Cultivator Returns to the City

Chapter 841: Little? He really is your master? !

"Okay! Master promises you that you will never let these two people live again!" Yin Xiu nodded to Ning Yuejing.

Ning Yuejing looked up at Yin Xiu and said, "Thank you, Master!"

Yin Xiu smiled, raised his hand and rubbed Ning Yuejing's head, and then glanced at Li Sitian and Lin Fang who were still recovering next to him, and said, "Don't worry, they will be fully healed soon. ."


Ning Yuejing nodded vigorously and looked at Li Sitian and Lin Fang again, waiting for them to recover.

Gu Xuanzhong and Min Fanglei on the side heard the conversation between Yin Xiu and Ning Yuejing, and they were terribly scared.

However, their bodies and mouths were imprisoned by Yin Xiu. They couldn't even speak. They could only roll their eyes desperately, and there was a look of pleading in their eyes.

However, Yin Xiu ignored the two of them at all, just waiting for Li Sitian and Lin Fang to recover together with Ning Yuejing...

In a blink of an eye, ten minutes later, the expressions on Li Sitian and Lin Fang's faces finally stretched a bit, unlike the previous look of pain and distortion and frowning.

This also made Ning Yuejing feel a little relieved.

After a few more minutes, the two finally woke up one after another and opened their eyes.

When they were about to move and wanted to straighten up, Yin Xiu quickly said, "Don't move, your body is still recovering, don't move randomly, so as not to affect the recovery of bones and internal organs."

Upon hearing Yin Xiu’s words, before Li Sitian and Lin Fang could react, Ning Yuejing hurriedly stepped forward and lightly pressed their bodies and said, "Lin Fang, Si Tian, ​​don’t move, listen to my master. Wait until the injuries in your body have completely recovered."

Hearing Ning Yuejing's voice, Li Sitian and Lin Fang gradually woke up from the dazed trance they had just regained.

The two of them lay quietly, no longer forced to get up, just looking at Ning Yuejing's eyes with a little suspicion and surprise.

"Xiao Jing, we...what's wrong? Hiss, how come I feel so painful!" Lin Fang hissed, frowning, and exhaled in pain.

Li Sitian also looked at Ning Yuejing and frowned, "Xiaojing, how do I remember that I was hit by a sudden strong force just now, and then the whole person was knocked out, and then nothing happened. I no longer know."

Ning Yuejing said: "Don't worry, you are all right now, and you will be able to fully recover in a while, and nothing will happen."

"As for just now... you were knocked into flight by the momentum released by that guy. Fortunately, my master has a way to save you. Otherwise, you would..."

Ning Yuejing pointed to Min Fanglei who was imprisoned by Yin Xiu. As for the following words, she didn't say anything further, but the meaning was already very clear.

Lin Fang and Li Sitian lying on the ground saw Min Fanglei pointed by Ning Yuejing, their faces were suddenly shocked.

Just about to speak, Ning Yuejing seemed to have guessed what they were trying to say, and couldn't help but smile and said: "Si Tian, ​​Lin Fang, don't worry, he has been imprisoned by my master now and can't move at all. You don't have to What are you worried about? With my master, no one can treat me or you."

Hearing this, Lin Fang and Li Sitian were stunned, as if they had only noticed Yin Xiu standing by. They turned their heads and looked at Yin Xiu...

"Xiao Jing, he... is he really your master?!"

Li Sitian looked at Yin Xiu, her eyes widened and she exclaimed in surprise.

Lin Fang was not as surprised as Li Sitian, but her brows were tightly furrowed, she seemed to be thinking about something, and said in a somewhat suspicious tone: "Xiao Jing, how do I feel... I feel like I have seen your master somewhere. , It feels familiar!"

Upon hearing this, Ning Yuejing couldn't help but look up at Yin Xiu, and then smiled at Li Sitian and Lin Fang.

But before she could speak, Li Sitian was the first to call out: "Lin Fang, you carefully think about it, is Xiaojing's master very similar to that'immortal'! It was the destruction of Midi Niuyao market at the same time. The "fairy man" behind the big boss of Xianzi Company!"

Li Sitian obviously recognized Yin Xiu at first glance.

Yin Xiu did not perform any disguise, and it is not surprising that he was recognized.

But Lin Fang, who originally thought Yin Xiu was familiar with, immediately remembered when he heard Li Sitian's reminder, a look of sudden realization appeared on his face, and then exclaimed: "It's really, really him!"

After Lin Fang yelled in shock, he immediately turned his head to look at Ning Yuejing, eyes widened, and cried out in surprise: "Xiaojing, you... your master is really from Xianzi Company. Fairy?!"

Seeing the shocked look of the two friends, Ning Yuejing couldn't help but smile. After looking up at Yin Xiu, he nodded to them and replied, "Well, my master is the person you mentioned. ."


Even though they had recognized it, Lin Fang and Li Sitian felt extremely shocked by the affirmative reply from Ning Yuejing's mouth.

Although they had thought that Ning Yuejing's master would be a very powerful character before, they never thought that Ning Yuejing's master would be Yin Xiu!

The ‘fairy’ who once destroyed Midi Niuyao with only one hand, and also punished the Western false gods who had troubled the world!

Yin Xiu could understand the shock and disbelief in Li Sitian and Lin Fang.

He smiled faintly, and said to the two people who hadn't recovered for a long time: "You are all Xiao Jing's friends, don't be too surprised by my identity. You should regard me as Xiao Jing's master. It's fine, there is nothing else to care about."

Yin Xiu's words finally awakened Lin Fang and Li Sitian.

The two looked at Yin Xiu, feeling a little bit at a loss and incoherent.

"You, you are polite. I, we... We are very happy to meet your real person!"

"Yes, yes! We have always admired you very, very much before. It is really our great honor to have the opportunity to meet you as a real person!"

The two were obviously at a loss and excited. He seemed to be a little stumbling in his words, and his expression of excitement was not an exaggeration.

It seems that the pain in the body at this moment has disappeared...

Yin Xiu smiled and said nothing more.

At this time, Li Sitian and Lin Fang had already turned their heads to look at Ning Yuejing, and exclaimed with excitement.

"Xiao Jing, I didn't expect Immortal Yin to be your master! No wonder your cultivation is so powerful!"

"Yes, no wonder you have been reluctant to say who your master is. We didn't even think about it. Now I finally understand that at the 80th anniversary of our school, why did the senior sister Ji Xueqing know you so well? Up."

Looking at the excited Li Sitian and Lin Fang, Ning Yuejing smiled and said: "Si Tian, ​​Lin Fang, it's fine if you know about this, it's better not to say it."

Ning Yuejing obviously didn't want to spread the matter, so that everyone at the university knew everything.

When Li Sitian and Lin Fang heard this, they immediately promised: "Don't worry, Xiao Jing, we promise not to tell anyone else!" (To be continued.)

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