Cultivator Returns to the City

Chapter 798: In troubled times, evildoers live!

Right now, Yin Xiu's avatar of the witch **** immediately turned into a streamer, disappeared in the sky, and flew to the western part of China.

With the combined power of Yin Xiu's body and the avatar of the witch god, as long as it is not a terrible catastrophe, it is basically enough to protect the integrity of China's land, and there will be no destructive disaster.

After Yin Xiu's witch **** clone left, Ji Xueqing obviously relaxed a lot. What Yin Xiu said just now is a reassurance for her, don't worry too much about whether her parents and family in Kyoto will encounter any danger.

When the speed of the dark vortex in the sky reached a certain level, it seemed to gradually stabilize. It's just that from time to time there are rumbling thunders, which shook people's ears with a buzzing sound.

Seeing this situation, Yin Xiu knew that this might be in a stage of stalemate. When the curse power caused by the immortal sacrificed the immortal soul was exhausted and completely unable to restrain those laws and heavenly tracks, everything would be done. Will really come...

The situation was indeed exactly as Yin Xiu expected. After a full half an hour, the vortex in the sky had no other changes except the thunder that came from time to time.

At the moment, Yin Xiu couldn't help but said to Ji Xueqing next to him: "Go, go back to the house first. This situation is estimated to be deadlocked for a while."

Upon hearing Yin Xiu's words, Ji Xueqing nodded lightly, and followed Yin Xiu back to the house.

Ning Yuejing, Luluo, Xiaopi, and Ling also followed into the house.

When she returned to the house, Ji Xueqing remembered that she wanted to hang up a call to Jiang Xianling in the magic city at home, but found that the mobile phone had no signal at all.

Yin Xiu saw that she wanted to make a phone call, and said, "The world has changed greatly, and the magnetic field and various band signals will be shaken. I am afraid that no signal will be received before the end of the change."

"So that's the case……"

Ji Xueqing responded, and she could only dispel the thought of calling her family and Jiang Xingyun.

Indeed, as Yin Xiu said, all signals cannot be transmitted and received at this moment, including the satellites of various countries. Therefore, at this moment, all countries in the world know nothing about the situation in other places, and they cannot communicate with each other. They are totally blind.

This makes governments of all countries that are already quite disturbed are more nervous and worried. No one can predict what will happen next with such a change, and all the unknown means to them unstable and insecure.

However, because everyone can’t communicate directly with each other right now, they can only wait anxiously, or send planes to neighboring countries to inquire about the situation, exchange opinions and countermeasures...

In the depths of a lofty mountain range in Northwest China, a middle-aged man dressed in a robes and a bun stood on top of one of the peaks, looking up at the huge dark vortex in the sky, with a faint smile on his face .

"This moment has finally arrived. Only when the laws and heavenly tracks break through the seal of heaven and earth, and the moment they reappear in the world, the power of the sealing barrier outside the'Wonderland' will be weakened to a minimum."

"At that time, I will use the'Kunlun Mirror' to cooperate with the star clusters arranged by the lords and the elders in the'Wonderland', and I will surely break the seal barrier outside the'Wonderland' and let the'Wonderland' come back. The world!"

The middle-aged man's heart was secretly filled with anticipation and excitement.

Looking forward to the reappearance of the law, he is not the only one who returned to the position of the heavenly path, but also the magic man "Kou Hai" who has been hiding in the deep southwest mountains for many years.

At this moment, he was also standing on the top of the mountain, looking at the whirlpool in the sky, laughing wildly.

"Hahaha! I have finally waited for this moment. The Ninth World to the Wrathful Soul and the Ninth World to the Wrathful Infant have been developed. Now I am waiting for the moment when the seal of heaven and earth is broken and collapsed. Resent the infant, help the demon master to open the door of Huangquan Demon Abyss to the world, so that Huangquan Ten Thousand Demons will return to the earth, and the king will come to the world!"

"This world will definitely become the world ruled by my Huangquan Demon Abyss! From then on, the whole world will be the only devil!"

Kou Hai screamed excitedly, extremely excited.

Nearly ten years of preparations, I went around searching for Zhiyin Babies and Zhiyin Boys and virgins, and spent a lot of energy and energy to refine the Ninth Zhiyin Yingying and the Ninth Zhiyin Resentment Soul. With the blood of tens of thousands of people It is easy to feed them and grow into them, and now they are finally ready to be used!

When he thought that after opening the Yellow Spring Demon Abyss, the demon lord led the demons to come to the world, and that he would be greatly appreciated by the demon lord for this great achievement, Kou Hai had no reason not to be excited and excited.

As the saying goes, when troubled times are approaching, evildoers will inevitably grow, and demons will make trouble.

Obviously, Kou Hai, as well as the demon figures in the Huangquan Demon Abyss in his mouth, are this evil evil monster...

The sky continued to be pitch black, and was always shrouded by the huge vortex with no visible edge. The violent roar of thunder, the dazzling and dazzling lightning bolts made people all over the world feel difficult. Ann, very worried.

In China’s Kyoto, after the reconstruction, it was still named the ‘South China Sea’ administrative center, and several leaders gathered in the conference room with solemn expressions.

As soon as the upheaval of heaven and earth happened, they came here one after another.

As the vision of the world's drastic changes intensified, the worries in the hearts of these big men grew stronger.

"Everyone, the world is changing drastically at the moment, although we don't know what major changes will happen next. However, we must prepare and respond to it in advance, so that when something really happens, we are completely helpless. ."

The No. 1 chief who was re-elected solemnly spoke.

Chief No. 2 beside him also calmly said: "Yes, this time the world has changed Although we don’t know what the situation in other countries and regions is, at least from what we know and From what we have learned, I am afraid that the situation in the world should be similar."

"Such a change, we have to prepare and prepare for the worst."

Another big man also said: "In this matter, we can prepare measures to deal with various possible situations. At the same time, I think it is better to ask General Xiao to find the Yin Shangxian and ask if he knows this. what's going on."

"Yes, that Yin Shangxian has the ability to penetrate the sky and the earth. The Western pseudo-gods at the beginning were like ants in front of him, and they were all wiped out by him effortlessly. Maybe he knew what was going on."

One person next to him echoed.

The other person also nodded lightly, agreeing: "I also agree to let General Xiao go to the Yin Shangxian to inquire about the situation as soon as possible. As for the preparations and measures that should be made on our side just in case, we will immediately start."

"Okay! Then let people inform General Xiao immediately, and immediately arrange a special plane to **** General Xiao to Yinhai..." Chief No. 1 immediately made a final conclusion. (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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