Cultivator Returns to the City

Chapter 805: Immortals move together

In a blink of an eye, at least thousands of cultivators in plain robes flew from the surrounding towering mountain peaks with swords, the sky full of sword light can be described as covering the sky and the sun, a vast expanse.


Following Ling Xuzi's call, thousands of disciples of the'Sanqing Palace' who were cultivated at least above the Nascent Soul Stage had their swords in place, lined up above the huge formation in front of the palace.

In order to be able to break the seal of the outside world, the rule of return broke through the ancient immortal seal outside Kunlun Immortal as soon as possible. They have already practiced this "star-doug-star-gathering array" countless times, and there is no need to think about it. Everyone knows instinctively. Where should I be listed?

Thousands of the weakest cultivators who are also in the Nascent Soul Stage have jointly built a great formation. One can imagine how powerful this great formation is, especially the three Lords of the Sanqing Palace, as well as several Supreme Elders and many others. The elders are all in this big formation together.

With the formation of the big formation, the three masters of the Sanqing Palace, Ling Xuzi, Yuan Yizi, and Xuan Zhenzi, who are located at the eyes of the formation, immediately began to cast the magic battle, stimulate the formation and open the formation!


As the huge array pan suddenly trembled, a dazzling silver beam of light suddenly rose into the sky, and the entire array immediately burst into radiance, and the silver light flowed around, as if the whole body was made of silver.

At the same time, the dense mystery array patterns on the array plate were immediately activated, radiating brilliance, overflowing with light, like lines of mercury.

A mysterious, mysterious, and obscure power also rose, causing the large array of thousands of cultivators scattered in the sky and around to be truly activated, and everyone was immediately enveloped with a layer of imitation. The silver brilliance like a starlight is rendered as if an immortal **** descends, the scene is extremely magnificent, it is breathtaking!

As everyone was shrouded in silver light, the entire large formation immediately began to operate, and an extremely large, unconventional, and majestic force rushed into the sky.

In an instant, the entire sky was stirred, the clouds faded away, and in an instant it was cloudless, and even a trace of wind could no longer be felt. It can be said that the wind stops and the clouds rest!

After a while, countless stars suddenly flashed in the clear sky, like a scene of stars in the night and the sky full of stars, but in fact, it is a clear day...

After the starlight suddenly appeared in the sky, after about three or five breaths of time, thick silver beams of light suddenly descended from the sky, and landed in the star gathering star formation arranged by the disciples of the'Sanqing Palace'.

In an instant, that huge star formation suddenly burst out with an incomparable light, just like a silver sun suddenly appeared, the bright silver brilliance shone the surrounding palaces, mountains... all into a piece of silver!

At the same time, in the sky above the star gathering array, there were suddenly ripples and folds, like a stone thrown into a calm lake...

On one of the peaks of the main line of Kunlun Mountain outside of Kunlun Wonderland, Ling Wangyue's eyes were fixed on the formation plate under his feet.

When he saw the faint dim light radiating from the discs suddenly fluctuated, his heart suddenly became happy.

He quickly placed the ‘Kunlun Mirror’ he was holding in his hands on his chest, his expression was particularly solemn, and his eyes were still staring at the array.

After a few breaths, when a bright star suddenly burst into the sky, Ling Wangyue immediately sacrificed the "Kunlun Mirror" in his hand, suppressing the surging emotions in his heart, and swiftly hitting out his hands. Fa Jue, control the formation under your feet.

With the waves on the surface of the formation disk, the powerful, violent, and powerful starlight energy that burst out from the formation disk was immediately drawn and injected into the Kunlun Mirror sacrificed by Ling Wangyue. 'Among...


When those stars poured into the Kunlun Mirror, the Kunlun Mirror trembled violently, and the obscure, simple and ordinary "shell" of the treasure on the surface collapsed and collapsed, revealing this ancient Kunlun treasure. 'True capacity'.

It was an ancient mirror covered with mysterious textures, the material was like gold but not gold, like jade and not jade, with deep color and slight halo.

There was a mysterious glimmer on the mirror surface, as if it possessed incomparable magical power, which made it impossible to look directly at it. It seems that the mirror light can peek into people's hearts, you can understand the root of everything in the world, and you can see the secrets of the past and the future!

Ling Wangyue widened his eyes and stared at the Kunlun Mirror that showed the'true face'. He had actually completed most of his mission. Next, he waited for the formation under his feet to fully stimulate the Kunlun Mirror's power, and then he controlled and guided the formation through the formation. The power of Kunlun Mirror can bombard the ancient immortal seal outside Kunlun Immortal!

As the starlight gushing from the array continues to pour into the Kunlun Mirror, the Kunlun Mirror trembles constantly, and the light it emits becomes stronger and stronger. It is obvious that the power of the Kunlun Mirror is gradually recovering.

Ling Wangyue closely watched the Kunlun Mirror's changes, and only waited for its power to fully recover, he immediately controlled the formation, with the help of this formation, or with the help of thousands of "Sanqing Palace" disciples in Kunlun immortal territory. The power of the star-fighting star-gathering array deployed to mobilize the power of Kunlun Mirror to break the seal outside Kunlun Immortal!

In the southwest mountain nearly a thousand miles away from the main line of Kunlun Mountain where Ling Wangyue is located, he was sent out from the Secret Realm of Huangquan Demon Abyss, and the magic repair Kouhai with the same task was staring at the four-shot blood flag in front of him with the same tension. .

At the moment when the seal of heaven and earth broke and the law returned, Kou Hai immediately sacrificed the four-shot blood flags he had prepared, laid down the formation, and then urged the blood flags to remove the four trapped in the blood flags. A ninth world to the dark resentment soul and the ninth world to the dark resentful infant made sacrifices, breaking through the seal outside the Yellow Spring Demon Abyss through the heavy soaring resentment on them.

We must know that what these ninth generations of Zhiyin resentment and ninth generations of Zhiyin Ying contain are not only the accumulated resentment accumulated by the fusion of those of the most yin males and babies, and the yin virgins, but also There was resentment of all the people who died in the blood pool that Kou Hai used to feed the four resentful souls and infants.

The accumulation of this kind of grievance is not simply superimposed on each other, but an explosive type similar to a chemical reaction, which is doubled.

The grievances contained in the four Ninth Worlds Zhi Yin Hun Soul and the Ninth World Zhi Yin Yu Ying's body can be said to be the level of weeping ghosts and gods.

No matter how fierce evil spirits see them, they can only be eaten as food.

Of course, Kou Hai wanted to break the seal outside Huangquan Demon Abyss and relied on not only the power brought by the sacrifice of these four Wraith Souls and Infants, but also the magical master in Huangquan Demon Abyss. That powerful ancient magic weapon in your hand!

Although the ancient magic weapon had been damaged, the power of offering sacrifices to these wraith souls and infants could temporarily make up for the trauma of that powerful magic weapon and temporarily restore it to its peak power.

By then, with the help of the power of that ancient magic weapon, and the power produced by the sacrifices of those resentful souls from the outside world, it is not impossible to break the seal.

Those resentful souls and resentful infants were originally made from the magic energy extracted from the ancient magic weapon by Huangquan Demon to sacrifice the power of those resentful souls and resentful infants. Being perfectly matched by that ancient magic weapon, temporarily made up for the trauma of that powerful magic weapon.

As for how to transfer the power of those grieving souls and grieving infant sacrifices to Huangquan Demon Abyss, it had to rely on the four-shot blood flag.

At this moment, the seal outside Huangquan Moyuan was suppressed by the return of the law, and was weakened to the extreme, only to be able to achieve this.

Once the law is completely in line with the world and after hiding, the strength of the seal outside Huangquan Demon Abyss is restored, and the four-shot blood flag will no longer be able to transfer the power generated by those resentful souls and the sacrifice of the infant to Huangquan Demon Abyss. Up.

This is why Kou Hai waited for the ancient immortal seal between the world and earth to be broken and collapsed. When the law returned, he set up a large array to sacrifice the resentful infant and resentful soul in the four-shot blood flag.

To some extent, the approach taken by Huangquan Moyuan is almost the same as Kunlun Wonderland.

It’s just that Kunlun Wonderland didn’t do anything to harm the heavens and reason, and Huangquan Moyuan was worthy of being a demon cultivator. In order to cultivate the four Ninth Resentment Souls and the Ninth Resentment Infant, at least tens of thousands of people were killed. ……(To be continued.) Enable new URL

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