Cultivator Returns to the City

Chapter 1168: Yin Xiu Exits

Baidu asks the novel net to respond to every request! Read the full text in the city! Seeking novel network, responsive!

Ning Yuejing, Ji Xueqing, and Jiang Xingling who returned to the Penglai Pavilion did not know the real purpose and intention of Ling Xuzi this time.

They only regarded each other because it was because the student of Yanyue Cultivation Academy hurt the disciple of Sanqing Palace a few days ago. They felt uneasy, so they ran to Xingshi to ask the crime.

At the moment, Ling Xuzi was beaten up, and they were taught some lessons by the way, so Ning Yuejing and the others didn't take this matter to heart.

After all, to Yanyuezong today, a mere Sanqing Palace is really nothing. Even the three noble masters of Sanqing Palace are already characters who have broken through the Tribulation Period.

"The three masters of the Sanqing Palace are really unreasonable. It is obvious that the disciples of the Sanqing Palace are in the wrong, and they are embarrassed to come to our Yanyue Sect to ask the crime. I really don't know what to say."

After returning to Penglai Pavilion, Jiang Xing licked his lips and talked about the incident.

Ji Xueqing said: "With today's lesson, let them know that our Yanyue Sect is not something they can afford. I believe Sanqing Palace should not dare to mess with it anymore."

Ning Yuejing snorted lightly: "If it wasn't for the fact that they had actually guarded China back then, that guy would dare to catch us, and today they wouldn't want to get out so easily, huh!"

"That guy is also audacious, so he dared to attack us right at the gate of Yanyuezong. Fortunately, we brought Jiang Li and the others to the scene, otherwise it might be really caught by that guy, that would be troublesome." Tao.


Ji Xueqing also nodded lightly, and said, "We still have to be as cautious as possible when we encounter similar situations in the future, otherwise we will be reckless, lest we put ourselves in a dangerous situation and will easily become Yin Xiu's handle."

"Indeed, Sister Ji was right." Ning Yuejing responded in agreement. After a slight pause, Ning Yuejing said again: "I have to tell Master about this matter after he leaves the customs."

"I have to talk to Yin Xiu."

Ji Xueqing said.

The three of them sat together and chatted for a while, and then each went back to the other courtyard where they practiced...

In an instant, more than three months passed.

On this day, Yin Xiu finally left the customs.

After more than half a year of retreat, Yin Xiu has completely stabilized his cultivation base. The skyrocketing true essence mana in his body has all been carefully refined by him, and his strength is now greatly improved compared to before the breakthrough.

Although it would still be very difficult to urge the immortal force against the figures of the upper Mahayana period, and it would be difficult to resist directly.

However, if the other party doesn't use the immortal power, then with Yin Xiu's current true power, once he displays all kinds of secret techniques, it is completely enough to not shock anyone.

Of course, the Mahayana period was originally a process of gradual transformation of true essence mana into immortal power. It is impossible for the characters in the Mahayana period to not use the immortal power.

Especially in the late Mahayana, most of the true essence mana in the body has been transformed into immortal essence, and there is not much true essence mana left.

Therefore, today's Yin Xiu can only protect himself if he really faces the Mahayana person, but it is extremely difficult to kill the opponent.

Unless it is the early stage of Mahayana, there is not much immortal power in the body, and it is only possible when the immortal power is exhausted.

Of course, a person who has just crossed the tribulation stage of the later stage of cultivation can confidently retreat in front of the half immortal in the Mahayana period, this is already quite heavenly.

Even if he counts all the characters in the whole tribulation period in the entire cultivation world, I'm afraid I can't find a few people with such confidence and confidence.

After leaving the customs, Yin Xiu immediately released his spiritual sense and swept Yanyue Sanxian Island.

Seeing that Yu Changsheng was refining tools in the cave mansion where he was practicing, and Jing Qinghe was beside him to protect him, and Hang Boqian was practicing in the other courtyard where he lived, Yin Xiu did not bother them temporarily.

Instead, they notified Ning Yuejing, Ji Xueqing, and Jiang Xingxing who were in the courtyard behind Penglai Pavilion.

There was no movement when Yin Xiu left the customs, so Ning Yuejing and the others naturally did not know that Yin Xiu had left the customs. When they suddenly heard Yin Xiu's voice calling them to the main hall of the Penglai Pavilion, Ning Yuejing and the three were all pleasantly surprised.

Immediately, the three women hurried to the main hall of Penglai Pavilion.

When they arrived, they saw Yin Xiu already sitting in it, watching them step into the hall with a quiet smile on his face.

"Yin Xiu!"

"Yin Xiu."


Ji Xueqing, Jiang Xingxiao and Ning Yuejing shouted to Yin Xiu with joy almost at the same time.

Then, the three women walked quickly to Yin Xiu like a gust of wind.

Yin Xiu's gaze swept over the joyful faces of the three of them, and then smiled and said, "Xueqing, Shining, Xiao Jing, are you all okay during my retreat."

"Uh, uh! Master, we are all fine!" Ning Yuejing responded a little excitedly. I haven't seen Yin Xiu for more than half a year, and she will inevitably miss it a little bit in her heart.

Ji Xueqing also has red eyes, but with a smile on her face, she said: "We are in the clan, what can be wrong. But ah, it is Xiao Jing who missed you these days."

"Yeah, Xiao Jing is talking about you every three to five times." Jiang Xingyue also echoed with a smile, and then gave Ning Yuejing a witty glance.

Ning Yuejing glanced over Ji Xueqing and Jiang Yanjing with a little shyness, and said, "Sister Ji, Sister Yan, you all know to make fun of me. Don't you want to miss Master?"

"Hehe, UU reading thinks. But, we are not wrong, you are not talking about your master every time." Jiang Xingxiao smiled.

Ji Xueqing pursed her lips and smiled, and then she said, "Yin Xiu, you have been retreating and maintaining your cultivation skills this time. Are you going well?"

After hearing Ji Xueqing’s question, Yin Xiu, who was smiling, couldn’t help but nodded, and replied, “It’s going well. It’s about the same time as I expected. Right now, my foundation of cultivation is solid. Continue to practice and accumulate True Essence Mana."

Ji Xueqing responded softly, then suddenly looked at Ning Yuejing on one side, and motioned to her.

Ning Yuejing immediately nodded knowingly.

And Yin Xiu, who noticed their small actions, couldn't help but looked at Ji Xueqing and Ning Yuejing with a little surprise and doubt, wondering what they were communicating secretly.

At this time, Ning Yuejing said: "Master, I want to tell you something."

"Oh? What's the matter, you say." Yin Xiu couldn't help but secretly said when Ning Yuejing said that, as expected, something happened.

When Jiang Xing heard Ning Yuejing's opening, she knew what she was going to say to Yin Xiu, so she stood quietly on the side.

"Master, this is the case. When you were in retreat, that is, more than three months ago, several students of our Yanyue Cultivation Academy had a little dispute with the disciples of Sanqing Palace, and injured each other. Then, The three noble masters of the Sanqing Palace all came to our Yanyue Sect to inquire about the crime..."

Ning Yuejing immediately told Yin Xiu the whole process of the three Ling Xuzi's arrival to Yanyuezong more than three months ago.

Ji Xueqing and Jiang Xinying on the side added a word or two from time to time. 8

Baidu asks the novel net to respond to every request! The return of cultivation is in the latest chapter of the city, welcome to collect! Seeking novel network, responsive!

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