Cultivator Returns to the City

Chapter 840: What about 3 Immortals?

"You, what do you mean by this?" Min Fanglei asked nervously looking at Yin Xiu.

   Yin Xiu said coldly: "Aren't you the first disciple of the Three Immortals? If the teachers who want to come to you know your current situation, they should come to save you?"

   "I'm just waiting here. If your teachers are so capable and can save you from my hands, then you should be considered dead."

   At this point, Yin Xiu sneered and continued: "If your teachers are not that capable, hehe, then you can think about how to die!"

   After finishing speaking, Yin Xiu glanced at Gu Xuanzhong and Zhang Yunsong coldly again, and finally his eyes fell on Zhang Yunsong.

He said coldly: "You, go back and report the matter here to your teacher of the Three Immortals. Tell them that I will only wait here for five hours. If after five hours, no one from your Three Immortals will come, then Just wait to collect the dead bodies for both of them!"

   Yin Xiu also wanted to see what kind of attitude and style the Three Immortals would have regarding this matter. Since it provokes himself, Yin Xiu doesn't plan to let it go so easily.

   Hearing Yin Xiu's words, Zhang Yunsong couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and then he found that he was suddenly able to move.

   For a while, Zhang Yunsong was overjoyed, at least he no longer needs to stay here and wait for death. Didn’t you hear that the other party just said that if the Three Immortals Sect were to be here for five hours, Brother Min and Brother Gu would be killed?

   Zhang Yunsong had a secret joy in his heart, but he didn't dare to delay half a minute. He responded quickly, and hurriedly left the park as if he fled, and prepared to return to Sanxian Island as soon as possible to report the matter.

   The reason why Yin Xiu gave the five-hour time limit was also considering Zhang Yunsong's low-level status, and it would take a lot of time to return to Sanxian Island.

As for why Zhang Yunsong was allowed to be the messenger instead of Gu Xuanzhong, it was naturally because Yin Xiu had guessed that Gu Xuanzhong should be the one Ning Yuejing had told him before, the person who had been unruly towards her at the class reunion. .

   Ning Yuejing told him that that person was the cultivation base of the late Huayuan period, and Yin Xiu knew the cultivation bases of Gu Xuanzhong and Zhang Yunsong when he scanned his spiritual consciousness before.

   Zhang Yunsong hasn't even completed the foundation building, but Gu Xuanzhong happened to be the cultivation base of the late Huayuan. It is not necessary to know that Gu Xuanzhong is the person Ning Yuejing said.

   Moreover, this time Ning Yuejing was attacked. It was clear that Gu Xuanzhong had sought revenge from the helper in the division after returning to Sanxian Island. Of course, Yin Xiu could not spare the instigator of Gu Xuanzhong.

   After Zhang Yunsong left in a crawling manner, the Gu Xuanzhong who was still imprisoned in the same place became more and more frightened, and even his legs couldn't help trembling.

   If Yin Xiu hadn't confined his body and couldn't move, I'm afraid he would have to kneel down and beg for mercy.

   In fact, Gu Xuanzhong is indeed quite conflicted and struggling at this moment. He doesn't want to die, and doesn't want to die at all, so he actually wants to ask Yin Xiu for mercy in his heart.

   However, as a disciple of the Three Immortals Sect, that kind of pride made him difficult to express, not to mention that there was a Min Fanglei watching him, making it even more difficult for him to speak.

   Therefore, Gu Xuanzhong's lips squirmed for a while, and opened his mouth several times, wanting to ask for mercy, but when the words came to his lips, he really couldn't say it. He could only swallow it back alive...

   Not only Gu Xuanzhong, but Min Fanglei also felt deeply afraid.

   He looked at Yin Xiu, his eyes filled with fear, and his heart struggled. At the same time, he secretly regretted it, and even somewhat hated Gu Xuanzhong why he wanted to find him.

   Had it not been for Gu Xuanzhong to find him and instigate him, how could he fall into this field at this moment?

   Not only the Yuan Ying was shattered, his cultivation was abolished, and even his life could not be guaranteed.

   Thinking of this, Min Fanglei looked at Gu Xuanzhong's eyes with a deep resentment and viciousness.

   He even vowed secretly in his heart that if he could escape from birth today, he would let Gu Xuanzhong not eat it, so as to vent his anger!

Gu Xuanzhong didn’t notice Min Fanglei’s bitter eyes. He was completely upset at this moment. Looking at Yin Xiu, he was constantly struggling and entangled in his heart whether to ask for mercy or not. There was no time to pay attention to other things. Things.

   Yin Xiu didn't have the time to pay attention to what they were thinking. He waved his hand and simply restrained their mouths, so as to save them from making noises and disturbing their mood later.

   Then, Yin Xiu turned his head and said to Ning Yuejing: "Xiaojing, how do you want to deal with these two people?"

Ning Yuejing's eyes were fixed on her brows and her brows were frowning, and her faces were distorted in pain and trembling. Li Sitian and Lin Fang were trembling. The anger in their hearts was intense. When she heard Yin Xiu's question, she thought too. If he didn't want to say: "Master, I don't want them to live anymore!"

"Even though you saved Si Tian and Lin Fang, Master, this can't change the fact that they almost killed my two best friends in college. So, I want them to die! "

   Ning Yuejing's pretty face was a bit sullen.

   Although Ning Yuejing's temperament has been greatly changed over the years, and has become a lot more gentle, it is still impossible to completely erase the previous stubbornness of grievances.

   The fact that Li Sitian and Lin Fang almost died, and it was caused by themselves, obviously really angered Ning Yuejing, causing her to kill Min Fanglei and Gu Xuanzhong.

   Even Ning Yuejing couldn't help feeling a little regretful that he was so easily let go of Gu Xuanzhong with a vigorous blow, instead of directly killing him!

Yin Xiu has no opinion on Ning Yuejing’s Although he can also feel the killing intent revealed by Ning Yuejing, in the realm of cultivation, excessive kindness will only hurt Yourself.

   Therefore, it is necessary to kill the fruit at the necessary moment.

   As long as it is not meaningless killing innocent people, and can stick to their inner bottom line, it will not have much impact.

   Don't look at Yin Xiu's good temperament, but he has killed countless people in the realm of cultivation. Not to mention anything else, just say that those Western false gods and the entire secret realm of the "Heavenly Kingdom" were all killed by Yin Xiu!

   and Huangquan Moyuan is not much different.

   It's just that Yin Xiu has his own bottom line and will not do some meaningless indiscriminate killings at will. He is only going to kill those who should be killed and the enemies that will bring hidden dangers to himself and the people around him.

   will never kill people because of trivial things. For example, if you scold me to kill your whole family, or touch me to destroy your Nine Clan, Yin Xiu would never do it.

   That's something psychopathic, the devil who takes pleasure in murder can do it.

  Only when he truly poses a threat to him, the people around him, or the people who have become enemies, Yin Xiu will ruthlessly wipe out the opponent from the body and soul together!

   Yin Xiu has always believed in a saying, only the dead enemy is the best enemy! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to () vote for recommendation votes, monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. For mobile phone users, please read it.)

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