Cultivator Returns to the City

Chapter 1086: Like a couple in the world

Standing in front of Ning Yuejing’s mother’s tomb, Yin Xiu looked at Ning Yuejing who was squatting in front of the tomb quietly burning the Ming paper, and could not help but silently said in his heart: "I used to be here as Xiaojing’s master. One more relationship."

"You are at ease under Jiuquan. Since Xiaojing is my disciple and is now my Taoist companion, as long as I still have a breath, I will protect Xiaojing’s peace in this life, no matter what this life is. How many years, even eternity..."

While Yin Xiu was muttering to herself, Ning Yuejing suddenly spoke softly: "Ama, it's Ching Ming again, Xiao Jing has come to see you. I don't know if you are doing well there, but you don't have to worry about it. Xiaojing, everything is fine for Xiaojing."

"Furthermore, Master has also come back from the realm of cultivation, and he came with me to see you. Also, grandma, what I told you before, I finally couldn't help telling Master to him some time ago. There was no rejection. So, Xiao Jing is really good now, very happy..."

Ning Yuejing was talking while burning the Ming paper.

At this moment, Yin Xiu suddenly squatted down beside Ning Yuejing. Ning Yuejing couldn't help being startled, and looked up at Yin Xiu with a little surprise.

Yin Xiu smiled and said, "I will also burn some paper money for your mother."

After a short pause, Yin Xiu added, "As a junior!"

Ning Yuejing, who was still slightly startled, heard the words and instantly Xiafei's cheeks appeared, and there were two smudges on her cheeks, and there was a trace of shame and sweetness in those clear and bright eyes. .

Now when she faces Yin Xiu, she is indeed less respectful as a disciple than before, and a bit more tender and shy in a woman's love.

Yin Xiu smiled slightly, his eyes full of petting look, stretched out his hand and gently stroked Ning Yuejing's soft and delicate cheek, smiled and said, "Very happy?"


Ning Yuejing nodded without hesitation, couldn't help but leaned her head lightly on Yin Xiu's shoulder, the corners of her mouth were slightly raised, with a sweet smile, she said softly, "Because the master said that she is a younger generation of grandma, so she Jing was very happy in her heart."

Yin Xiu chuckled dumbly, rubbed Ning Yuejing's hair, and said, "It turns out that my little Jing is so easily satisfied and happy."

The corners of Ning Yuejing's mouth rose a bit higher, and she whispered softly: "Xiaojing has always been easy to satisfy. As long as you are with Xiaojing, Master, Xiaojing won't ask for anything else."

"Okay! Master...I will try my best. At least, at least until the ascension, Master will try to stay with you as much as possible, okay?" Yin Xiu said softly.


Ning Yuejing replied: "Xiao Jing will practice hard, trying to narrow the gap with Master you as much as possible. After you ascend to Master, Xiao Jing will surely ascend to find Master soon!"

"Okay! Then Master will be waiting for Xiao Jing in the Immortal World. Then, wherever Xiao Jing wants to go, Master will accompany you..."

Yin Xiu smiled.

Yin Xiu doesn't speak sweet words about men and women, but just follows Xiao Jing's words.

However, these words already made Ning Yuejing feel as if her whole heart was about to melt away, and a warm and sweet feeling filled her entire heart.

There was even a kind of laziness that had never been seen before. He leaned on Yin Xiu's shoulder and didn't want to move anymore. I just hope that if time can stop here, it would be great.

"Master, Xiao Jing...Is Xiao Jing wanting Master to see him for a while? Just like those worldly lovers..." Ning Yuejing suddenly raised her eyes, her eyes flickered slightly, and there was a bit of eager hope in her eyes. With Yin Xiu.

Her body still nestled against Yin Xiu, and her head continued to rest on Yin Xiu's shoulder. After saying this, her face couldn't help but flushed.

Yin Xiu smiled slightly, turned his head to look at Ning Yuejing's expectant, watery eyes, and looked at the shame in the depths of her eyes, as well as nervous and cramped, and smiled. .

"it is good!"

A very simple word, but concise and concise.

As soon as the sound of this character fell, Yin Xiu lowered his head and moved towards Ning Yuejing.

Upon seeing this, Ning Yuejing's heart was shy and sorrowful, and the tension and cramps became more intense instantly. She closed her eyes involuntarily, her little hand gripping Yin Xiu's clothes tightly, and she even felt a little sweaty in her palms. .

A soft feeling came from his lips, accompanied by that slightly calm and heavy breath.

Ning Yuejing suddenly felt like her brain was bombarded. At that moment, her thoughts seemed to stop temporarily, and she felt a daze of not knowing where she was...


Ning Yuejing gasped, her small mouth slightly opened, her eyes still tightly closed, her tight little hands gripping Yin Xiu's skirt without a trace of relaxation, even her body was slightly tight.

Yin Xiu looked at Ning Yuejing's appearance, somewhat dumb. However, he himself couldn't help pursing his lips lightly, and a smile was drawn at the corner of his mouth.

After a while, Ning Yuejing seemed to finally calm down, her slender eyelashes trembling slightly, and her eyes opened.

Seeing Yin Xian looking at her, her delicate face suddenly flushed unconsciously, and a shy flashed across her moist eyes, and she subconsciously bit her lower lip.

"Master, Master..."

Ning Yuejing's voice was like a mosquito.

Yin Xiudan smiled and patted her on the shoulder, and said, "Xiao Nizi, get up. Your grandma is watching."

Listening to Yin Xiu's mention of her mother, Ning Yuejing couldn't help but glanced up at her mother's tombstone, and the shame on her face suddenly became stronger.

He straightened up from Yin Xiu's body, facing her mother's tombstone, always biting her lower lip, not knowing what she was saying to her Yin Xiu picked up the Ming paper on the side. Put one by one into the fire, slowly burning.

Then he picked up a few incense sticks and lit them on the burning Ming paper fire. Then, after three blows to the tombstone of Ning Yuejing's mother, he put the incense sticks in front of the tombstone...

After a while, Yin Xiu continued to squat next to him, burning the paper money with Ning Yuejing, and suddenly said, "Xiaojing, do you want to tell your uncle later and ask him to come out and meet?"

Ning Yuejing's memory of Luogu Village is also not very good, so she has never been to Luogu Village for so many years.

Of course, if she really went to Luoguzhai, it would be more or less embarrassing for Luoguzhai, especially the elderly.

Today's Luogu Village may not be as closed and ‘traditional’ as it was back then, but after all, there have been such things back then. If the old people who have experienced it see Ning Yuejing, they probably don’t know what kind of emotion they will be.

It would be more appropriate to call out Ning Sheng to meet. (To be continued.)

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