Cultivator Returns to the City

Chapter 1184: Warcraft

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All day and night!

Those Supreme Elders and elders of Jinhua Sect did not dare to move at all. Although they were full of anger and humiliation in their hearts, they always knelt on the ground, did not dare to get up, and did not dare to take a group of people around. What did the members of the "strong onlookers group" do?

Can only endure the onlookers of those people, and even all kinds of scorn. Waiting like a torment for time to pass...

They have never felt so long and difficult in just one day and one night.

Fortunately, no matter how tormented, time has finally passed one day and one night gradually...

However, obviously just in case, Master Chengzhi and others knelt for more than an hour before daring to really get up and leave, and return to Jinhua Cave.

It's just that when they left, their faces were so gloomy as if thick clouds were covered, it was terribly cold!

Yin Xiu kept paying attention to them with his spiritual sense. Seeing that they didn't play any spears, he knelt down honestly all day and night, so he didn't embarrass them any more.

This matter can be regarded as the past.

Of course, Jin Huazong has inevitably become people's post-dinner talks for a long time, or a laughing stock.

The reputation of Jin Huazong is basically directly stinking.

Fortunately, after Jin Huazong had gone through this lesson, he was very calm and guarded.

Jin Huazong didn’t make any trouble with moths, Yin Xiu naturally didn’t bother to pay attention to them, and lived his life peacefully. In addition to practicing, he stayed with Ning Yuejing, Ji Xueqing, Jiang Xingxiao, Luluo and Xiaoman. they.

They will also personally teach Ning Yuejing, Ji Xueqing, and Jiang Xingling to practice.

Some time ago, Ning Yuejing had specifically asked Yin Xiu whether he could teach Luluo the previous technique.

Although Luluo is a mountain spirit, it is also a human form, and can also practice previous techniques.

Yin Xiu naturally did not refuse Ning Yuejing's proposal. Luluo has already practiced a pre-skill stage, and her cultivation has greatly increased, which also made Ning Yuejing quite pleased.

Time gradually passed.

Moon rises and sunset, spring goes and autumn comes. In a blink of an eye, another few years passed.

In the early morning of the day, Yin Xiu sat cross-legged quietly, his hands formed on his chest with a slightly weird technique mark, his eyes were slightly closed, his breath was steady and long, and his body was filled with a mysterious and mysterious aura...

I do not know how long it has been.

Yin Xiu's eyes suddenly widened, and then he suddenly yelled in a low voice: "Bing!"


Before Yin Xiu's body, Jieyin's hands changed immediately.

Almost instantly, an inexplicable force suddenly descended from the darkness, making the air around Yin Xiu a lot more serious.

That power lingered around Yin Xiu for a while, and then gradually dissipated...

Feeling the dissipated power, Yin Xiu couldn't help but sighed softly, and Jieyin's hands were put down in front of him, a faint light flashing in his eyes.

Immediately, I saw him whisper to himself faintly: "Finally it's done!"

"The Secret Art of Weapon! The main attack and kill, this skill can greatly increase the power of all weapons and magical weapons. If a magical weapon is blessed with weapons, even if it is only a one-level weapon, it can also make its power reach It was twice as high as the original."

"The effect of the second stage warcraft can reach four times, and the third stage is eight times!"

With that, the light in Yin Xiu's eyes became more intense.

In the past few years, he has gradually cultivated the former technique to the level of the three realms, and now he has finally completed the fifth nine-character mantra secret technique.

Especially this ‘Weapon’ is actually aimed at increasing the power of weapons and magic weapons, which will greatly improve Yin Xiu’s combat power!

The fighting technique improves the strength of its own mana, while the weapon technique improves the power of the magic weapon.

Although the two are quite different, they are both secret techniques that directly enhance combat power.

Right now Yin Xiu has also refined his military skills into one stage. Once he displays the three-stage combat technique and blesses the one-stage warcraft to his magical equipment, then his strength will soar to the extent that it is impossible to imagine!

If he cultivates his military skills to the three realms in the future, it is estimated that it can only be described as "horrifying the world"! Those who originally belonged to the same level as Yin Xiu, I am afraid he will be completely crushed by him without any suspense.

It's as if a tank rolled past a small sports car easily.

"I don't know if this warcraft can be blessed to the Fantian Seal..." At this moment, Yin Xiu suddenly moved in his heart and couldn't help thinking to himself.

Fan Tianyin is different from an ordinary cultivation tool. It is a treasure left by the ancient immortals. Its power is inestimable. With Yin Xiu's current cultivation base, it is far from being able to wield its ultimate power. Point.

Therefore, Yin Xiu had more or less doubts about whether military skills could increase the power of Fan Tianyin.

After all, now that Fan Tianyin is in his hands, it is his cultivation base that limits the power of Fan Tianyin, unable to wield more, not that the power of Fan Tianyin is only that.

"Let's try it out!"

Yin Xiu secretly said, and immediately got up and rushed out.


Yin Xiu's figure flashed, and instantly appeared over Penglai Xiandao. After that, his hands immediately got the seal to sacrifice the Fantian seal.

Immediately afterwards, he quickly displayed his martial arts, and tried to bless the first-level martial arts that he had just trained to the Fantian Seal...


As Yin Xiu's seal was printed, that inexplicable power suddenly came again and landed directly on the Fantian seal.

I saw Fan Tianyin suddenly tremble with a'hum', and then, a faint deep shimmer suddenly appeared on the surface.

Yin Xiu couldn't help but feel happy when he saw this scene. Afterwards, he hurriedly performed the law decision again, urging Fan Tianyin.


Under the urge of Yin Xiu Fajue, Fan Tianyin suddenly increased.

However, at the same time, the faint deep gleam on the surface of the Fan Tianyin was suddenly shattered by the power agitated in the Fan Tianyin, and it disappeared like a microwave in an instant...

Seeing such a situation, Yin Xiu was immediately stunned.

"Well, what's going on? Why did the art of war have been successfully blessed to the Fantian Seal just now, but after I urged the Fantian Seal, I was shaken away by the Fantian Seal..."

Yin Xiu felt a little inexplicable, and deep doubts and puzzles arose in his heart.

It stands to reason that since the art of war can be successfully blessed on the Fantian Seal, then it shows that the Fantian Seal should be able to increase its power by the art of war, but how well it will be shaken by the power of the Fantian Seal itself? ?

After frowning and contemplating for a while, Yin Xiu looked at the huge Fan Tianyin in the air in front of him, and with a move, Fan Tianyin immediately shrank again and flew back in front of him.

After staring at Fan Tianyin carefully for a moment, Yin Xiu pondered for a while, then suddenly took the Fan Tianyin back into his body, but immediately sacrificed another magical weapon-Tianfang Zhuogu Sword! 8

Baidu asks the novel net to respond to every request! The return of cultivation is in the latest chapter of the city, welcome to collect! Seeking novel network, responsive!

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