Cultivator Returns to the City

Chapter 842: Penglai Islander

About ten minutes later, the bones and internal organs of Li Sitian and Lin Fang were basically healed. Even the Wood Spirit Essence has cured some of the hidden diseases hidden in their bodies, and their physique has been slightly improved.

However, the emotions of the two of them were obviously still immersed in excitement and excitement, and they glanced at Yin Xiu secretly from time to time, so that Yin Xiu couldn't help but shook his head with a smile.

Yin Xiu didn't let them stay longer, and after a while, he asked Ning Yuejing to tell them to go back first. It is not appropriate for them to stay here and watch the rest.

Although Li Sitian and Lin Fang were still somewhat reluctant to leave, they obediently said goodbye to Ning Yuejing and went home first.

Because the body has completely recovered, even better than before, that Li Sitian and Lin Fang didn't have much fear and lingering fear after walking before the gate of ghosts.

On the contrary, when I left, I was excited because I saw Yin Xiu and learned that Yin Xiu was actually Ning Yuejing's master.

After Li Sitian and Lin Fang left, Yin Xiu looked at Ning Yuejing and said to her, "Xiaojing, do you also go back first?"

Ning Yuejing shook her head and said, "Master, I will be here to accompany you."

Yin Xiu didn't force it, nodded lightly, and replied, "Alright. Then you can wait here with Master."


Right now, Yin Xiu simply sat cross-legged to adjust his breath.

At the same time, his avatar of the witch **** suddenly separated from his body, and then immediately released his spirit to check the situation on Sanxian Island.

The spiritual sense of Yin Xiu's body was far less than the spiritual sense of the witch **** clone, and could not reach as far as Sanxian Island.

However, the spirit of the witch **** clone is fine.

With the extension of spiritual thoughts, Yin Xiu, the wizard god, quickly ‘seeed’ Sanxian Island. It's just that there are formations covering Sanxian Island, so Yin Xiu can't find out what's happening on the island.

However, his spiritual mind quickly found Zhang Yunsong who was sent back by him to report the situation.

At this time Zhang Yunsong was still on his way back to Sanxian Island.

When he returns to Sanxian Island, I'm afraid it will take three or two hours.

In a blink of an eye, more than two hours later, under the watchful eyes of Yin Xiu, the wizard god, Zhang Yunsong finally returned to Sanxian Island.

As soon as he returned to Sanxian Island, Zhang Yunsong rushed to Penglai Xiandao to find Min Fanglei's master "Jing Ming Zhenren"!

This realm of Ming Ming is the owner of Penglai Fairy Island.

Sanxian Island is the three immortal islands of Penglai, Abbot and Yingzhou. Each immortal island will have an island owner, and the integration of the three islands is the complete Sanxian religion.

The Three Immortals do not have a monopoly leader or suzerain, and the specific affairs are basically handled by the three island owners.

If it is a major event that concerns the entire Sanxian Sect and Sanxian Island, then the three island owners will discuss it together.

Of course, among the three immortal islands, Penglai Immortal Island is undoubtedly ranked first. The owner of Penglai Immortal Island has always been the most powerful of the three island owners, and the abbot and Yingzhou Island are equally equal.

"Brother, brother, I have an urgent matter to see the owner of the island. It is a major matter concerning the life and death of Senior Brother Min Fanglei and Senior Brother Gu Xuanzhong. Please also ask Senior Brother to help tell the island owner!"

Zhang Yunsong stood in front of the "Penglai Pavilion" where Ming Zhenren, the main realm of Penglai Island, was practicing, and asked for help from one of the disciples guarding the pavilion.

The disciple saw that Zhang Yunsong was still in the foundation building stage, and he didn't take his words seriously. However, when he heard that the matter was related to Min Fanglei and was still at stake, the disciple immediately lost his expression and said quickly: " Okay, you're waiting here, I will tell you!"

"Yes, thank you brother!"

Zhang Yunsong was overjoyed and responded quickly.

At that moment, the disciple immediately got up and quickly stepped on the stone steps, rushing to the "Penglai Pavilion" hundreds of meters above.

This is a no-fly zone on Penglai Fairy Island. There are restrictions. Even the disciples who have reached the Jindan stage or above cannot fly here. They can only climb the hundreds of meters high stone steps on foot. Enter the'Penglai Pavilion'.

Min Fanglei is one of the disciples of Jingming Zhenren, and he is also the first disciple of the Three Immortals Sect. His status is extraordinary. Except for those above the elder level, the first disciple of the Three Immortals has the most noble status.

That disciple learned that the matter was related to Min Fanglei, how could he dare to neglect?

After a while, the disciple immediately boarded the Penglai Pavilion and reported the matter to the real person Jingming in the Penglai Pavilion.

A few minutes later, the disciple returned to the entrance of Penglai Pavilion at the bottom of the mountain, and said to Zhang Yunsong who was waiting there: "The island owner wants you to go up and talk back."

Hearing this, Zhang Yunsong responded quickly: "Yes!"

"Thank you brother for your help!"

Zhang Yunsong thanked the disciple again.

The disciple waved his hand lightly and said, "Okay, go up quickly, the island owner is still waiting for you on it."

"Yes Yes!"

Zhang Yunsong replied twice and immediately stepped onto the stone steps and boarded the Penglai Pavilion...

"Disciple Zhang Yunsong from Penglai Waizong Yiyuan met the island owner!"

After Zhang Yunsong entered the Penglai Pavilion, he immediately bowed to the real Jingming who was sitting in the pavilion waiting.

The three fairy islands are relatively independent of each other, and each fairy island is divided into inner and outer sects, and the disciples below the Jindan stage are basically in the outer sect.

The outer sect is divided into two courtyards. The disciples in the foundation building and the Qi refining period are all practicing in the B courtyard. Only the disciples of the Huayuan period are qualified to enter the A courtyard.

Hearing what Zhang Yunsong said Madam Jingming waved his hand lightly, motioned him to get up, and then asked: "You just said that you have something important to report, and that it is related to Fang Lei's life and death?"

Upon hearing the enquiry from Jingming, Zhang Yunsong quickly replied: "Yes, the island owner."

"What exactly is going on?" Jingming Zhenren frowned slightly and asked.

Just now he released his spiritual sense and checked it, and found that Min Fanglei was not in the Penglai Fairy Island, so he believed Zhang Yunsong a little bit, and he was still somewhat worried about what happened to Min Fanglei.

Although Min Fanglei is not his only disciple, he is one of his most valued disciples.

It's just that Jingming Zhenren was also a little surprised at what could happen to Min Fanglei, but he knew very well the cultivation and strength of his disciple.

Based on his cultivation base during the out-of-aperture period, what conditions can make his life in danger in this world?

Could it be that he clashed with people in Kunlun Wonderland outside?

Or... In addition to the high-profile announcements of Sanxian Island and Kunlun Wonderland, there are other secrets, Dongtian, which has also emerged, but it has been hidden in the dark. This time, Min Fanglei had a dispute with the other party?

Madam Jingming thought of several different possibilities in an instant.

His eyes quickly gathered on Zhang Yunsong below, waiting for his answer.

Zhang Yunsong didn't dare to hesitate, and reported the matter quickly.

Of course, among them, he would naturally not lack all kinds of words that added fuel and jealousy. As for the ancient Xuanzhong's "seeing beauty" of Ning Yuejing, and then Min Fanglei discovered that Ning Yuejing was a pure yin spirit body, and even wanted to He would never mention Ning Yuejing back to Sanxian Island and using it as a cauldron.

He didn't dare to talk about these things casually, lest Gu Xuanzhong and Min Fanglei would know about them, and they would settle accounts with him in the future. (To be continued.) ()

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