the golden core is formed, you will truly step into this path of cultivation, and you will not talk about becoming immortal in the future. No, at least there won't be any major ups and downs, and hundreds of thousands of years of life are not a problem."

"It's just that, sometimes I think about it, in the future, many familiar people around me, and even my family members will eventually grow old, sick and die, which makes people a little depressing..."

Yin Xiu couldn't help but look at Jiang Xingyun and sighed, "Birth, old age, sickness and death, this is the way of nature. Cultivators fight for life with heaven and earth, so they can live forever."

"It's just that when you embark on this road of fighting for your fate, you have to get used to the people around you leaving one by one, getting used to that loneliness. The way of comprehension is rooted, understanding, and chance. Not everyone can On this road."

Although Ji Xueqing and Jiang Xingyong's parents and family also moved to Penglai Xiandao, they also followed the Yin family to practice. However, as Yin Xiu said, this path of cultivation is not something everyone can step on.

Can not enter the threshold, after all, it is just a mundane body, inevitably birth, old age, sickness and death.

The qualifications of Ji Xueqing's and Jiang Xingxing's parents and family members are also very average. Even if the Yanyue Sect does not lack all kinds of pills, spirit stones, etc., it is difficult for them to condense the golden pills.

Even though Ji Xueqing and Jiang Xingxiu knew that Yin Xiu still had two reborn five-element sacred lotus seeds, but none of them mentioned anything to Yin Xiu.

Because they know how precious these two lotus seeds are.

Even the younger generations of the Yin family weren't mentioned, and Ji Xueqing and Jiang Xingyun were even less inept.

"Anyway, at least we will be with each other in the future."

Jiang Xiaoxiao glanced at Yin Xiu, then looked at Ji Xueqing who was preparing for a breakthrough and Ning Yuejing beside him, then said with a faint smile.

After finishing Jiang Xing seemed to take a deep breath, glanced at Yin Xiu, and suddenly reached out and gently held Yin Xiu's palm.

Yin Xiu was taken aback for a moment, turned his head and looked at Jiang Xianling. Seeing Jiang Xianling's clear eyes were looking directly at him, Yin Xiu paused for a moment, then sighed softly, and then turned his gaze to Ji Xueqing ahead.

When Jiang Xian saw this, she seemed to breathe out secretly, her eyes fixed on Yin Xiu's side face, her face couldn't help but smile, and her eyes flashed with a hint of excitement and joy. ...

Ning Yuejing, who was standing on the other side of Yin Xiu, quietly swept her eyes across Jiang Xian, and immediately fell on Jiang Xianqing's palm holding Yin Xiu. After a little hesitation, she also extended her hand and held Yin Xiu. His arm gently nestled against Yin Xiu's side.

Although Yin Xiu's eyes were looking at Ji Xueqing, his mind was also paying attention to Jiang Xing and Ning Yuejing. At this moment, there was a wave of waves in his heart, and many pictures flashed in his mind instantly.

In the end, Yin Xiu whispered softly in his heart, "Their lives and destinies have already changed because of me, so it is actually quite good. Depend on each other all the way, accompanied all the way, and live long and happy in the world..." (To be continued.)

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