Cultivator Returns to the City

Chapter 804: 3 Qing Palace

"Gosh, what is that?"

The violent violent tsunamis horrified the people in the cities and villages along the coast of China. The horrible waves hundreds of meters high had never seen them in their entire lives.

They wanted to escape, but the coercion of the law made them feel as if they were being pressed by a large stone, and they couldn't stand up, let alone escape.

They could only watch the terrifying huge waves with dozens of hundreds of stories in the distance coming like ten thousand horses, quickly approaching the coastline.

Just when many people thought they were bound to die, suddenly, an invisible ‘wall’ appeared not far from the coastline, blocking those huge waves.

No matter how frightening those huge waves are, no matter how terrifying the impact they contain, however, that invisible ‘wall’ keeps them out firmly, and can no longer move forward!

Such an astonishing scene made the countless people on the long coastline of Huaxia who had seen all this stunned, and subconsciously came up with ‘what’s going on? ’Such a question comes.

However, the next moment, they immediately felt a deep shock and a cry of joy in their hearts!

"Could it be that the immortal made a move? He blocked this terrible tsunami wave with supreme mana?"

Many people can't help but come up with such an idea in their minds. Besides, they really can't think of other more reasonable possibilities.

Why is that terrible tsunami wave suddenly blocked by an invisible force? Apart from the ‘fairy’ who has appeared many times, who else can possess such an incredible, earth-shattering stalwart power?

"Yes, it must have been the'fairy man' from the former Xianzi company. Didn't he kill those Western pseudo-gods last time? This time he must have seen a tsunami disaster. That’s why they rescued us!"

For a while, countless people along the coast of China once again expressed their infinite gratitude and respect to Yin Xiu.

In the process of returning to the laws of heaven and earth and gradually refitting with the heaven and earth, Yin Xiu's ontology and the avatar of the witch **** are constantly suppressing all kinds of natural disasters, whether it is a strong wind, an earthquake, or a tsunami, all are suppressed or blocked by Yin Xiu.

Compared with the apocalyptic disasters of other countries and regions in the world, Huaxia is completely a scene of "calm and calm". Except for those people who cannot resist the coercion of the law, they have to bow down to the ground. Almost no other abnormalities and disasters occurred.

It has to be said that China and the people living in China are extremely lucky, because there is Yin Xiu in China who has such a strong cultivation base as the guardian of the tribulation period powerhouse.

Compared with the tragic apocalyptic scenes around the world, China is almost like heaven.


On one of the peaks of the Kunlun Mountains, a middle-aged man in Taoist clothing, hairpin and hairpin Ling Wangyue looked up at the sky, the imprint of the sky like stars, with a faint smile on his face.

Holding the quaint and mysterious ancient treasure'Kunlun Mirror' in his left hand, he took a deep breath, and whispered uncontrollably: "It's time, the seal of heaven and earth has been broken, and the law is in harmony with the heaven and the earth. It is the weakest seal of the fairyland. At the moment, with the power of the Kunlun Mirror, coupled with the star formations set by several lords and the elders in the fairyland, it is not difficult to break the seal outside the fairyland."

"If you don't take this opportunity, once the law is completely in line with the world, without the power of the law to suppress the heavy seal outside the immortal, the power of the seal will inevitably recover a lot. Then it will undoubtedly take ten times more effort to think of opening the fairyland passage. more than."

"And if you want to wait until the heavy seal outside the immortal boundary completely exhausts its power, I am afraid it will take at least decades, or even hundreds of years. The whole Kunlun has been waiting for too long, let alone dozens or hundreds of years, even for a moment, I don’t want to wait any longer..."

After speaking, Ling Wangyue suddenly took out an array disc with a diameter of about two meters from the storage bracelet he wore on his wrist, and then set it on the ground, and quickly cast the magic decisive action again and again to break into the array disc. in.

After a while, a faint silver light suddenly appeared on the array, as if starlight was shining.

At the same time, some fluctuations and turbulence appeared in the surrounding heaven and earth vitality.

After activating this formation, Ling Wangyue stopped temporarily, did not continue to take any action, just stared at the formation in front of him, as if waiting for something.

In fact, this formation is not only the key to helping Ling Wangyue inspire the power of the Kunlun Mirror, but it is also his contactor for informing the Kunlun fairyland.

As soon as he activates this formation, the corresponding formation in Kunlun Wonderland will be activated as well. In this way, other people in Kunlun Wonderland will know that the seal of the outside world has been broken, the law is back, and it is time to break through the wonderland. The seal outside, let Kunlun return to the world...

This was agreed before Ling Wangyue was sent out at a huge price by the few masters in Kunlun Wonderland.

Kunlun Wonderland.

In front of a majestic and majestic palace, a huge array, engraved with various complex and mysterious patterns, suddenly trembled, and then suddenly a faint gleam appeared.

The sudden change immediately alarmed the three noble lords of the "Sanqing Palace" and several other Supreme Elders.

In an instant, several figures swiftly swept out of the palace and the surrounding towering peaks, and landed in front of the formation.

"The Star Dou formation disk is triggered, and the'sub disk' that Wang Yue brought out must have been So, the seal of the curse of the ancient immortal must have been broken..."

A middle-aged man wearing a luxurious robe, who looked about 30 or 40 years old, exclaimed with excitement.

"Junior Brother Xuanzhen, according to our agreement before sending Wangyue out, when he activates the sub-panel of the Star Dou Array, we will immediately open the Star Dou Stars Array to help him stimulate the power of Fan Tian Yin or Kunlun Mirror. In order to break the seal outside the fairyland and open the fairyland passage."

"I think it's time for us to start the big array..."

Another middle-aged man next to him spoke.

In fact, his heart is the same agitated, but his temperament is obviously more calm, and what he is practicing is the ‘supreme pure heart’, so there are few moments of dramatic fluctuations and ups and downs in his emotions.

"Yes, Senior Brother Ling Xu is right, the most urgent thing is to immediately gather the disciples, start the star gathering array, and break the seal of the fairyland passage!"

Xuan Zhenzi cried out impatiently. (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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