The old man was very happy.

Maki's eyes changed, and she looked like a completely different person. Even Shinichi and Daodao Gang on the side could feel the change.

A smile appeared on her face. She was in a very good state at this moment. The sense of comfort that came naturally was no less than the state after the black flash.

Naoya's empty eyeballs revealed strange emotions at this moment.

Daodao Gang: "Then let's see how that girl performs. (whispering) I didn't expect that women in later generations could go to the battlefield."

The third generation sixty-four and Kamo Kenki arrived late. As soon as they arrived here, the third generation sixty-four begged Shinichi Tendao to have a sumo match with him.

Seeing that Maki had successfully transformed, the protagonist knew that she didn't need him now, so he simply accepted the invitation of the third generation sixty-four.

After getting permission, the other party immediately opened his special domain and invited Shinichi Tendō to enter.

His domain is for better sumo wrestling. All other functions are eliminated. In order to eliminate the influence of the curse, this domain must be agreed by both parties to complete the domain, which also means that only two people can be squeezed into this domain.

Shinichi Tendō: "Kenki, Maki can handle the next battle, don't worry. I'm going to find some fun first."

Kenki Kamo: "Huh?"

Before Kenki Kamo could say a few words, Shinichi Tendō walked into the circle without looking back, and then a barrier appeared to cover the two of them, and the domain was completed.

Shinichi Tendō found something wrong the moment he stepped into the domain. His fifth ability actually activated at this moment!

This means that the domain of the third generation sixty-four is essentially a bound cursed force technique rather than a cursed force technique.

The protagonist suddenly remembered Tengen's words.

Key point: For the past cursers, the domain is a more basic technology, and the reason is the "must hit" and "must kill" effects of the current domain. In the past, "kill" was not the mainstream in the domain. In the past, the domain of the magician was more about forcing his own magic to take effect on the opponent. Later generations of magicians were obsessed with "kill", and the threshold for building the domain was constantly raised. In the end, the domain was redefined as the ultimate secret of the natural magic, which became a difficult technology, directly leading to a significant reduction in users.

The significance of mastering the "domain" of the three generations of sixty-four is not to sumo with others, but to create a barrier with such constraints.

His domain excludes the magic factor and is only for sumo, which means that the magic power operation and the natural magic cannot be used inside.

Similarly, by reducing the constraints that require the consent of both parties and adding other constraints, it is possible to develop a simple domain that allows two people who enter the interior to only fight physical skills.

How will this change the world of magic and most of them will not get a good reputation, but so what?

The deterrence of the famous spells in the world of spells, such as the Unlimited, Ten Shadow Spells, Red Blood Manipulation, and Spell Words, will be reduced to a certain extent, and all spellcasters will be pulled back to the same starting line within the barrier.

This is especially useful for me to imagine.

It is hard to imagine that an ordinary human being fights with a monster above the dragon level in a small enclosed space, right? However, this is the reality.

(Tendo Shinichi: "In that case, I can touch Gojo Sensei with just my body. Sixty-four, sixty-four, you really have a technique that is enough to establish a school.")

At this moment, the protagonist is so excited that he can't express it in words.

The third generation sixty-four is keenly aware of this.

"Do you like sumo too?"

Tendo Shinichi: "I think I will like it after today. In return, I will let you sumo as much as you want during this period."

The third generation sixty-four: "I wish for it!"

The two then came to their respective positions and posed.

There is no extra fat on the sturdy body, and the surface of the lean body is full of muscle lines, silently telling the power that is ready to be unleashed. Although they are sumo wrestlers, both of them have excellent figures and are far from being fat.

Although Tiandao Shinichi does not know sumo, he learned Mongolian wrestling from a Mongolian when he was practicing in the ancient civilization.

"Come on!", "Start!"

The protagonist and the third generation sixty-four met eyes, and the two acted at the same time in tacit understanding, and the distance between them continued to shorten until a certain moment when the other party entered the range where they could exert force.

The two stopped suddenly, as if their brains were electrocuted.

Third generation sixty-four, Tiandao Shinichi: "Sure enough, you can see it too!"

With combat experience, sumo experience and talent in their respective fields, both of them saw the possible future.

In terms of strength

Under the same premise,

Tendo Shinichi saw the future that he would hold the opponent at the moment of being circling and pull the situation back to the original state.

The future that the third generation sixty-four saw was that he would not be able to knock him down after hugging Tiandao Shinichi no matter how hard he tried.

They all created imaginary enemies in their minds. This kind of imaginary is not affected by the difference in strength. It only considers technology and not hard strength. Therefore, they stopped before the imaginary collision.

There was no audience to cheer, no referee to blow the whistle, but the excitement remained.

People can see how the wind flows through the movement trajectory of leaves. Similarly, in front of the protagonist, the third generation sixty-four is a living "technology", which is a kind of happiness for martial artists.

When the competition started again, they held each other tightly, and the sound of their bodies colliding echoed in the circle.

Imagination is imagination after all. No matter how easy it is, the protagonist intends to start the actual battle directly. The third generation sixty-four also understands this truth and bravely goes to fight. He who can see Maki's strength must have felt the pressure from the protagonist.

Shinichi controlled his strength and demonstrated the wrestling skills he had learned for two hours. He flexibly used his body strength to push the third generation to the edge and almost fell to the ground. If he had used more strength, the third generation might have broken his bones.

The third generation showed a calm style different from the original, using weight and balance to linger on the edge of failure.

The time inside the field passed by minute by minute. As the competition progressed, Shinichi showed his endurance advantage. The fast and uninterrupted flexible changes in posture gave him the upper hand in the competition.

The third generation sixty-four, who did not have the huge body of a traditional sumo wrestler, was sweating on the surface of his body. It was obvious that he could no longer hold on to resist the protagonist's attack.

Tiandao Shinichi: "Do you feel it? It's over."

The third generation sixty-four: "Huh... It feels so good!"

After a loud shout, the third generation sixty-four was thrown to the ground fiercely.

Sandai Liushishi: "I'm sorry, brother Shinichi, I couldn't let you have fun."

Tendo Shinichi: "Ahem, don't say that next time."

Sandai Liushishi: "Eh?"

The field was lifted after Sandai Liushishi admitted defeat. In the original work, it took only one minute for the outside world to pass after 1,000 sumo wrestlings. This time, the two were faster, and less than ten seconds passed in the outside world.

Shinichi looked at the scene outside. At this time, Maki and Naoya had turned into afterimages and shuttled through the entire Sakurajima City.

Maki and Naoya, who were bouncing back and forth between the buildings, accelerated at the same time, and their speed broke through a limit again. Countless houses and glass were smashed into pieces in this high-speed chase.

Now Maki can completely keep up with Naoya, and can clearly feel the trajectory of Naoya's movements, as if the air is talking.

After Naoya entered the blind spot of his vision, he punched through the building and rushed towards Maki in the air. Maki did not dodge or avoid and punched Naoya to the ground. Because his fist had no cursed power, Naoya was not seriously injured.

Naoya laughed at Maki's ignorance, but he seemed to have forgotten that Maki had always had the ability to swing a sword, and the punch just now was just to pull the battlefield back to the ground so that he could make a perfect sword.

As expected, after Maki landed, he pushed the ground with both feet and came to Naoya in one step.

The light of the ten-fist sword flashed, and the cursed spirit Naoya was split in half.

Naoya, who could not heal his wound, decisively gave up his lower body and pulled away. He watched his plan being interrupted again and again and Maki getting stronger again and again. At this moment, Naoya was extremely angry.

Cursed spirit Naoya: "Why! Impossible! I must be the one who wins in the end!"

A half of the body was torn apart from the inside and drilled out. Naoya, naked, made seals with both hands. The threat of death made him break through the limitations and comprehend his own field.

He shouted, and his voice spread between the buildings. The protagonist temporarily exerted force to exceed the speed of sound and arrived at the position of Maki Naoya before the sound of the sonic boom arrived.

"Domain expansion! Time Cell Moon Palace!"

A large sphere enveloped Shinichi and Maki, and a large eye appeared as a manifestation of the ritual. Flesh and blood like human tissue flowed out and attached to the barrier along with the construction of the barrier.

In Naoya's domain, people who were hit by the must-hit ritual would be frozen for one second if they did not do the same action as Naoya. Moreover, the target of the ritual was refined to every cell. If it was against other magicians, Naoya would basically not be in an advantageous position.

Tendo Shinichi expanded the simple domain and strolled in Naoya's domain, looking at the decoration inside.

Zenin Naoya: "Simple domain, you know a lot, but once the simple domain is broken, you will be at my mercy."

Tendo Shinichi: "How stupid are you to use the standard of trash to guess me? My domain can't even get the advantage of Sukuna in his prime. Your domain can be successfully expanded only because I didn't expand the domain."

Maki: "What should I do for you?"

All this has come to an end..."

Naoya: "When!"

Maki appeared from behind Naoya and cut Naoya in half with a knife.

Fushiguro Shiori and Zenin Maki, who have no cursed power, are just ordinary objects for the domain barrier. If the surrounding entities are not taken into account when constructing the barrier, or the domain is not as special as the three generations of sixty-four, then the domain cannot contain the complete form of Tian and Juebin, and the domain's hit cannot identify Maki without cursed power.

If you want to attack Tian and Juebin, the domain must be like Fuma Gochuji and Infinite Space, targeting everything in the domain indiscriminately.

Tendou Shinichi came forward to Naoya in an instant, and at the same time Maki threw down the Tenken Sword and took the same posture.

The two used the Whirlwind Iron Slash Fist at the same time to cut Naoya into pieces, and Naoya could never be resurrected.

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