Cultivator Returns to the City

Chapter 1153: conflict

In a blink of an eye, time entered July, and Yin Xiu had been in retreat for nearly four months.

Because Yin Xiu doesn’t take care of Yanyuezong’s affairs on weekdays. Basically, they hand it over to Ning Yuejing, and Ji Xueqing and Jiang Xianling to help them deal with it. So Yin Xiu’s retreat is for Yanyuezong. There is no effect at all.

However, on this day, a disciple of Yanyuezong who teaches in Yanyue Cultivation Academy suddenly rushed to Your Excellency Penglai and asked to see Ning Yuejing, saying that there was something to do in Yanyue Cultivation Academy. report.

When Ning Yuejing heard the information of the disciples guarding Penglai, she was a little surprised. She was a little surprised at what will happen in Yanyue Cultivation Academy. After all, the students of Yanyue Cultivation Academy are already on summer vacation. .

However, she didn't think much about it, and immediately sent an order to let the disciple of Your Excellency Penglai who taught in Yanyue Cultivation Academy come to see her.

Afterwards, Ning Yuejing thought for a while, and then asked Ji Xueqing and Jiang Xingling to be called to the main hall of Penglai Pavilion. After all, Ji Xueqing and Jiang Xianxie both have the names of vice presidents in Yanyue Cultivation Academy.

When Ji Xueqing and Jiang Xingxiao rushed to the main hall of Penglai Pavilion, both of them were a little curious about what Ning Yuejing called them to come over.

"Xiao Jing, is there anything you called us over?"

Walking into the main hall of Penglai Pavilion, Jiang Xiao couldn't help but curiously asked.

Ji Xueqing also agreed, and said, "Yes, Xiao Jing, what's the matter?"

Ning Yuejing said: "I still don't know what exactly is going on. Just now the disciple below came to report that it was Hong Ducheng's Excellency in Penglai who wanted to ask to see me, and that there was something about Yanyue Cultivation Academy. Report to me."

"Hong Ducheng should have impressions of both Sister Ji and Sister Xing, right? He teaches in Yanyue Cultivation Academy. So, I wondered whether to call you two together to see what Hong Ducheng has. The matter must be reported..."

Upon hearing this, Ji Xueqing and Jiang Xingxiao came over.

The two of them naturally had an impression of the Hong Ducheng in Ning Yuejing’s mouth. After all, there were only a dozen teachers in Yanyue Cultivation Academy, and they often visited the following Yanyue Cultivation Academy to teach every one of them. 'S teachers are quite familiar.

Ji Xueqing said: "Since Hong Ducheng said so, it seems that something should indeed happen."

"When he comes up, you'll know by asking." Jiang Xingyong replied.

After a while, the disciple named Hong Ducheng finally arrived outside the main hall of the Penglai Pavilion. A disciple who was guarding the main hall came in again and gave a sigh. After obtaining permission from Ning Yuejing, he went out to let those waiting outside. Hong Ducheng came in.

Hong Ducheng's cultivation is not high, and now it is only in the late Huayuan period.

However, his character is quite gentle, and very patient, very suitable for teaching others.

What's more, in Yanyue Cultivation Academy, there are some students who have just started to practice cultivation at the beginning, and most of them are still in the foundation building stage. For better ones, they are just qi-refining cultivation bases, and they are taught based on his cultivation bases. For these students, that is more than enough.

"The disciple has seen the Young Master and two big deacons!"

After Hong Ducheng walked into the main hall of the Penglai Pavilion, he hurriedly saluted Ning Yuejing, Ji Xueqing, and Jiang Xingling who were sitting in the middle.

Both Ji Xueqing and Jiang Xianxie had the status of a "deacon" in Yanyue Sect. After all, their cultivation base was still too weak, and they seemed insufficient to become elders, so they simply took the status of a "deacon".

However, the disciples in the Yanyue clan knew that Ji Xueqing and Jiang Xingyan were the confidantes of the suzerain. In private, many people even directly referred to them as the "madam of the suzerain."

Regarding Ning Yuejing’s identity, Yanyuezong’s disciples are accustomed to calling “Young Sect Master”. Even Yanyuezong’s disciples know that the relationship between Ning Yuejing and Yin Xiu is more than just a teacher-disciple relationship. This'Young Sect Master' is also the beauty of the Sect Master.

Hearing Hong Ducheng's words, Ning Yuejing waved her hand lightly and said, "You are welcome."

"Hong Ducheng, just now the disciple below reported that you have something to report to me. What happened?"

Hearing Ning Yuejing’s question, Hong Ducheng hurriedly replied in a respectful voice: “Sect Master Qi, this is how it is. Just now, the disciple suddenly received a call from a few students who were going home from vacation in the Cultivation Academy. Said that there was some conflict with the doorman of the Sanqing Palace outside, and accidentally injured the other party. I was a little worried, so I called and reported the matter to me."

"After the disciple learned of the situation, he was still uncertain, so he just calmed them a few words, and then rushed to report to you, the young master, please decide..."

Hearing what Hong Ducheng said, Ning Yuejing, Ji Xueqing and Jiang Xingling were all a little surprised and couldn't help but look at each other.

Immediately, Ning Yuejing pondered for a moment, and then asked, "Hong Ducheng, have you asked exactly what happened to the students? Who did it first?"

Hong Ducheng said hurriedly: "Sect Master Hui, the disciple has asked carefully. Those students all said that the disciple of Sanqing Palace used the first hand, they just passively counterattacked."

"In addition, the cause of this incident is also very simple. The students made an appointment with one of them to play at home. When they went out for dinner, they had some disputes with each other. Both of them were young and energetic. They gave in, so the other party directly acted on the students of our college without being angry."

"One of our students was caught off guard and was injured by a sudden attack. The others couldn't help but shot back and wounded the other two disciples of the Sanqing Palace. Listen to what those students said. , It seems that the other party is still seriously injured."

"The students probably calmed down felt that the other party was a disciple of the Xianmen Sanqing Palace after all, and they were a little worried about whether something would happen, so they hurriedly called the disciples. I told my disciples about this matter..."

After listening to Hong Ducheng's narration of the whole thing, Ning Yuejing couldn't help but looked at Ji Xueqing and Jiang Xingling beside her again.

Ji Xueqing couldn't help but said: "Xiao Jing, if I remember correctly, you seemed to mention that you had some conflicts with the disciples of Sanqing Palace, and you also took action to abolish all the other people's cultivation base, right?"

"Well, there is such a thing. But that was all ten years ago." Ning Yuejing nodded lightly and replied.

At this time, Jiang Xingyong said: "I don't think there is much to care about this matter, but it's just that the following disciples have some small conflicts. Is it possible that the Sanqing Palace dare to retaliate against the students of our college?"

Jiang Xing obviously didn't pay much attention to Sanqing Palace.

Indeed, Sanqing Palace is certainly one of the three great immortal gates today, but in the eyes of Yanyuezong, he really doesn't take the other party seriously. (To be continued.)

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