After hearing Ling Xuzi's question, Yuan Yizi couldn't help but smile, and said, "This is very simple. We only need to create the conflict between our Sanqing Palace disciples and Yanyuezong disciples ten years ago. "

"In that case, we will have an excuse to intervene in this matter, go directly to Yanyuezong to inquire about the crime, and then deliberately agitate the other party, we will pretend to be angry and take action, and confront him for a few rounds. Isn't that possible to test his strength?"

"If he is really strong, then someone else who hasn't taken the shot will pretend to persuade the fight to complete the fight, and just find a step. I think if there is someone on our own side who fights the fight, he won't do it for the disciples. Then the trivial things are too real, so let's get rid of the skin?"

Yuan Yizi's words suddenly made Ling Xuzi and Xuanzhenzi's eyes brighten.

Xuan Zhenzi couldn't hold back immediately, and shouted: "Good idea! Senior Brother Yuanyi is a good idea. When the time comes, the three of us will have red faces and some white faces, so that we will not really tear our skins."

"In this way, how can he not turn his face with us directly."

Ling Xuzi also smiled and nodded, and said, "Yes. This is indeed a good way."

Seeing that both Xuan Zhenzi and Ling Xuzi agreed with his idea, Yuan Yizi couldn't help but smile and said, "Senior Brother Ling Xu, Junior Brother Xuanzhen, so, do you all agree with my idea?"

Ling Xuzi nodded lightly, and replied, "The idea is a good idea. But, I wonder if Junior Brother Yuanyi has thought about how to do this?"

"Yeah, Senior Brother Yuanyi, let the disciples under his class create conflicts with the disciples of Yanyuezong. This must be done as much as possible to make it look like an accident, and not to let the other party see any clues, knowing that we deliberately This conflict created."

Xuan Zhenzi said.

Yuan Yizi smiled and said: "It's also simple. Doesn't Yanyue Sect also have a Yanyue Cultivation Academy? Although Yanyue Sect disciples are basically not out of Sanxian Island and their Taishan Branch Sect, those Yanyue Sects The students in the Cultivation Academy are like those schools in the world every year, and they spend winter and summer vacations."

"Exactly, it seems that it will be the summer vacation for another two months. Most of the students in Yanyue Cultivation Academy will definitely go home. We only need to keep an eye on these students from Yanyue Cultivation Academy and choose one. The right goal is to find another disciple who has absorbed from the world to create a conflict with the other party."

"As long as we make arrangements and our disciples are more cautious and don't reveal any flaws, nothing will happen."

After listening to Yuan Yizi's words, Ling Xuzi and Xuan Zhenzi both pondered for a while, apparently passing the matter carefully in their minds.

After that, Ling Xuzi nodded lightly and said, "This is indeed a very good entry point. However, the person who is going to create conflict must be carefully selected."

"Yes. Also, if we are looking for a student in the Yanyue Cultivation Academy as the target, we have to screen carefully." Xuan Zhenzi also agreed.

Yuan Yizi replied, "This is natural. However, there are still more than two months before the summer vacation. We can make a good plan and arrange the matter calmly."

Ling Xuzi nodded his head calmly. After looking up at Yuan Yizi, he couldn't help but said: "Junior Brother Yuanyi, since you came up with this idea, how about leaving it to you to arrange this matter?"

Yuan Yizi replied, "No problem. Brother Ling Xu, don't worry, leave the matter to me."

After a slight pause, Yuan Yizi looked at the opposite Xuanzhenzi, and said, "In addition, when I go to Master Yanyue Zongxing to inquire about the crime, I suggest that it is better to let Junior Xuanzhen go and mix the white face with that person. Conflict, test his strength."

"Senior Brother Ling Xu, you pretend to be red-faced with me. Senior disciple Xuanzhen is relatively straightforward in nature, so it is suitable to pretend to be a white face."

Hearing this, Ling Xuzi also looked at Xuanzhenzi, then nodded lightly, and said, "Yes. This role is indeed suitable for Junior Brother Xuanzhen."

Xuan Zhenzi also immediately responded: "Okay, when the time comes, this person will play the white face and test the strength of that person and leave it to me."

"Okay! So, let's just say that for the time being. Junior Brother Xuanzhen, you just broke through the Tribulation Period, just taking advantage of these two months to stabilize your cultivation."

Ling Xuzi said.

Xuan Zhenzi replied: "Well, Senior Brother Ling Xu, Senior Brother Yuan Yi, then I will continue to go back to retreat later to stabilize my cultivation. The specific arrangements for this matter can only be bothered for you to deal with."

After discussing the matter, Xuan Zhenzi returned to the cave to retreat to stabilize his cultivation. As for Ling Xuzi and Yuan Yizi, they left together, planning to discuss how to implement the matter together.


In Yanyue Sanxian Island, Ning Yuejing and others naturally did not know that Ling Xuzi, Yuan Yizi, and Xuanzhenzi of the Sanqing Palace in Kunlun Immortal territory had broken through the Tribulation Period.

Similarly, it is even less clear about the "conspiracy" of the three of them.

It has been nearly a month since Yin Xiu survived the Tribulation of the Heart, broke through to the later stage of the Tribulation, and began to retreat and stabilize his cultivation base.

When Yin Xiu was crossing the heart of the Demon Tribulation, the various illusions that appeared in the sky were witnessed by all Yanyuezong disciples on the entire Penglai Xian Island, and even the ‘indigenous’ residents.

Therefore, when Ning Yuejing announced the news that the "visions" that appeared in the sky were actually the illusions created by Yin Xiu during the Demon Crossing the Heart Tribulation, let all the disciples of Yanyue Sect know and inform them, Yin Xiu When the Heart Demon Tribulation had been passed smoothly, the entire Yanyue Sect burst into cheers.

After experiencing the massive invasion of the millions of monsters from the island country, they almost broke the guardian formation of Yanyue Sanxian Island. It was Yin Xiu who rushed back in time, turned the tide and killed all the monsters and saved them all. After that, the cohesion of the entire Yanyue Sect has been unprecedentedly improved.

And, after so many years, all the disciples of Yanyuezong have almost completely forgotten the three immortals. Now only Yanyuezong remained in their hearts, and there was no longer a trace of nostalgia for the Three Immortals.

As for the former Three Immortal Sect Island Masters, Supreme Elders, Elders... and others who were controlled by Yin Xiu's Jijishu, their sense of existence has also been deliberately weakened by Ning Yuejing.

After so many years Yanyuezong no longer needs to rely on the three island masters such as Jingming Zhenren to stabilize the disciples of the original Three Immortals.

Therefore, after soliciting Yin Xiu’s opinions a few years ago, Ning Yuejing directly revoked the identities of the three island owners including the real Jingming, and Yanyue Sect did not even set up another island owner. Only the overlord!

Of course, for those Yanyue Sect disciples, the three Jingming Zhenren were naturally not'revoked' from the position of the island owner, but they themselves decided to give up their positions and become the Supreme Elder of Yanyue Sect, ready to concentrate on practicing. , To hit a higher realm, and don't plan to be distracted by the chores in the clan.

This change at the beginning did not cause any waves in Yanyue Sect.

Everyone has fully accepted and recognized Yin Xiu’s status and status as the suzerain. The sense of existence of the three island owners such as Jingming Zhenren has been weakening. The abdication of the three of them is, in the eyes of many Yanyue Sect disciples, Of course.

This was because several island owners hadn't dealt with the affairs of the clan for many years, and they were basically the Young Sect Master, that is, Ning Yuejing, who was in charge of handling them.

Their abdication would naturally cause no shocks. (To be continued.)

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