Cultivator Returns to the City

Chapter 799: Ancient times

When Yin Xiu and Ji Xueqing went back to the house and continued to eat dinner, less than ten minutes later, Xiao Jianjun rushed to Yinhai by special plane and quickly came to Pingding Village, Yin Xiu Of this villa.

Yin Xiu told him that he usually lives here, so when Xiao Jianjun couldn't contact Yin Xiu by phone in advance, he naturally came here to find Yin Xiu directly.

The only person who followed Xiao Jianjun here was Xiao Rui, a junior from the Xiao family, and the South China Sea side did not send another person to follow.

On the one hand, Yin Xiu mentioned it to Xiao Jianjun at the beginning, and he had no interest in having any in-depth contact and intersection with the authorities for Xiao Jianjun to convey.

Therefore, South China Sea was also more cautious in treating Yin Xiu, and did not dare to send other people together, so as not to upset Yin Xiu.

On the other hand, it is because Xiao Jianjun itself is an official person, and he has served as a member of the Military Commission. His father is a founding feat. For Xiao Jianjun, the South China Sea side is very relieved, and naturally there is no other The need to send someone to follow.

In that case, Xiao Jianjun would easily be regarded as Huananhai’s distrust of him, which would only outweigh the gain.

Yin Xiu was not surprised by Xiao Jianjun’s hurried arrival. He even knew his purpose. So after seeing Xiao Jianjun, Yin Xiu just let their grandparents and grandchildren be in the living room at will. Sit inside.

Afterwards, before Xiao Jianjun asked, he took the initiative to say: "Jianjun, you rushed to me in such a hurry, maybe it was the high-level executive who ordered you to ask me about the outside change, right?"

Hearing this, Xiao Jianjun quickly responded, "Yes, Master!"

"Dare to ask Master, what is going on? What happened, and will there be any major changes next?"

Even without high-level instructions, Xiao Jianjun wanted to figure this out, and he was worried about this in his heart.

After all, once something really happens... With the terrifying scene of the abnormal change right now, I'm afraid it will be absolutely insignificant, and maybe it will be a tragic scene of life overwhelming.

Yin Xiu said slowly: "This matter, to be honest, it is difficult for me to say what will happen next. However, you don't have to worry too much. I dare not say anything else, at least, at least in China. , I will do my best to protect the integrity of this land."

"Unless there is a terrible catastrophe that even my abilities cannot resist, even if there is any natural disaster, it will not cause any major disasters and casualties."

These words of Yin Xiu made Xiao Jianjun a long sigh of relief, and he felt quite settled.

He believed in Yin Xiu's words naturally and unconditionally, without the slightest doubt. The master's ability to reach the sky and the earth has been proved by events again and again.

Whether it was the sweep of Mi Di, the destruction of Niu Yaoshi, the world's largest metropolis, or the slaughter of the Western pseudo-gods alone two years ago, it proved Yin Xiu's supreme ‘immortal power’!

Therefore, since Yin Xiu had said that he would take action to protect Huaxia's comprehensiveness, then naturally there was nothing to doubt.

If something really happened that even Yin Xiu couldn't resist... Then it can only be said that God's will is like this.

After a short pause, Yin Xiu continued to say to Xiao Jianjun: "As for the cause of this upheaval...I can roughly guess."

After another pause, he looked up at Xiao Jianjun, Yin Xiu then continued, "After you go back, you can suggest some preparations to the senior management. I am afraid that after this time, the world will really change... …"

"Master, what does this... mean?"

Xiao Jianjun couldn't help asking, he was very curious about the "changing sky" that Yin Xiu meant.

Yin Xiu turned his head and looked out of the dark window, and said faintly: "This world, I am afraid it is about to return to the ancient times. In the ancient times, there were many spiritual practitioners in this world, including the monsters and spirits who walked through the mountains and forests. There are towering ancient trees that cover the sky and the sun, and there is also an endless source of energy, misty heaven and earth aura..."

Under Xiao Jianjun’s half-knowledgeable and unspoken gaze, Yin Xiu continued to say leisurely: "In ancient times, there were great laws between heaven and earth, and there were heavenly tracks to determine the universe of Yin and Yang, and there were all kinds of fairyland, demon realm, cave sky, In the blessed land, there are large and small, or full of spiritual faeries, and there are evil spirits rushing into the sky, demonic energy, and evil obstacles rebirth."

"In the ancient times, a supreme immortal suffered severe damage and fell here, but it attracted thousands of practitioners to set ambush and besiege. In the end, although the immortal died, he sacrificed with his own immortal soul at the last moment. It attracted the mighty power of the world, sealed the laws and tracks of the entire world, and also sealed the many secret realms, as well as the source of all the spiritual energy between the world and the earth-the spiritual root of the earth veins!"

"Therefore, since ancient times, there has been no fairyland or heaven and blessings in this world, and the spiritual energy between the heavens and the earth has gradually become thinner. Eventually, the monsters in the mountains and forests have degenerated, and the practitioners in the world have gradually cut off their path, so that the human world Practitioners are also becoming scarce, their strength is declining, and one generation is inferior to one generation..."

After taking a sigh of relief, Yin Xiu ignored whether Xiao Jianjun completely understood what he had said, but continued to speak indifferently, "Now that the world has changed, it is unsurprisingly that it should have been fallen to the earth in ancient times. The sealing power that the immortal sacrificed to the immortal soul has declined to the point where it is about to collapse."

"The laws and tracks of this heaven and earth are impacting the and are about to return. Thinking about it, including the spiritual roots of the earth veins, they should also break the seal in the future, replenishing the endless aura of heaven and earth. "

"Even, when the laws of the heaven and earth and the heavenly tracks break through the seal of the fairy, I am afraid that the seals of the secret realms will begin to loosen. It should not be too long before the seals of those secret realms will gradually collapse. The only thing that is not certain at the moment is whether there are still cultivators in those secret realms, and what are the dispositions of those cultivators? Will they be like the previous Western pseudo-gods? These are currently unknown..."

These words of Yin Xiu shocked Xiao Jianjun and Xiao Rui who followed Xiao Jianjun.

Even Ji Xueqing and Ning Yuejing couldn't help widening their eyes when they heard Yin Xiu mention the secrets of ancient times, and they looked quite surprised.

If Yin Xiu hadn't told them about these ancient secrets, it would be impossible for them to know.

And Yin Xiu had also seen it from the memory of the devilish thoughts in the cut bones. If not, I am afraid that no one in this world knows the ancient secrets that can last for these years. (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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