Cultivator Returns to the City

Chapter 1183: Humiliation

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"Macheng, you go back to the base first, I will go back later..." At this moment, Zhou Ting suddenly spoke to her subordinates again. ?????

It is rare to see Yin Xiu again. She would like to have a few more conversations with Yin Xiu, and by the way, she would also ask for some information on her practice.

When Ma Cheng and others heard this, they didn't know that Zhou Ting had something to say to Yin Xiu privately, so they quickly responded, "Yes, Zhou Ju!"

After all, Ma Cheng and the others greeted each other, left first and returned to the base on the outskirts of Yongquan...

After Ma Cheng and others walked a little further, Zhou Ting said to Yin Xiu, "Master, thank you for saving me again!"

Yin Xiu pursed the corner of his mouth lightly, and said, "You have called me Patriarch, isn't it right to save you?"

After taking a sigh of relief, Yin Xiu said in an easygoing way: "Zhou Ting, you can have a very high future with your current qualifications, so, come on, Patriarch hopes that one day I can see you in the fairy world!"

This is not only Yin Xiu's encouragement to Zhou Ting, but also her expectations.

Upon hearing this, Zhou Ting immediately responded with a little excitement: "Yes! Patriarch!"

After calming down a little bit, Zhou Ting asked Yin Xiu some questions about spiritual practice. After Yin Xiu's careful answers, Zhou Ting obviously felt a little bit more cheerful.

After talking, Yin Xiu said, "If you have free time in the future, you can take more time to walk around Yanyuezong, or if you have any confusion, you can call me and ask me at any time."

"If I'm in retreat, you will find your ancestor aunt. She is now in the mid-stage cultivation base, and she can also answer many questions for you..."

"Yes! Thank you Patriarch!"

Zhou Ting hurriedly thanked Yin Xiu. With Yin Xiu's remarks, she wouldn't dare to call and ask directly because she was embarrassed to disturb Yin Xiu if she had any questions.

"Well, that's the case first, if there is nothing else, you can go back. Just ask me if you have anything..." Yin Xiu smiled and said.

After bidding farewell to Zhou Ting, Yin Xiu immediately rose into the air again, and Yu Jian returned to Yanyue Sanxian Island. There is no need to be so urgent in a hurry now, but there is no need to perform an operation technique.

When Yin Xiu returned to Penglai Pavilion, waiting Ning Yuejing quickly asked about Zhou Ting's situation. After learning that Zhou Ting was not in serious trouble and had been rescued safely, she also felt relieved.

As for Yin Xiu's punishment of those Jin Huazong, Ning Yuejing agrees.

After all, Zhou Ting and others didn't suffer any substantial harm, but if they were not guilty of this, they would really go to war against Jin Huazong and slaughter people like the whole family.

Now Yin Xiu urges the people of Jin Huazong to go to Kyoto to apologize and kneel in public, just to make them remember, give them some warnings, let them know that even if they are cultivators, they are not able to do whatever they want in this world. of.

At the same time, it was a punishment for them forcing Zhou Ting and others to kneel down!

After Yin Xiu returned to Penglai Fairy Island, his spiritual sense had been monitoring the situation in Jinhua Dongtian.

Those people of Jinhuazong were not really embarrassed. After a few hours, a large group of people finally flew out from Jinhua Cave in a mighty day, and then flew towards Kyoto...

Although they haven't had time to fully understand the situation of the outside world, they have roughly learned something from Zhou Ting and others.

It's just that Yin Xiu came too quickly, and they only had time to figure out part of the situation.

For China's Kyoto, they naturally knew the approximate location. Even if you don’t know, you can get a lot of relevant information from the surrounding cities by scanning with your spiritual sense.

Yin Xiu used his spiritual sense to monitor the actions of Jin Huazong's Master Chengzhi and others, and saw that they had arrived in Kyoto obediently, and then made an apology in public, and knelt down in public to confess, he couldn't help pursing the corners of his mouth slightly. Said: "It's always a sense of current affairs, not a foolish fool!"

For the people in Kyoto, the sudden emergence of these cultivators caused some riots.

Especially when these cultivators made some inexplicable apology, and knelt down in public to confess, everyone who saw this scene was shocked.

I just don't know what to say.

However, those who heard the content of the Jinhuazong’s apology statement suddenly came over. This is definitely because the sect, who claimed to be Jinhua Dongtian Jinhuazong, was taught a lesson after he arbitrarily arrested people. Otherwise, how could they be so good at meeting? Suddenly ran here again to read an apology statement and kneel down to confess.

If they really had such a lofty enlightenment, then it would be impossible to arrest people casually in their Jinhua cave at the beginning.

And being able to teach such a newly born immortal door... Except for that immortal Yin, I am afraid that he will not be a second person.

Almost everyone's first reaction was to think of Yin Xiu.

In fact, it was indeed what Yin Xiu did!

The fact that the people of Jin Huazong made an apology and kneeling in Kyoto was huge news, so naturally it spread to every corner in a very short time.

Countless media reporters were also moved by the wind, rushed to the scene, and reported the news in the first time, which made the world known.

When people learned that a new mystery had emerged in this world, a new fairy gate, many people were both surprised and delighted.

However, when they saw the detailed news content, people immediately lost half of their favor for this immortal door "Jinhuazong" that just emerged.

Especially when many media speculated that the Jinhuazong who suddenly appeared might be taught by Yin Xiu before going to Kyoto to apologize and kneel down, the Jinhuazong was immediately rejected by countless people. Object.

It can be said that Jin Huazong has just appeared, and its reputation has been completely ruined...

You know Yin Xiu's status in people's minds is not comparable to ordinary people, it is a bit sacred and inviolable.

After all, who doesn't bear the kindness of Yin Xiu's repeated efforts to save China and save their lives?

Those who were taught by Yin Xiu were definitely not good people.

This is almost a consensus in people's minds, or instinctive cognition. In addition to blind respect and gratitude, people have blind trust in Yin Xiu!

With the spread of news reports, and people on the Internet, there was a lot of discussion on the Internet. The matter of Jin Huazong's Master Chengzhi and others kneeling in Kyoto with an apology soon attracted the attention of the whole people.

After knowing the situation, many people rushed to the scene immediately and watched!

Facing the crowded people around them, they kept pointing and talking. Master Chengzhi and those of Jin Huazong who were always aloof, the arrogant and noble elders and elders felt extremely humiliated and humiliated.

Have they ever been so humiliated and humiliated?

What's more, a group of ants in their eyes can easily crush to death with a single finger.

Many people couldn't help but a strong anger surged in their hearts, and they wished to directly attack the mortals around who were talking about ‘buzzing’, and they didn’t have any good words, to vent their anger!

Of course, if they can, they would even want to crush the culprit, that is, Yin Xiu!

However, they all know that unless they really want to die and want to drag the entire Jinhua Sect to accompany them to die, otherwise, they can only silently endure this feeling of incomparable humiliation and humiliation...8

Baidu asks the novel net to respond to every request! The return of cultivation is in the latest chapter of the city, welcome to collect! Seeking novel network, responsive!

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