Cultivator Returns to the City

Chapter 855: Don't look down!

Zhang Yunsong's premonition was not wrong, when he had just returned to Penglai Xiandao Waizong Yiyuan, Jingming Zhenren sent people to call him to Penglai Pavilion.

Yin Xiu and Ning Yuejing have already gone to the backyard of Penglai Pavilion to enjoy the beautiful scenery of Penglai Fairy Island. Only Jingming Zhenren in Penglai Pavilion is waiting for Zhang Yunsong's arrival.

After learning that the real Jingming was about to be summoned, Zhang Yunsong suddenly softened his whole body, and his body trembled slightly, and his mind kept recurring before the real Jingming was pinched to death on the martial arts field with a full face. The scene of the disciple who took the lead in speaking out against him, his inner fear became irresistibly stronger.

However, the person sent by Jingming Zhenren was staring at him. Moreover, the passage from Penglai Xiandao to the world was blocked by formations, which made Zhang Yunsong want to escape without knowing where to go.

In the end, Zhang Yunsong could only endure the uneasiness and nervousness in his heart, and went to Penglai Pavilion with the people sent by Jingming Zhenren...

After Zhang Yunsong entered the Penglai Pavilion, he could not come out again, and his whole person just evaporated.

The few secular disciples who worshipped Zhang Yunsong into the immortal gate were a little strange at first about Zhang Yunsong's sudden disappearance, and wanted to inquire.

Later, it was learned that the island master Jingming Zhenren called Zhang Yunsong, he disappeared, and the few people wisely did not mention Zhang Yunsong again, as if this person had never existed...

Since it was announced that the Sanxian Sect was renamed Yanyuezong, and Yin Xiu was appointed as the overlord, there have been some changes on Sanxian Island.

All the previous things about the title of "Three Immortals" were eliminated one by one, and even the mortals on the three immortal islands also announced the matter, so that everyone knew that the Three Immortals no longer existed. From now on, there will only be Yanyue Sect in Sanxian Island!

Even the name of Sanxian Island has been changed to'Yanyue Sanxian Island'!

This series of measures naturally aroused the dissatisfaction of many people with the Three Immortals Sect. Many people were unwilling to actually remove the Sanxian Sect and renamed it as'Yueyuezong' and let Yin Xiu be theirs. metropolitan.

I also don’t want to accept Sanxian Island becoming Yanyue Sanxian Island...

Fang Yimin was one of the first disciples on Penglai Immortal Island, and he was also the strongest among all the first disciples on Penglai Immortal Island.

As the head of the first disciple of Penglai Fairy Island, Fang Yimin was extremely unwilling to decide that the Sanxian Sect would be renamed Yanyuezong, and he was extremely unwilling to let a person like Yin Xiu emerge from nowhere to be the sovereign of.

It's just that in the martial arts field at that time, Jingming Zhenren and others were furious, and the cruel and unfeeling actions of slaying those disciples who objected to him shocked him and made him dare not speak more at that time.

I just wanted to find a chance to contact other disciples who were also opposed to him, and go privately to find his master, who is one of the two elders of Penglai Xiandao, Xuanxin Zhenren, to petition him!

Although Zhenren Xuanxin also shot and killed a disciple who spoke against him, Fang Yimin felt that his master must have been forced to follow the island owner and other elders at the time to make the shot. heart.

After all, Fang Yimin has always respected and loved his master. Similarly, his master has always cared for him, and he believes that his master is definitely not such a cold-blooded person.

How did Fang Yimin know that his master had already been hit by Yin Xiu's all skills, and he was controlled by Yin Xiu and became Yin Xiu's puppet!

At this moment, Fang Yimin has quickly contacted no fewer than a hundred people, including a dozen of the first disciples and deacons of the Apocalypse period, many disciples in the inner courtyard of the Yuan Ying period and the Jin Dan period, and some disciples in the outer courtyard.

However, it is impossible for him to bring so many people to the real person Xuanxin to petition, so he just asked these people to sign their names on the petition one by one, and then he personally took the dozens of people. The first disciple and deacon, went together to find True Person Xuanxin.

"Master, the Three Immortals Sect has been passed down from ancient times to the present. If we really get rid of it and become the so-called Yanyue Sect, how can we be worthy of the three immortals?"

Fang Yimin took the lead and knelt in front of True Person Xuanxin, and said earnestly.

In addition, the dozens of first disciples and deacons who were in the Apocalypse stage also knelt in front of True Person Xuanxin, echoing: "Yes, the elder too, the Three Immortals Sect must not be ruined in the hands of our generation. Ah! What's more, letting someone who doesn't know the origins be our suzerain is really hard for the disciples to accept!"

"Elder Taishang, the disciples are equally unacceptable! I implore the elder Taishang to relay the wishes of our disciples to several island owners, and all the elders know about it, let them consider this matter carefully!"

"Elder Supreme, what is the origin of the one named Yin Xiu? How can he be our suzerain? Is it because the island owners and elders decided to change the name of the Three Immortals Sect? ?"

"I implore the Supreme Elder to tell us the reason for all of this! Otherwise, the disciples will be really troubled!"


True person Xuanxin sat on the stone bed futon in the cave, quietly watching the dozens of first disciples and deacons kneeling in front of him, listening to their passionate petition, his eyes immediately fell on Fang Yimin just handed it over. On that petition...

After a while, he said faintly: "You are opposed to changing the name of Sanxian Sect to Yanyuezong, and are you also opposed to Sect Master Yin?"

"Yes, Master! I also ask Master to let several island owners and elders restore the name of the Three Immortals, and abolish that person named Yin Xiu as the sovereign!"

Fang Yimin asked earnestly.

Master Xuanxin looked at him and nodded his head incomprehensibly, but there was a cold color in his eyes. Then, he slowly said, "You are very good!"

"If that's the case, then you all die for me!"

True person Xuanxin suddenly yelled with a sullen expression without warning.

Immediately afterwards, he suddenly aroused the true essence mana in his body.

Suddenly, a majestic and incomparable force swept out, like a raging wave, violently crashing on the dozens of first disciples and deacons in front of him.

As for Fang Yilun, who was kneeling in front of him, the real person Xuanxin stretched out his hand and grabbed his neck, and brought him closer...

boom! Bang bang bang...

The dozen or so first disciples and deacons who had been cultivated in the Aperture Stage were all violently knocked into flight by the powerful mana released by True Person Xuanxin, slammed into the forbidden rock wall in the cave, and then fell to the ground.



As soon as more than a dozen people landed, they opened their mouths violently and sprayed out gulps of viscous blood.

And Fang Yimin, who was caught in front of him by the real person Xuanxin pinched his neck, his eyes widened at this time, and he raised his head and looked at the person near him in disbelief!

At this moment, he felt that Master Xuanxin was so strange, especially the cruel look that appeared on Master Xuanxin's face, and it was completely different from the gentle and generous master in his impression.

"Master,, why are you doing this?"

Fang Yimin's wide open eyes were filled with a look that was almost hopeless, and there was a feeling that the whole heart was broken, as if the whole world was about to collapse...

"Tai, Taishang elder, you... Why do you want to kill us here? Why?! We are all for the Three Immortals! Cough cough..."

A deacon who was severely injured by the magical power of True Person Xuanxin lifted his head reluctantly at this time, looked at True Person Xuanxin in disbelief, and asked with difficulty.

As he spoke, he couldn't help but cough violently twice, coughing out a large pool of blushing blood.

True person Xuanxin looked at them and said with a blank expression: "You dare to offend the Sect Master, it is a treason and inexcusable sin! Originally I was still thinking about a reasonable reason to clean up these unstable factors of you. Try not to cause turbulence up and down the sect."

"Unexpectedly, you actually delivered it to the door so soon, and also found a large group of rebels and wrote a petition! It just so happens that with this petition, this elder can directly take all of the above All people are cleaned up. Without you rebels, Yanyue Sect can grow rapidly without any hidden dangers..."

The words of True Person Xuan Xin immediately made Fang Yimin, and the first disciples and deacons who were seriously injured and dying, completely stunned.

If it hadn't been for the image of Master Xuanxin who had always been a generous and gentle image, they wouldn't be willing to take the risk of following Fang Yimin to petition Master Xuanxin.

Unexpectedly, what I got was such a result...

Everyone felt desperate.



In an instant, the first disciples and deacons who were seriously injured all came out of their bodies and wanted to escape.

Although their Nascent Souls can only survive after losing their physical bodies, they are at least better than complete death, at least they can retain their consciousness.

It's a pity that True Person Xuanxin obviously wouldn't just let them escape Yuan Ying.

Really Xuanxin snorted and waved his big hand. In a short time, a majestic mana suddenly poured out, and immediately captured the dozen or so first disciples and deacons who wanted to escape.

True Person Xuanxin has a cultivation base in the middle stage of the fit. How can these Yuan Ying, who are only the first disciple and deacon, escape his arrest?

There wasn't even a trace of resistance at all. With just such a blink of an eye, all the Nascent Souls were caught by True Human Xuanxin.

Zhenren Xuanxin glanced over the handful of Nascent Souls in his hand, and did not pay any attention to the painstaking begging of those Nascent Souls for mercy, and he suddenly vomited the real yuan mana in his palm.

In an instant, the dozen or so Yuan Ying were immediately strangled ~ ~ completely wiped out, and their souls scattered!

Fang Yimin, who was holding his throat with the other hand of True Person Xuanxin, saw this scene, and his eyes suddenly became wet, and two sad tears appeared.

At this moment, he began to regret it. Knowing that, he would never contact these colleagues to petition.

Unexpectedly, it killed their lives now, and also killed their own lives.

Of course, what Fang Yimin didn't expect most was how his Master Xuanxin would become as cold-blooded and ruthless as he is now. Is this the gentle and kind master in his memory?

"Why, why, why! Master, why on earth!?"

"Disciple...don't look down!"

Fang Yimin's face was full of sadness and sorrow, full of unwilling shouts. ︽②miào︽②bi︽.*②阁︽②,

It is a pity that he has lost his self-awareness, and it is impossible for the true person Xuanxin who has become a puppet to have the slightest compassion and compassion for him.

I saw the real person Xuanxin squeezed Fang Yimin's throat and twisted the hand mercilessly...

The next moment, with a crisp sound of ‘crack’, Fang Yimin’s neck was directly twisted, and a stream of bright red blood was slowly pouring out along the corners of Fang Yimin’s mouth...

At the same time, Fang Yimin's Yuan Ying had to escape his corpse.

It was just that his Nascent Soul had just appeared, and he was grabbed by the real person Xuanxin and pinched it in his palm again. Under Fang Yimin Yuanying’s horrified gaze, Xuanxin Zhenru cruelly crushed it...


Fang Yimin's body fell to the ground, his neck was broken, and it was hanging limply to one side. It's just that his eyes are wide open, just as he said before he died, he can't catch his eyes!

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