Cultivator Returns to the City

Chapter 1167: Kunlun Master

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Ling Xuzi took a deep breath, looked around at the two Yuan Yizi and Xuan Zhenzi beside him, and said solemnly: "Two juniors, do you still remember that one who can be transformed into a hundred zhang, with unparalleled strength, His face is 90% similar to that of Sect Master Yanyue, it is suspected to be the giant who is incarnate outside of Sect Master Yanyue?"

"The millions of monsters that invaded Huaxia were all killed by the Hundred-Zhang Giant, and the mortals in the world are basically sure that the giant is the incarnation of the Yanyue Sect Master..."

Listening to Ling Xuzi suddenly mentioning this matter, Yuan Yizi and Xuan Zhenzi both woke up in an instant. ???

"Senior Brother Ling Xu, what do you mean... that hundred-zhang giant is likely to be the witch **** clan in ancient secrets?" Yuan Yizi said in surprise.

"If the Hundred-Zhang Giant is really the Witch God Clan, and he is indeed the external incarnation of the Yanyue Sect Master, then... this can be explained from some levels. The previous ones are likely to be related to the Witch God Clan. Why is the associated "weird" willing to obey Yu Yanyuezong..."

Xuan Zhenzi said.

Ling Xuzi nodded his head calmly and said, "Indeed. If those'weirds' are indeed related to the Witch God Clan, then they will follow the orders of the'Witch God Clan People' and it makes sense."

After a short pause, Ling Xuzi said again: "We have been negligent about this matter. When we saw the relevant video materials of the giant hundred-foot giant back then, we should have thought that he might have been mentioned in the records of distant classical books. That witch **** clan."

"It's a pity that we didn't think about this in the first place. Even before, we were confident that we would be able to compete with the Yanyue Sect Master after the three of our brothers and brothers broke through to the Tribulation Period. Be able to protect yourself without fear of the other party anymore."

"Think about it now, how ridiculous our previous thoughts were, how ridiculous we were to sit and watch!"

Ling Xuzi sighed and laughed at herself.

Yuan Yizi and Xuanzhenzi heard these words, and they all became silent. They felt hot on their faces at the moment, and some were ashamed of their previous swelling and blind arrogance.

However, the cultivation bases of several of them have indeed expanded after breaking through the Tribulation Period.

So many times, they underestimated Yin Xiu's strength, or overestimated themselves, and even felt that even if the Baizhang giant was really Yin Xiu's external incarnation, the three of their brothers and sisters were enough to deal with it.

They take it for granted that only one person needs to drag Yin Xiu's body or the external avatar, and the remaining two people work together to solve the other. Then the three people will work together to solve the dragged one, which is natural.

Even if they knew they would be a little bit inferior in cultivation, but thinking that it was three to two after all, it would be okay to protect themselves in the worst case.

If Ling Xuzi hadn't been cautious, and they had torn their faces straight to Yanyuezong, then what awaited them and the Sanqing Palace would be the end of destruction!

"Brother Ling Xu, we were indeed too arrogant before. If the Baizhang giant who is suspected to be the incarnation of Sect Master Yanyue is really the witch **** clan mentioned in the ancient secrets, according to the record of the witch **** clan in the ancient books , Then, his strength will be very terrifying and tyrannical."

Yuan Yizi took a deep breath and said slowly.

Ling Xuzi said solemnly: "Yes. According to the description of the Witch God Clan in the classics, the Witch God Clan is a bit more arrogant and fierce than the true dragons of the same level, and the true dragons of the same level will be suppressed by it. , Not to mention ordinary cultivators."

"It seems that we can only avoid this Yanyue Sect in the future. I can only sigh this situation. We want to take back my Kunlun treasure Fantian Seal from Na Yanyue Sect Master. It may be indefinitely, even... It's impossible at all."

Xuan Zhenzi sighed, a touch of unwillingness in his tone.

Speaking of Fan Tianyin, Ling Xuzi and Yuan Yizi were silent for a while. Why are they willing? However, the situation is better than people. Fan Tianyin is certainly important, but the inheritance and orthodoxy of the Sanqing Palace are obviously more important!

After a long while, Ling Xuzi sighed: "This matter... I am afraid that our generation is powerless. Perhaps, the only hope is that if our brothers can ascend smoothly in the future, we will be lucky enough to find me in the fairy world. The ancestors of the Kunlun line, let the ancestors personally take action to regain the Fantian Seal from the hands of Sect Master Nayue.

"With the extraordinary posture displayed by that Sect Master Yanyue, it should be no surprise that he will ascend to the Immortal Realm in the future."

After listening to Ling Xuzi’s words, Yuan Yizi couldn’t help but calmly nodded in response: “Yes, the only way we want to regain the Fantian Seal is indeed only after we and Sect Master Yanyue fly to the immortal world in the future. Go and find my Kunlun line of ancestors, let them take action to hope to regain the Fantian Seal."

"The reason why the ancestors left the Heavenly Seal in this human world was to suppress the evil dragon. Now the Fantian Seal has fallen into the hands of the Lord Yanyue. When the Lord Yanyue soars, he will surely bring it with him. Going to the immortal realm with Fan Tianyin, it is impossible to stay in the world."

Xuan Zhenzi said.

"If he leaves the Fantian Seal by then, it will give us a chance. Yanyuezong can't always be so strong. If it is prosperous, it will decline. This is the principle of heaven and earth. When it becomes weak, it will naturally be me. The Sanqing Palace has the opportunity to regain the Fan Tianyin. Unfortunately, this possibility is very slim..."

Yuan Yizi sighed lightly.

At this time, Ling Xuzi slowly said: "We can only press down on these things now. After this time, we will immediately strictly restrain the following disciples. Remember not to have any conflicts and frictions with Yanyuezong's life, and we must avoid them! "

"Besides, we still have to find a way to see if we can figure out where the'weirds' that shot at us before came out of the secret realm. I doubt the'Witch God Race' of Sect Master Yanyue. The incarnation is most likely that he entered the secret realm, or got it from a place related to that secret Yuan Yizi nodded slightly and said: "Yes, these are indeed It is necessary to find out. As the saying goes, knowing oneself and the other can only be able to fight a hundred battles and survive, even if our Sanqing Palace may not be able to compete with Yanyuezong for a long time in the future, but these things must also be in the heart. "

"When investigating this matter, you must be cautious first, and you must not let the other party notice anything. You can only investigate slowly, not aggressively."

Ling Xuzi said.

Xuan Zhenzi said suddenly: "Two seniors, actually I think there is something suspicious..."

Upon hearing this, Ling Xuzi and Yuan Yizi glanced at him one after another.

Ling Xuzi said, "Junior Brother Xuanzhen, you mean the'Mount Tai Branch' of Yanyue Sect?"

"Yes. Although we have visited Mount Tai many times, we haven’t found anything, but Nayan Yuezong suddenly occupied Mount Tai and established branch sects, combining the various anomalies that have been born on Mount Tai in the past. It shows that it is absolutely extraordinary there."

Xuan Zhenzi said.

"That's true. But right now, Mount Tai has been occupied by Yanyue Sect, branch sects have been set up, and large guardian formations have been placed to block them. Now even if we want to investigate again, there is nothing we can do..."

Yuan Yizi sighed.

The three brothers Ling Xuzi were discussing the way back to Kunlun Wonderland. Yanyuezong's absolute strength made them feel exceptionally powerless and helpless.

In ancient times, the Sanqing Palace had always been a fairy gate in the world, and the three brothers Ling Xuzi naturally did not want this glory to be replaced by others in their generation.

However, the reality makes them helpless and powerless...8

Baidu asks the novel net to respond to every request! The return of cultivation is in the latest chapter of the city, welcome to collect! Seeking novel network, responsive!

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