Time is like an arrow, and a year has passed in an instant.

The Yanyue Cultivation Academy was completed three months ago, and Yin Xiu specially deployed many related formations on the Yanyue Cultivation Academy and the island.

After completing these, Yanyue Cultivation Academy's enrollment announcement was also announced.

Now, the work of enrollment is in full swing. Yanyuezong has sent thousands of disciples to various cities in China to conduct enrollment assessment.

Yanyuezong’s move to establish the Cultivation Academy is not a secret, and it has long been posted on the Internet. Therefore, as soon as the Yanyue Cultivation Academy started public enrollment, it immediately aroused great enthusiasm among the people.

The registration and assessment points in each city are full of people.

However, although the enrollment requirements of Yanyue Cultivation Academy are not as strict as directly enrolling Yanyuezong, the admission rate is also very low. It is not bad to have three or two people admitted in a city. It is not enough to describe one in a million.

After Yanyue Cultivation Academy was completed, Yin Xiu didn't ask much about it, and left it to Ning Yuejing, Ji Xueqing and Jiang Xingling to be responsible.

For the past year, they have lived on Penglai Fairy Island and have nothing to do except for cultivation, so the three of them put most of their energy on the construction plan of Yanyue Cultivation Academy.

Including how to enroll students, enrollment requirements, as well as the setting of positions in the college... and so on, all aspects are planned in advance.

Because Yin Xiu handed over the affairs of the academy to Ning Yuejing, Ning Yuejing simply admitted to the position of the dean, and Ji Xueqing and Jiang Xingxiao also each took the position of deputy dean.

Yin Xiu didn't care about it, anyway, let them go.

Moreover, with the abilities of Ji Xueqing and Jiang Xinying, it is not difficult to manage an academy.

As for the teachers in the academy, some suitable disciples were selected by Yanyuezong.

Yin Xiu is still focusing more on his own cultivation. Since the breakthrough of Yin Xiu's main body cultivation base to the transition period, he needs to refine a lot of spirit stones every day to enhance the true essence mana in his body.

Although the earth's heaven and earth aura is gradually recovering, and the aura in Yanyue Sanxian Island is becoming more and more intense, it is not enough to support Yin Xiu's cultivation. You must rely on the spirit stone.

Fortunately, Yin Xiu took these into consideration when he returned to the earth from the realm of cultivation, so he brought enough spirit stones with him, and there was no need to worry about the consumption of them.

In addition to cultivating the true essence mana, Yin Xiu has also spent a lot of energy this year to continue cultivating the three-headed six-armed supernatural powers, cultivating fighting skills, and breaking the seal on the black yellow wooden bar.

Now, Yin Xiu has successfully cultivated the fighting technique to the second stage. Once he uses the fighting technique, he can already quadruple his power!

In addition, the seal of the Xuanxuan yellow stick was finally broken by Yin Xiuhua.

However, what Yin Xiu didn't expect was that the black and yellow wooden strips actually had a second seal!

However, after the first seal was broken, the black-cut yellow wooden strip still had some changes. The original seven-section long wooden strip became fourteen-section long.

The other is that the samādhi real fire in Yin Xiu's body, under the constant nurturing of Yin Xiu's true essence, has also grown a little bit, gradually moving towards the fourth level...

In addition to the advent of Yanyue Cultivation Academy, in the past year, some other major events have occurred outside.

For example, the ‘Luofu Mountain’ in the cave that emerged half a year ago once again made the world lament the advent of a new era and a new era of spiritual practice.

The'Luofu Cave Sky' is also one of the secret realms of the cave sky in ancient times. After this world, those who walked out of it took the Luofu Sect to claim themselves, and they also carried out an open apprenticeship.

In addition, two months ago, there was a demon secret realm in the Mi Empire. Hundreds of thousands of various demons slaughtered and devoured the citizens of the Mi Empire. As a result, they have only just recovered a little energy these years. The rice empire suffered once again.

Now the entire Mi Empire is caught in a confrontation with those demons, and the entire country has just restored some financial and social order and collapsed again...

The misfortune of those Western false gods, coupled with the natural disasters and earth disasters when the law returned, the Mi Empire that was once too powerful has completely collapsed, and the original population of nearly 300 million has suddenly decayed to less than 50 million. .

However, Mi Di was once the only hegemonic power in the world after all, and his foundation was still very solid. So after so many years of reconstruction and restoration, my vitality has recovered a little bit.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, another demon secret realm appeared, and hundreds of thousands of extremely cruel monsters spewed out, and Mi Di suddenly fell into a crisis of complete destruction.

Mi Di also sought help from other countries, including China.

However, China's request for help from Mi Di has no substantive assistance at all except a few words that are not painful ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~.

The life and death of Mi Di was a matter of Huaxia, and it was impossible to provoke those ferocious and cruel monsters for Mi Di. What's more, how can those demons be so easy to deal with?

Another point is that many people in China have not forgotten how sinister Mi Di used to contain and suppress China again and again, in order to completely stifle the rise of China.

Huaxia stood on the sidelines and other countries were overwhelmed, which caused Mi Di to use his own power to fight against the brutal and powerful monsters.

As a result, the cities that had been rebuilt in the past few years were once again broken down into ruins, and countless troops and people died in the mouth of the monsters.

The entire Mi Di's line of defense was retreating and retreating, a trend of complete defeat.

According to this trend, the entire Mi Di completely fell, I am afraid it is only a matter of time...

For the people of China, how Mi Di did not have much influence. Since the return of the law led to a world-destroying catastrophe, the center of the entire world has shifted to Huaxia. ︽②miào︽②bi︽.*②阁︽②,

The rest of the world has become synonymous with poverty, backwardness, ruins...

This also includes Mi Di, who was once so powerful!

Therefore, for most of the Chinese people, the demon catastrophe that Mi Di has suffered is nothing more than a little talk after dinner.

Yin Xiu was also not interested in saving the Mi Emperor people, even if he was fully capable of killing all the monsters who were rampant Mi Emperor.

For Yin Xiu, what does the life and death of the Mi Di people have to do with him?

As the saying goes, non-self races must have different hearts!

Yin Xiu couldn't save those alien races, just let them fend for themselves.

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