The two of them were in a state of panic, and the situation was very complicated.

Tendo Shinichi: "Then I respect your wishes. If the situation is not right, I will take action."

Zenin Maki: "Hmph~ Just watch from the side."

While the two were talking, Naoya used his cursed power to repair his body. The wounds on his body gradually healed, and except for the arm that was just cut off by the Tenken Sword, there was basically no injury.

The original Maki was hit by the impact of Mach 3 because she was not clear about the attack speed of the cursed spirit Naoya, and secondly, although she had perfect heaven and curse binding, she could not do it as well as Fushiguro Shiori for a while.

Now Naoya has surpassed all the special-grade cursed spirits that have been registered so far in terms of speed, but there are few places that can be called hard. Basically, they are used to withstand impact, while the hardness of other parts of the body is much worse than that of the peak Hanamika.

Although it is a problem to break the defense for sorcerers below level 1, it can cause damage to Maki with just a wave of his hand.

If the white board Maki fights the perfect cursed spirit Naoya, the protagonist cannot guess what will happen, but it is impossible for casualties to occur with his own control on the scene.

The sight returns to the battlefield, Maki is facing Naoya with a long sword called the Ten-fisted Sword.

The Soul-Release Sword can cause damage to the soul, but Maki cannot sense the boundary of the soul, and the ability to ignore hardness is like a cannon hitting a mosquito, so it is more advantageous to use the Ten-fisted Sword that can prevent the wound from healing.

Naoya in the air looked at Maki who took the initiative to declare war below and thought to himself that he was self-righteous. He even made a plan to run to the sky after killing Maki.

Obviously, until now, he still thinks that the advantage is on him.

After Naoya recovered, he immediately circled in the air and accelerated, and soon created a sonic boom that exceeded the speed of sound.

Maki didn't take any stance, just stood there and looked at the other person quietly.

Changing his posture was to prepare for the attack in advance, but that was a normal attack. For this kind of attack similar to a high-speed cannonball, you can only improvise.

At a certain moment, the ring in the air disappeared, and Naoya moved.

Naoya dived in a straight line and hit Maki head-on.

Maki reacted and sank down, then chopped forward with both hands holding the knife. Naoya, who reacted even more, laughed in his heart, he had expected Maki to do this.

Before the blade hit the target, Naoya shifted his body to the left to let the side of the blade collide with himself and bounce the blade away.

Naoya, who deviated from the track, did not give up this attack but made two consecutive blunt-angle changes of direction and charged again from Maki's back, and Maki seemed to have not recovered from the blade being bounced away just now.

But is it really like this?

There was not much time to think, the attack was here.

Just when Naoya thought he was sure to hit, Maki changed his center of gravity and turned his body, letting Naoya fly into the gap between his current and previous positions.

(Naoya: "What?")

Before Naoya could figure out why Maki could predict his attack trajectory, Maki raised one foot and kicked Naoya aside like a cannonball.

In the air, Naoya turned his body to adjust the direction. Naoya, who didn't believe in evil, launched the same attack again, but this time he didn't accelerate in advance but planned to accelerate in the interval between each attack.

Although this process is longer, it is enough to give ordinary opponents no chance to breathe.

Naoya, who determined the fighting method, made a small-scale circular movement around Maki. When his figure was no longer clear, Naoya's attack began.

Naoya attacked Maki, who was at the center of the circle, from a random point of this circle, and the entire cursed spirit bounced back and forth like a marble in a disc.

However, Maki had no chance to organize a knife attack, and Naoya never hit Maki head-on once.

The only thing to be proud of was that he hit Maki twice.

When Naoya's speed was approaching the limit, Maki cut off Naoya's only arm with a backhand knife and ended the confrontation.

Naoya escaped from Maki's attack range with a bleeding wound.

On the other side,

Tendo Shinichi came to the injured Kamo Kenki and used the reversal technique to heal him and replenished Kamo Kenki's cursed power with [Source].

Kamo Kenki was puzzled for a while when he saw Shinichi's appearance. The drastic change in his appearance and his previous performance that crushed Naoya, he almost thought Shinichi had become a cursed spirit.

"Thanks to you for coming, otherwise I basically can't see the hope of winning this battle."

If the protagonist hadn't arrived in time, Kamo Kenki, who knew that his biological mother had reorganized the family and was living a good life, would have to fight here, although he didn't die in the original work.

Tendo Shinichi:

"You have done very well. You can take a break now."

What Kamo Kenji did not expect was that Maki wanted to fight the cursed spirit Naoya alone, even though the battle was a sure win. This was difficult for the conservative Kamo Kenji to understand.

"Why do we have to go with the wind and waves?" Such thoughts lingered in Kamo Kenji's mind.

He originally wanted to reprimand Shinichi and Maki for their mischievous behavior as a senior, but after thinking carefully about the difference in strength between them, the senior status was nothing.

(Kamo Kenji: "Since Shinichi, who is capable of solving the enemy immediately, agrees, it should be fine. Now I can only comfort myself in this way. But more importantly, it hasn't been long since the Shibuya Incident, and Shinichi has grown to this level.")

When Kamo Kenji watched the battle with Shinichi at the beginning, his heart was always hanging, and he was even dumbfounded when he saw the high-speed fight later.

He is not Shinichi. Even if he uses the Red Scale Leap, his dynamic vision can't keep up with the speed of the two, which is in sharp contrast to Shinichi who is watching with relish.

Shinichi Tendō: "Beautiful! As expected of Maki."

Kenji Kamo obviously didn't understand what Shinichi Tendō understood.

"That... can you explain to me what happened?"

Shinichi Tendō: "It was [heart sense]. Maki used [heart sense] to deal with Naoya's high-speed attack."

Heart sense, also known as the sixth sense, is a kind of extrasensory perception. Most people are used to calling it "intuition", but this is only to facilitate understanding and approach the sixth sense and link the two together.

The sixth sense can receive information through means other than normal senses and predict what will happen. It has nothing to do with the inferences accumulated from previous experience.

After scientific experiments, the sixth sense has been partially explained through the speculation of magnetic field perception ability.

The sixth sense is an unfamiliar field for humans. Its specific training methods, methods and content are difficult to study for various reasons. If you insist on practicing, you can only ask charlatans, monks and psychologists.

Maki's [Heart Sense] also improved after her Heaven and Curse Binding became complete, so even if she couldn't keep up with the opponent, she just had to dodge according to the attack route she anticipated.

Scientifically, everyone is born with the sixth sense, but the degree of development is different. The protagonist doesn't know whether Fushiguro Shirō has this level of sixth sense. If not, it is probably related to gender and personal talent.

As for Tendou Shinichi himself? To be honest, I don't know and there is no need to find out.

Fighting instinct, experience conclusion, adaptation and learning, calculation and prediction, insight, extraordinary reaction, extreme speed... too many things can be used to explain.

Perhaps the answers to these questions will appear when he enters the horror mode of the universe, but as far as the battle itself is concerned, it is not important to understand or not.

Naoya stopped attacking and returned to the air.

(Naoya: "Why can't I hit him? It shouldn't be like this!")

Maki: "Why, you don't dare to come down and fight me?" (Although I can dodge, I still lack something to effectively counterattack. What is it, what am I missing compared to Fushiguro Shier...)

Just when the battle was at a stalemate, two players ran over to join the battlefield.

They were Daido Gun who shouted "sword" and Sandai Rokushi-shi who shouted "sumo". They must have been attracted by the aftermath of the battle.

Daido Gun: The incarnation of the unparalleled swordsman in ancient times, who does not use cursed power but only swordsmanship. He has reached the pinnacle of swordsmanship and reached the pinnacle among humans. To put it in a way that is easy to understand, in comparison, Miyamoto Musashi is just an ordinary person who was born in an era without Daido Gun. Now he comes to the Sakurajima barrier to find the soul of a man - the sword.

Sandai Rokushi-shi: A top sumo lover who was reborn in the modern world because he was not satisfied with his life in the previous life. I got lost on the way to Tokyo to participate in the sumo competition, and came to the Sakurajima barrier in the opposite direction.

Maki: "Players from other barriers?"

Naoya: "There are more and more annoying bugs."

After a while of silence, Tendou Shinichi told Maki to fight with peace of mind and deal with the two uninvited guests by himself. He wanted to try the ancient masters who had great say in two fields.

Kamo Kenki: "I will join too..."

Tendou Shinichi: "No, you just watch."

Hearing this, Kamo Kenki realized that he was being despised.

The battle started again. Maki took the initiative to attack and jumped into the air, swinging his knife at Naoya. Naoya dodged and did not fight back, as if he was thinking about how to attack Maki without being hit by the Ten-fist Sword.

Daido Gang noticed that Maki was fighting with the Ten-fist Sword, so he turned his eyes

He placed it on the Soul Release Sword that was stuck in the ground. Although there was no inscription or hilt, it was a rare weapon.

"Knife, knife, knife!"

Da Dao Gang rushed towards the Soul Release Sword and tried to hold it in his hand. Tendou Shinichi took the lead in pulling out the blade and then kicked Da Dao Gang sideways.

Tendou Shinichi, who was holding the blade, clearly felt the blade trembling, which was Shinichi rejecting him.

Tendou Shinichi: "I'm not interested in you."

(Tendou Shinichi: "Sure enough, it's the same as the original, but this problem will disappear after I revive my original body.")

Da Dao Gang, who was kicked aside, stood up and faced Tendou Shinichi.


Tendou Shinichi: "You want it? Come and get it yourself if you want."

The protagonist approached the battlefield of Maki and Naoya with the Soul Release Sword, but deliberately kept a distance.

The three generations of sixty-four who arrived at the same time invited Kamo Kenji to sumo, but Kamo Kenji rejected the other party's enthusiastic invitation because he was injured.

In desperation, the three generations of sixty-four could only turn around to find Tendō Shinichi, so wherever the three people and the cursed spirit went, the three generations of sixty-four would chase them.

After Maki jumped up, Naoya seized the opportunity to attack him in the gap.

Tendō Shinichi stopped and punched the mountain on the side, and the shock wave spread inside and caused violent vibrations.

Seeing this, Kamo Kenki, Daido Gang and the three generations of sixty-four dodged at the same time, and Naoya missed the opportunity and was scratched on the back by Maki.

The battlefield came to the highway, and the six players rushed along the highway while attacking each other.

Naoya, who lost both hands, realized a new way of fighting, using the exhaust and intake holes to blow objects towards Maki, so Maki's attack targets added several flying objects.

Tendō Shinichi: "Whirlwind..."

The protagonist sent a few slashes to test Daido Gang, and the latter did not disappoint the protagonist. He dodged immediately after sensing the slash, and the three generations of sixty-four on the side could also do this.

The slash cut off the highway pillars, and the reinforced concrete fell down with the cars stranded on them.

The battlefield of several people shifted again into the city.

Naoya: "Die! Maki!"

Maki: "Don't keep your distance while talking nonsense."

Daido Gang: "Give me the knife!"

Tendo Shinichi: "I told you to get it with your ability."

Sandai Rokushi-Four: "Anyone is fine, come and sumo with me!"

Kamo Kenki: "Everyone is so fast..."

The six contestants caused a landslide and hit the highway from the mountain. After causing the entire highway to collapse, they entered between the buildings and continued to destroy Sakurajima's infrastructure.

When they reached a slightly open place, Tendo Shinichi asked Daido Gang a question with the answer, intending to help Maki understand the realm of Fushiguro Shier.

"You can sense my slash, right?"

Daido Gang: "Except for not being able to see, I can "see" everything."

Maki realized that Daido Gang could not see the cursed spirits.

That sentence exploded in Maki's mind like thunder, and she felt as if she was about to touch something.

Maki recalled Fukushiro's fighting posture in the Tagore field, fighting as he pleased, calm and powerful. Is it calm because of strength, or powerful because of calmness.

"Not only that, there are some demons and ghosts around that girl."

Tendo Shinichi: "Yes, there is a powerful cursed spirit there."

Dadao Gang smiled.

"Give me the knife, I will solve it for you."

Tendo Shinichi: "You can use the knife for a while, but you don't need to solve the cursed spirit."

While talking, the two entered the battlefield between Maki and Naoya.

At a certain moment, the three were in a straight line, and Naoya rushed over at the maximum speed.

Maki leaned down to avoid it, and Tiandao Shinichi threw the knife into Dadao Gang's hand at this time.

At the moment of getting the Soul-Release Sword, the unparalleled and murderous aura of Dadaogang permeated the battlefield, making everyone except the protagonist feel a sense of oppression and stagnation.

Naoya was no exception, and was cut in the abdomen by the burst of Dadaogang, flying to the side out of control.

Kamo Kenki: "You can do this without relying on cursed power."

Several people present: "This person should not be underestimated."

Dadaogang looked at the sword with surprise.

"This sword is a demon sword, and it is rejecting me!"

Tiandao Shinichi, who confirmed that Maki had begun to transform, issued an order:

"The sword has been obtained, try to hit me with all your strength, I am almost bored to death."

Dadaogang: "Boy, although you have polished your body to the point where you can make a slash comparable to a blade, are you sure you want me to use all my strength? I will not care what I cut with all my strength."

Tiandao Shinichi: "Relax, old senior, even if you attack

Come on"

(Da Dao Gang: "When I first came here, I felt that this guy was extraordinary. He just stood there and made me feel defeated. You must be the one who can make me swing the sword to my heart's content!")

The only threat that Da Dao Gang could pose was to use the Soul Release Sword that ignored hardness to slash, but he had no chance of hitting Tian Dao Zhen Yi.

Da Dao Gang's momentum suddenly changed, and the way he held the sword also changed.

"Watch out, I'm going to slash with all my strength! "

The moment the words ended, the slashing storm came to Shinichi Tendō and surrounded him. The fierce slashing and sword energy cut everything around the two into pieces, and the ground was covered with cracks.

Shinichi Tendō moved his body at high speed between the slashing, and the blade could not touch him, even if the Dao Steel accelerated the slashing.

(Shinichi Tendō: "Such skills are enough to reach the peak of swordsmanship of ordinary humans here. It is hard to imagine that there are non-heavenly and cursed humans in the world of curses who can polish themselves to this level. I wonder what it would feel like to fight with Atomic Samurai..."

Shinichi Tendō no longer evaded, but stood in place to meet the attack.

The hand with five fingers in the palm kept touching the blade, unloading the force of each slash, and the original offensive no longer existed.

Using the Flowing Rock Crushing Fist is not killing a chicken with a butcher knife, but out of respect for the opponent, which is martial virtue.

The storm stopped, the air flowed normally, and the battle ended with the protagonist taking the Soul Release Sword with two fingers.

Shinichi Tendō: "Time is up. ”

Da Dao Gang panted and was excited.

“I never really enjoyed chopping things in my previous life, but today you made up for my regret. Thank you, young man.”

The battle here is over, and Maki’s battle has just begun.

Maki’s real teacher is only the protagonist, and only by asking for advice from her fellow classmates who majored in physical training did Maki make more long-term progress in two school years than in the original work.

The protagonist helped three people pass the door of martial arts and brought them into the world of martial arts.

The first one is Zenin Maki, the third one is Yuji Itadori, and as for the second one, it’s a suspense.

Yuji Itadori is the one who has made the fastest progress and has made more significant progress. Although Maki is not as rapid as Yuji Itadori, he has learned the most important point, which is the internalization and refinement of the essence of new things.

So, even if Maki did not compete in sumo with the three generations of sixty-four, he also realized what he had been missing - the freedom to fight.

As a twin, Fushiguro Shiori has developed a free-spirited personality since childhood; after choosing a life path that no one respects, he does not have the same concerns as Maki; he fights only for his own thoughts; the skills and senses he has honed in hunting missions.

With these things added together, Shiori does not even need to deliberately change, his body naturally finds the most suitable way of action.

Such a free attitude towards both life and battle makes Zenin Shiori, who is also a perfect heaven and cursed, the strongest.

Give your body and mind to the battle, so that you can immerse yourself in the battle itself, and the battle environment will give all the answers to your senses.

Maki, who realized this, used the previous warm-up fight as the thread to weave an invisible cocoon. When the protagonist's battle ended, the cocoon happened to crack.

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