Cultivator Returns to the City

Chapter 856: It's that 3 fairy island!

Yin Xiu knew exactly what happened in Xuanxin Zhenren's cave.

In fact, this kind of thing didn't just happen in the Dongfu of True Person Xuanxin, there were similar situations in the Dongfu and other courtyards of other elders.

The same applies to both the abbot fairy island and the Yingzhou fairy island.

It's just that those who went to petition all ended up like Fang Yimin and others, and they were all killed on the spot.

Afterwards, Jingming Zhenren, Yunyang Zhenren, and Dongxu Zhenren each announced to other disciples the crimes of those who were slain to slander the sovereign and humiliate the sect on Penglai Xiandao, Abbot Xiandao, and Yingzhou Xiandao!

And published the petitions of those people and some other evidence.

Jingming Zhenren and others also took this opportunity to directly use Thunder's wrist to punish all those people who resisted the new sect and Yin Xiu, the sect master, and none of them were spared.

Among them are the hundreds of disciples who signed Fang Yimin's petition.

As for the others who did not actually participate in it, but did indeed resist the Sanxian Sect’s renamed Yanyuezong, and Yin Xiu’s role as the suzerain, they were all labelled accomplices by Jingming Zhenren, and they were also purged. It's clean!

This turmoil has caused at least thousands of disciples on the three immortal islands to be wiped out. You must know that all the disciples on the three immortal islands add one piece, and there are only three or four thousand people in total.

This is equivalent to killing nearly one-third of the people directly!

After killing so many people at once, it is impossible for the remaining people to remain indifferent. They still feel a little panic and uneasy for fear that they will be implicated.

But on the whole, at least this killing was considered famous.

After Reality Jingming, Reality Yunyang, Reality Dongxu, etc. cleaned Sanxian Island up and down, the remaining people were basically more submissive.

Yin Xiu also specially used Jishu to re-examine all the remaining people.

In addition to finding out about dozens of opponent sect disciples who gave birth to resentment towards him, the Sect Master and Jingming Zhenren, the rest of the people were also a little frightened by this killing, and felt a little panic. Uneasy, but there is no resentment.

In the end, Yin Xiu asked Jinming Zhenren to wait to remove all the dozens of newly discovered grieving disciples, and the killing storm was over.

Those who remain, believe that after a while, they will naturally settle down again.

Over time, they will naturally gradually accept their new identity as a disciple of Yanyue Sect, instead of being a disciple of the ‘Three Immortals’!

In a few years, the name Sanxianjiao will completely become a thing of the past, and Yanyuezong will naturally replace it. And in the far future, the name Sanxianjiao will even disappear completely in people's memory...

Yin Xiu and Ning Yuejing stayed in Sanxian Island for four or five days. After the purge and killings were over, the two returned to Yinhai City and prepared to ask Ji Xueqing and Yin Chongwen from Jiangyuan City. They are willing to move to Sanxian Island to live and practice.

Before going to find Ji Xueqing, Yin Xiu and Ning Yuejing went back to their home in Pingding Village.

After Yin Xiu took Ning Yuejing to Sanxian Island that day, Transcript told Luluo and Xiaoman at home that it would take a few days to go back.

However, since they haven't been back for a few days, it is estimated that Luluo and Xiaoman should miss them a little bit. That's why Yin Xiu and Ning Yuejing went home first, and then went to find Ji Xueqing.

In fact, Yin Xiu and Ning Yuejing have been there for four or five days. Luluo, Xiaoman, Xiaopi, Ling and the other little guys really miss them when they stay at home.

From time to time, Luluo held Xiaoman or Xiaopi pouting her mouth and chanting, "Hey, why aren't Yin Xiu and Xiao Jing coming back? They are so boring if they are not at home!"

Facing Luluo's babbling from time to time, Xiaoman and Xiaopi basically agreed with each other.

Usually at this time, Luluo would sigh and sigh, very discouraged and depressed, and look depressed.

For several days, Luluo basically came here like this.

Therefore, when Yin Xiu and Ning Yuejing finally returned home, Luluo immediately cheered, and rushed towards Yin Xiu and Ning Yuejing.

Excited and exclaimed: "Yin Xiu, Xiao Jing, you guys are back! If you don't come back again, I'm going to look for you."

Ning Yuejing smiled and hugged Luluo, squeezed her round little face, and said, "Aren't we coming back! It's only been a few days, do you really miss us that way?"

Luluo immediately nodded with a serious face, and said crisply: "Yes, some, of course there are! If you don't believe Xiaojing, ask Xiaoman and Xiaopi about them."

Luluo turned her head and pointed to Xiaoman and Xiaopi who had already been in front of Yin Xiu.

Ning Yuejing smiled and kissed Luluo's cheek'mua', and was about to start talking. At this time, the spirit who also flew to her side reached out and grabbed a few strands of her hair and pulled it twice at her. Yelled out.

Ning Yuejing couldn't help turning her head to look at Ling, then grabbed it in her hand casually, and said with a smile: "Little jelly, do you miss me too?"


Ling yelled clearly, broke free of Ning Yuejing's hand, slowly flew to Ning Yuejing, and then opened his hands and slapped it on Ning Yuejing's face, making Ning Yuejing amused. 'S chuckle...

"Okay, let's go into the house."

Yin Xiu couldn't help laughing while watching Xiao Jing playing with Luluo and Ling.

"Well, good master."

Ning Yuejing responded, hugged Luluo, and walked back to the house with Ling Ling and Yin Xiu.

"Xiaojing, let's play with Luluo and Xiaoman at home. Master first go to your sister Ji and ask her." After entering the house, Yin Xiu said to Ning Yue Jing responded hurriedly: "Okay, Master, then you go."

"it is good!"

Yin Xiu smiled, let Xiaoman get off his shoulders, then said to Xiaoman and Xiaopi again, and then went out again.

After Yin Xiu left, Ning Yuejing talked to Luluo, "Luluo, shall we move to Xiandao in the future?"

"Fairy Island?"

Luluo was taken aback for a moment, turned her head, looked at Ning Yuejing puzzledly, and asked, "Xiaojing, what fairy island?"

Ning Yuejing pursed her mouth and said, "That's the Sanxian Island. Haven't you seen it in the TV news before and asked me where is Sanxian Island."


Luluo suddenly yelled in surprise, and then said: "Xiao Jing, we really want to move to that Sanxian Island? Didn't you tell me what secret realm that Sanxian Island is, and what kind of sect on it? , Do they allow us to move up and live?”》≠miào》≠bi》≠gé》≠,

Ning Yuejing Dang even explained the matter to Lu Luo.

Although the process did not go into details, when Luluo learned that Yin Xiu had become the Sect Master of Yanyue Sect on Sanxian Island, she suddenly cheered excitedly, "Really, Xiao Jing?"

"This is really great. Then I can play everywhere on the fairy island?"

"Well, of course!"

Ning Yuejing responded with a smile.

At the moment, she told Luluo carefully about the beautiful and spiritual scenery she had seen in Sanxian Island. When she heard it, Luluo almost blinked, and she seemed to be eager to go to Sanxian Island. .

Luluo is a mountain spirit, and I like this kind of beautiful place the most. Therefore, just hearing Ning Yuejing’s description, she was already very yearning and looking forward to...

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