Cultivator Returns to the City

Chapter 1187: 9 Ding Wu Man

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"By the way, Master, how long will it take for your witch **** clone to exit?"

Ning Yuejing suddenly asked about Yin Xiu, the witch **** who has been in underground retreat on Penglai Xiandao for more than ten years.

Hearing this, Yin Xiu couldn't help but replied: "Quickly, his body has completely recovered, and now he only needs to refine and absorb all the remaining power in the body. It will take another three or two years to get out!"

Ning Yuejing nodded softly.

At this moment, Ji Xueqing on the side couldn’t help but ask: “Yin Xiu, you seemed to say that when your witch **** clone recovers and exits without any accident, you can break through to the Jiuding shaman, which is equivalent to the Mahayana period. In the realm, has your shaman **** clone's current cultivation base broken through?"

"Yes, I also remember that you had said this at the time. How is your cultivation of the witch **** clone now?" Jiang Xingyue also asked curiously.

Yin Xiu responded lightly: "Well. Actually, my witch **** clone has now broken through the Jiuding shaman realm. When he refines the last remaining power in his body, I guess it should be able to approach the Jiuding shaman's mid-stage cultivation. "

How huge was the power that the Great Witch Xing Tianji transferred to Yin Xiu, the witch god, from Qianqi Axe?

Although only a very small amount remained in Yin Xiu's body, the witch god. However, Yin Xiu, the witch god, after so many years of gradually refining the remaining power, was enough to make his cultivation a big step forward.

You must know that when Yin Xiu, the witch god, contained the power that the great witch Xing Tianzhi transferred from the axe, his strength directly reached at least the level of the earth witch!

Even if only a very weak power was refined by the witch **** Yin Xiu, to the witch **** Yin Xiu, who was originally only a mere mid-stage cultivation base of the Eight Ding witches, it could be called a very huge power.

From the mid-term breakthrough of the Bading Wizard to the Jiuding Wizard, it is not surprising at all.

Hearing Yin Xiu said that his witch **** clone had broken through the cultivation base, Ning Yuejing was immediately overjoyed, and said with joy: "Master, when can you take us to the realm of cultivation?"

After speaking, Ning Yuejing's clear and bright eyes looked at Yin Xiu expectantly without blinking.

Obviously, she asked about the situation of Yin Xiu, the witch god, just now, just because she couldn't help but want to see in the realm of cultivation.

Although life on earth is very comfortable and stable, there is no danger, but it will also appear relatively flat. Over time, it will inevitably become more or less boring.

Especially when you know that there is still a world of cultivation that is countless times wider.

In fact, since the three of Yu Changsheng, Jing Qinghe, and Hang Boqian left, Yin Xiu said that the time is right to take them to the realm of comprehension. Ning Yuejing has always had a strong sense of expectation. .

Now that another few years have passed in a blink of an eye, Ning Yuejing suddenly couldn't hold back.

Upon hearing Ning Yuejing's question, Ji Xueqing and Jiang Xingyun also looked at Yin Xiu. The two of them also wanted to see the wider world of cultivation world, and they were quite fascinated...

"Why, I can't wait to go to the realm of cultivation?" Yin Xiu said with a slight smile while looking at Ning Yuejing.

Ning Yuejing nodded quickly, "Well! Of course I really want to see what the realm of cultivation is like."

Yin Xiu smiled and said, "The world of comprehension is not as peaceful and peaceful as you think. There are many dangers and dangers, and it is commonplace for practitioners to fight and fight with each other."

"You have to be a little psychologically prepared. As for when to take you to the realm of cultivation..."

Yin Xiu paused slightly, watching Ning Yuejing, Ji Xueqing, and Jiang Xingling all have expressions of expectation and longing on their pretty faces, so he smiled and said, "It's probably only five or six years."

"After my witch **** clone exits, we will arrange things here, and then we will leave for the realm of cultivation. Therefore, you have all cultivated well in the past few years..."

Speaking of this, Yin Xiu's tone paused for a while, and then looked at Ning Yuejing, and said: "Xiaojing, your cultivation is now in the late stage of out-of-aperture, try to break into the distraction stage before we go to the realm of cultivation. "

"However, you shouldn't be too eager to get things done deliberately, you still have to take into account the solid foundation."

Seeing that Yin Xiu specifically mentioned her cultivation level, Ning Yuejing quickly responded, "Master, don't worry. I have the confidence to break through to the stage of distraction within three or four years at most!"

"My previous technique is not far from the second realm now. Once my previous technique breaks through to the second realm, my cultivation speed will be much faster than now."


Yin Xiu responded and nodded softly.

In the past few years, Ning Yuejing had already cultivated the Xingshu to the three realms, and had also practiced the first technique.

All aspects of Ning Yuejing's aptitudes, including comprehension, can be called the ranks of supreme geniuses. In comparison, Ji Xueqing and Jiang Xianxiao, including Yin Chongwen, are far behind.

Even if Ji Xueqing and Jiang Xingyun were still in the second stage of Ning Yuejing's exercises, they both had practiced the first stage of the first stage.

However, to this day, Ning Yuejing's previous skills are about to break through to the second realm, and the previous skills of Ji Xueqing and Jiang Xingxing are still at the second realm level ~ has not broken through to the third realm.

Perhaps when the two of them broke through the three realms with their previous skills, it was estimated that Ning Yuejing's previous skills should have reached this point, even Ning Yuejing broke through faster than them, Yin Xiu was not surprised.

After all, although the physical aptitudes of Ji Xueqing and Jiang Xingxiao were reborn by Yin Xiu using the lotus seeds of the five-element holy lotus, they became the body of the five elements acquired, but their comprehension will not change with the improvement of their physical aptitude.

Ning Yuejing's perception is obviously much stronger than Ji Xueqing and Jiang Xingxiao.

However, Ji Xueqing and Jiang Xingyun's pursuit of cultivation base and personal strength is relatively calm, not very strong.

For the two of them, cultivation, and even hope that they can survive the catastrophe smoothly in the future, the biggest purpose of flying into a fairy is not to increase strength, but to increase lifespan, to be able to stay with Yin Xiu for a long time!

Therefore, Ji Xueqing and Jiang Xiaoying are weaker in their combat power, but they don't really care that much.

Of course, Ji Xueqing and Jiang Xingling have been practicing the former technique to the second stage for a long time. With the assistance of the second stage pre-shu, they have also made rapid progress in the past few years.

Now that both Ji Xueqing and Jiang Xingyin's cultivation bases have reached the peak of Yuan Ying's late stage, it will not take long to break through to the out-of-aperture stage.

I also talked to the three women, Ning Yuejing, Ji Xueqing, and Jiang Xingling about going to the realm of cultivation in the future, and then Yin Xiu asked them to continue practicing the spells, and he personally gave them some guidance...

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