Cultivator Returns to the City

Chapter 1085: Variety

After Ji Xueqing formed her pill, about a week later, Jiang Xing finally made a breakthrough.

Jiang Xing's breakthrough was also very smooth, which can be said to be a matter of course.

Since the relationship became clear that day, no matter whether it was Jiang Xing or Ning Yuejing, the attitude towards Yin Xiu had obviously become much closer in these days.

In front of Yin Xiu, the two would often show the coquettishness of that kind of woman.

As for Yin Xiu, his manners are similarly close. It's no longer just friends or mentors in the past, but more of a lover...

As Jiang Xing made her pill, she also began to retreat and stabilize her cultivation.

Yin Xiu still practiced daily, occasionally accompanying Xiao Jing, or taking Lu Luo, Xiao Man, Xiao Pi and a group of little guys around on Penglai Xiandao, and sometimes he would go to Abbot Xiandao. And Yingzhou Fairy Island.

Yu Changsheng, Jing Qinghe, and Hang Boqian spend most of the time doing repairs, or use the computer to browse information on the Internet, watch programs, etc., which are both leisure and time.

When the cultivation base reached their level of cultivation, the meaning of time was not so great. If there are no accidents, they can't fly into immortals, and they all have thousands of years of life.

Such a long life, in addition to the whole day of cultivation, naturally also needs to find some other things, said it is to cultivate the mood, self-cultivation, whether it is to pass some boring and boring time, it is always to find something besides cultivation. Do other things.

Otherwise, if it were true cultivation for thousands of years, how boring and boring would it be?

This is why most of the cultivators have profound knowledge of piano, chess, calligraphy and other aspects. It's really a long time to find a little hobby for myself to soothe my mood and adjust my mood.

And in the realm of cultivation, it is impossible to have so many and developed entertainment methods on the earth. The most are nothing more than piano, chess, calligraphy, painting and other various musical instruments, as well as sculpture... etc. Expand and expand.

It is that Yin Xiu has only practiced for more than a hundred years. Before, he was extremely persistent and focused on cultivation, but he has also gradually studied piano, chess, calligraphy and calligraphy during the eighty years in the cultivation world. He has deep attainments in various aspects such as sculpture.

For Yu Changsheng, Jing Qinghe, and Hang Boqian, they have spent hundreds of years in the realm of comprehension, and they are very happy to come to a world like this earth that makes them full of freshness in everything.

That kind of strange curiosity about everything makes them completely absent from the dullness in the world of cultivation.

In particular, the various entertainment methods on the earth far surpassed the realm of comprehension, and they immersed Yu Changsheng in it.

During the nearly one year when they came to the earth, except for about half a year or so in the middle, they followed Yin Xiu around for a while, the rest of the time, except for daily practice, they were basically facing each other in their spare time. The computer is killing time.

In addition to browsing various information, watching news, watching TV shows... etc., they even play various games. For them, life on earth right now is much more interesting than in the realm of cultivation.

Moreover, there is no need to worry about threats such as fighting and killing. At least, they will not be bored with these in a short time.

In a blink of an eye, March came to the end and entered April.

Both Ji Xueqing and Jiang Xingling are still in retreat, and it is estimated that it will take at least a month to leave the customs.

In the secular world, after the initial period of continuous popularity of the several kinds of medicine and marrow lotion to assist in cultivation, the supply exceeds demand. Nowadays, this extraordinary popularity has finally gradually cooled down. Return to normal state.

And Xianzi Group's supply of elixir is gradually able to meet market demand, instead of being the same as at the beginning, often a batch of goods has just been put on the counter, and it will be heard in just one or two times. The people from the wind swept away.

These pills are not necessities of life after all, and the price is not low, the current economic situation has not really recovered.

Therefore, when many people who can afford and have the willingness to consume have basically bought some at home, the super hot scene will naturally gradually return to normal.

Of course, this so-called normality is only relatively speaking, at least even now, as long as all the counters in the country have pill delivery, they will definitely sell no more in twenty-four hours!

The supply of online channels will basically be ordered within the same day.

It’s just that this is much better than it was at the beginning, at least as long as you want to buy it, you can basically buy it relatively easily.

However, the only exception is the marrow lotion. Even after more than a month, the marrow lotion is still in short supply.

Regardless of whether it is an offline counter or an online network sales channel, as long as the marrow lotion arrives, it will definitely be sold out within an hour or two.

For one thing, the production capacity of the marrow washing liquid is relatively poor. It takes three full days to refining one furnace, and one furnace only has 30,000 sticks.

Secondly, a person who wants to cut the hair thoroughly and wash the marrow must use three washes of marrow.

Therefore, those who don’t need money basically buy three of them at once.

In addition, although many people know that they have no talent for martial arts practice, it does not prevent them from hoping that their children will be able to achieve something in the future.

And this marrow lotion can cut the hair and cleanse the marrow, so that the entire foundation-building phase is more effective. Many parents naturally don't hesitate to use the whole family's frugal money to buy the marrow lotion to cut the hair and cleanse the marrow of their children.

This is also a great boost to the sales volume of marrow According to the estimates of the senior management of Xianzi Group, if the current production capacity is maintained, this marrow lotion will only take a year or two or even longer. All will be in such a state where supply exceeds supply.

It's just that Ji Xueqing is in retreat, and Zhao Yan can't directly contact Yin Xiu. Therefore, the senior executives of the Xianzi Group proposed to ask Yin Xiu to refine one or two more marrow liquid medicine furnaces, which can only be temporarily put on hold.


After the time enters April, Ching Ming Festival is also coming.

Ning Yuejing always pays homage to her mother during the Qingming Festival every year, and this year is no exception.

There was nothing wrong with Yin Xiu at all. In addition, the relationship with Ning Yuejing had changed a little, and he was no longer just a master and apprentice, so Yin Xiu planned to follow Ning Yuejing to worship her mother again.

Yin Xiu and Ning Yuejing only left on the day of the Qingming Festival. At Yin Xiu's speed, Ning Yuejing would naturally be brought to Leping Town in an instant. (To be continued.)

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