Cultivator Returns to the City

Chapter 858: Cultivation Academy

In a blink of an eye, Yin Xiu occupied Sanxian Island for more than a month.

Because Ning Yuejing and Ji Xueqing are accustomed to many modern things in the world, such as the Internet, computers, mobile phones... Therefore, Yin Xiu also specially asked Ji Xueqing to come forward and find someone to communicate on the three fairy islands. Network and wireless signal.

For this reason, Yin Xiu ordered that the shielding formation on Yanyue Sanxian Island be removed, otherwise the wireless signal would not be able to pass into the range of Yanyue Sanxian Island.

Although the removal of the shielding array would allow the satellites in the sky to monitor the situation on the fairy island, Yin Xiu didn't care about it.

After all, what about it?

Therefore, in Yanyue Sanxian Island, Ning Yuejing, Ji Xueqing, and those in the Yin family can still access the Internet, and can use their mobile phones to communicate with outsiders...

"Master, the Sanqing Palace in Kunlun Wonderland is about to openly recruit disciples for the second time this year. Should we Yanyuezong also accept some disciples in the world?"

Ning Yuejing suddenly ran over to Yin Xiu that day.

She just saw relevant news on the Internet, so she remembered this, and ran to find Yin Xiu.

Hearing this, Yin Xiu couldn't help but nodded, and replied: "Yes. It just so happens that we should also be named Yanyuezong, let the world know that from now on, this Yanyue Sanxian Island will only be us Yanyue Yuezong, there is no more Three Immortals."

After a short pause, Yin Xiu said again: "In addition to this public acceptance of disciples, Master intends to move an island with force. It will be located in the sea under our Yanyue Sanxian Island, and then it will be on that island. What do you think of building a spiritual academy?"

"In the future, when we recruit students from Yanyue Sect, we will only select some excellent students from the ascetic academies. This way, more first-level academies for screening will make the appraisal of Yanyue Sect's apprentice easier.

"At the same time, the college can, like those universities, recruit a group of students with spiritual qualifications every year, so that it will not delay some people with good talents for two more years, and allow them to get in touch with real spiritual practice as soon as possible. , Can also expand Yanyue Sect’s power and influence."

"Think about it in the future, even if the vast majority of people in the academy will not have the opportunity to join Yanyue Sect, as students who have learned from our academy and go out, they will always be part of Yanyue Sect's influence."

Ning Yuejing was a little surprised by Yin Xiu's plan, and at the same time she looked forward to the blueprint that Yin Xiu had drawn.

"Master, this idea of ​​yours is really a very good idea. If you continue to develop in this way, I believe that within a few years, our Yanyue Sect's influence will permeate every corner."

Ning Yuejing said very optimistically.

Yin Xiu smiled, these things are actually his own thoughts these days.

Although he himself didn't have much interest in Zongmen or something, now that he has occupied Yanyue Sanxian Island and founded Yanyuezong to replace the original Sanxian Sect, plus he can see Xiaojing I was very concerned about these, so Yin Xiu thought that he should try his best to take care of the sect and lay a solid foundation for Xiao Jing.

After all, Yanyue Sect will definitely be handed over to Xiao Jing in the future.

For Yin Xiu, it doesn't take much effort to do these things. Even moving an island over is just a matter of effort.

"Okay, then it's settled. This year, we will first openly recruit some people with more outstanding qualifications, and by the way, we will call out the name of Yanyuezong. By next year, the ascetic school should be completed, and then we will recruit every year. A group of students, and then select some outstanding students from the academy to enter Yanyuezong every three years..."

Yin Xiudao.

"Yeah!" Ning Yuejing answered.

On the same day, Yin Xiu asked Jingming Zhenren and others to announce that the Sanxian Sect had been renamed Yanyuezong, and that he would still openly accept disciples in Haizhou a month later.

Yin Xiu directly set off to select a relatively huge island to move it over with supreme mana.

After experiencing the tsunami disaster triggered by the return of the law, most of the islands have basically no human traces.

Other countries have suffered heavy casualties, and their own countries have already suffered from a serious underpopulation. In addition to reconstruction and recovery after the disaster, no country except China has too much thought and spare energy to occupy those islands.

And Huaxia occupied only some of the more important islands, and many less important islands remained unpopulated for so many years after the disaster.

After Yin Xiu moved the island to the sea below Yanyue Sanxian Island, he repaired the entire island with mana, and moved several other islands to connect with each other, which greatly increased the area of ​​the island...

These things were not difficult for Yin Xiu, it only took less than an hour to complete them. All that's left is to find someone to build the college on it and make appropriate modifications.

Regarding the transformation of the island, Yin Xiu handed it to Ning Yuejing to think about it, and she could make it whatever she wanted. Anyway, just let Luluo do the work.

Luluo is a mountain spirit. It is her talent and expertise to transform the natural landscapes of mountains, rivers and islands. The transformation of several islands will not take much effort.

As for the construction of the academy, in addition to looking for secular construction practitioners, Yin Xiu also asked those in Yanyue Zong who were originally responsible for the construction of the palace in the Zongmen to participate in it.

Design an academy that is both secular and modern without losing the authentic style.

Even for the specific construction of the college, Yin Xiu also intends to let the secular construction workers and some of Yanyuezong's disciples work together. ︽②miào︽②bi︽.*②阁︽②,

The construction of those foundations is left to the secular construction workers, and some of the tasks that are relatively large and difficult with secular tools are handed over to those disciples of Yanyuezong.

For example, large objects like some huge stones or statues are troublesome to transport from islands with complex terrain, but it is not difficult to hand them over to the disciples of Yanyuezong.

Any disciple of the Golden Core Stage cultivation base can easily move dozens of tons or even hundreds of tons of heavy objects in a very short period of time to hundreds of thousands of meters high mountains, or places where walking is difficult.

With the cooperation of these practitioners, the entire construction work will become very simple.

These plans of Yin Xiu were carried out very quickly. Ji Xueqing and Jiang Xingling, who had spent the whole day on Penglai Xiandao with nothing to do, also came to help. The two came forward to help Yin Xiu contact the construction company and the designer.

Ji Xueqing also asked the people at Xianzi Real Estate to contact the various building materials and construction equipment needed to build the college, and asked them to stack all the purchased items together, and then directly transport them to Yin Xiu with a storage ring. On the island.

And this ascetic college that was quickly put into construction was directly named "Yanyue Cultivation Academy" by Ning Yuejing!

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