Cultivator Returns to the City

Chapter 1188: The plan can't keep up with the changes

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Two years later, Ning Yuejing not only cultivated the former technique to the second stage, but also successfully broke through to the stage of distraction. However, Ji Xueqing and Jiang Xingxiao broke through the out-of-aperture period more than a year ago.

As for Yin Xiu's avatar of the witch god... still not out of the gate. However, the last bit of residual power in the body is no different from the complete refining.

Originally, Yin Xiu planned to wait until the witch **** clone exited, carefully arrange affairs in Yanyue sect, and then take Ning Yuejing and Ji Xueqing to the realm of cultivation together, so that they can experience some tempering.

However, the plan cannot keep up with the changes.

After more than seven years, Hang Boqian suddenly came to the earth from the realm of comprehension.

When Yanyuezong Taishan branch reported the news of Hang Boqian's appearance to Ning Yuejing directly via mobile phone, and then Ning Yuejing immediately notified Yin Xiu, Yin Xiu who suddenly learned that Hang Boqian had arrived was a little surprised.

So she immediately asked Ning Yuejing: "Xiaojing, is it that you are the only one who is talking about Taishan Branch Sect?"

"Well, Master, that's what the people from Taishan Branch Sect said." Ning Yuejing quickly replied.

Yin Xiu nodded slightly and said, "Come with me to meet your third uncle, he should be there soon..."

"Okay, Master!"

Ning Yuejing hurriedly responded, and immediately followed Yin Xiu out.

At the same time, Yin Xiu deliberately notified Ji Xueqing, Jiang Xingxiao, and Yin Chongwen of the matter, and called them together to prepare to meet Hang Boqian.

After all, it has been more than seven years since Hang Boqian left the earth. Although it is not clear at the moment why he came alone, but there should be a reason for it, otherwise he will not come alone, Yu Changsheng and Jing Qinghe have not come together.

After Yin Xiu informed Ji Xueqing, Jiang Xianyun and Yin Chongwen to go outside Yanyue Sanxian Island to meet Hang Boqian, his spiritual sense was immediately released.

Under his spiritual consciousness, he soon discovered that Hang Boqian had come out of the Taishan branch at this moment, and his sword was flying towards Yanyue Sanxian Island.

Having not seen it in more than seven years, Hang Boqian's cultivation has finally broken through the peak of the fit period and entered the tribulation period!

However, Hang Boqian's cultivation has been stuck at the peak of the fit period for a long time, and it is not surprising that he has broken through to the tribulation period.

I just don't know if the net green lotus has broken through.

Yin Xiu used his spiritual sense to look at Hang Boqian who was flying quickly, but he didn't rush to ask him directly through voice transmission.

With Ning Yuejing, Ji Xueqing, Jiang Xingxiao, and Yin Chongwen waiting for a few minutes outside Yanyue Sanxian Island, a dazzling sword light finally rushed like a meteor...

After the cultivation base broke through to the tribulation period, the flying speed of Hang Boqian's sword was obviously much faster than before.

Seeing that Hang Boqian had arrived, Yin Xiu couldn't help showing a faint smile on his face.

"Brother, have not seen you in a few years, are you okay with your elder brother and your second sister?" Yin Xiu couldn't help but smile and asked as he watched the sword light rushing from a distance.

When Yin Xiu's voice just fell, the flying sword at Hang Boqian's feet finally arrived in front of Yin Xiu and the others, and suddenly stopped a few tens of meters away.

Immediately, there was Hang Boqian's hearty laughter from the horse, "Haha, fourth brother, I haven't seen you in a few years, don't you guys come here all right?"

Upon hearing Hang Boqian's words, Ning Yuejing, Ji Xueqing, Jiang Xingxiao and others who stood behind Yin Xiu also greeted each other.

"Meet Uncle!"

"Meet the third brother!"


Hearing this, Hang Boqian's gaze swept across the faces of Ning Yuejing, Ji Xueqing, and Jiang Xingling, and immediately replied with a smile: "A few younger brothers and sisters are still polite with the third brother."

Ning Yuejing and Ji Xueqing couldn't help but smile shyly.

At this moment Yin Xiu said, "Brother, go, let's go in first."

"Eh, good too!"

Hang Boqian responded and immediately followed Yin Xiu and others back to Penglai Fairy Island...

"Fourth brother, I have been here for a few years, and now I come back again, but suddenly I find that I am a little bit nostalgic for the days when I was here with you..."

Hang Boqian looked at the familiar scenery on the surrounding Penglai Fairy Island and couldn't help but said with a little emotion.

Yin Xiu smiled slightly and said, "If you miss your third brother, you might as well live with me for a while."

When Hang Boqian heard the words, he couldn't help but laughed, and then shook his head and said: "I want to, but I'm afraid it won't last long."

Yin Xiu raised his eyebrows slightly, and couldn't help but ask: "Brother, what are the important things you came here for this time?"

"Well, count it!"

Hang Boqian nodded lightly, and then said: "I'll talk about this with you later."


Yin Xiu responded.

After a while, a group of people descended in front of Penglai Pavilion and quickly stepped into the main hall of Penglai Pavilion.

After everyone sat down, Yin Xiu asked Hang Boqian about the current situation of Yu Changsheng and Jing Qinghe, "Brother, how are the older brother and second sister these years, are they okay?"

Hang Boqian replied, "Well, they are all pretty good."

After a slight pause, Hang Boqian took the initiative to say: "By the way, fourth brother, your friends are all well on Kowloon Island. You don't have to worry about anything."

"It's just that your fourth brother and your friends obviously miss you a bit. When I went back with my eldest brother and second sister, they didn't see you. They looked very disappointed."

Yin Xiu nodded lightly and said, "They will be fine. After three or two years, I should take Xiaojing and Xueqing to visit I'll go back again and meet them."

After hearing Yin Xiu's words, Hang Boqian smiled suddenly and said, "Fourth brother, I'm afraid you have to leave as soon as possible. You can't wait until three or two years later."


Yin Xiu was stunned when he heard the words, then looked at Hang Boqian in surprise, and couldn't help but ask: "Brother, what do you say? Is there something going on over there, so you made a special trip to find me this time?"


Hang Boqian nodded lightly, and said: "In fact, nothing happened, it's just that we recently heard a piece of news..."

After a short pause, Hang Boqian continued: "That's the news about one of the several kinds of spiritual fires that you asked us to pay attention to when I left with the eldest brother and second sister that day, so I hurried over to inform you.

Yin Xiu was overjoyed when he heard it, and he quickly asked, "Brother, what you said is true? What kind of spiritual fire have you heard about, do you know the specific level of spiritual fire?"

When Yu Changsheng, Hang Boqian, and Jing Qinghe left the earth, Yin Xiu asked them to help pay attention to the samādhi fire in the realm of cultivation, or the fire in the stone, fire in the air, and fire in the wood. news.

Unexpectedly, in the past few years, there will be news in this regard!

Yin Xiu was more or less overjoyed.

After all, his Samadhi Real Fire has now reached the late stage of the sixth stage, and he only needs to take such a small step forward to reach the seventh stage, which is truly comparable to the level of ‘Xianhuo’!

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