The old man was very angry, but he was very angry.

Nishimiya Tao: "Fortunately, the cursed spirit added the rule of free entry and exit. Now we can at least have 200 points left for the subsequent rule addition."

Hearing this, Jinci Cheng showed a puzzled face, because even if there were no conservatives in the top management, it would be impossible for the Jujutsu High School and the cursed spirit to cooperate.

"Is that Rohu a cursed spirit?"

Nishimiya Tao: "Sorry, I forgot you didn't know the story of the Shibuya Incident. To put it simply, four special-grade cursed spirits teamed up with Noso to launch the Shibuya Incident and took the opportunity to seal Gojo Satoru."

"Then for some reason, when Sukuna lost control, they turned against us and helped us defeat Sukuna. Then, Rohu revealed his intention to kill Noso and disappeared. It wasn't until someone added a rule that allows players to query information that we discovered that Rohu had become a player."

"Is that Gojo Satoru strong?"


Faced with Shikakuichi who suddenly appeared beside her, Nishimiya Tao was so scared that she almost fell off her broom.

Kyo Kinji: "Of course, Gojo Sensei is the strongest."


The three of them turned their heads at the same time to look at Fushiguro Shier who was unable to hold back.

Fushiguro Shiori: "It's okay, you guys continue."

Nishimiya Momo: "It's ridiculously strong, otherwise why would the enemy insist on using the most difficult seal to trap the teacher after resurrecting Sukuna."

Hyōkinji: "That's right, after the teacher is unsealed, you may not even appear, and the teacher will have dealt with Sukuna."

Seeing Hyōkinji's smug look, Lu Shiyunyi did not feel any regret.

"It doesn't matter, my fist will only go to the strong, no matter who it is."

Tandō Shinichi: "It's difficult for a general sorcerer to enjoy fighting with a teacher."

Lu Shiyunyi: "You were also taught by him?"

Tandō Shinichi: "He taught me the knowledge of sorcery."

Lu Shiyunyi: "What a coincidence, tell me about that Gojo teacher."

Then the protagonist briefly introduced Lu Shiyunyi to the six eyes and the concept of no bottom line and sorcery that only appeared in modern times.

It also made Lu Shiyunyi understand why fighting with Gojo Satoru was not enjoyable, the reason was nothing more than that he could not touch the opponent at all. Louhu can still use domain extension, but he himself can't expand the domain.

Another dramatic point is that as the strongest sorcerer 400 years ago, he didn't comprehend the expansion of the domain until he died of old age, while the cursed cannon Shiliulong, who was also a sorcerer 400 years ago and recommended by Nozomi, did expand the domain.

Lu Ziyunyi: "According to what you said, even if I use Black Flash and enter the best state, I can't beat him."

Tiandao Zhenyi: "You can understand it this way. In your era, there were sorcerers who could use Black Flash?"

According to the information such as the formula book that appeared in my memory, even if Black Flash was summarized by someone since ancient times, it was still difficult to understand and master. After all, at that time, their concept of physics was not very clear.

Lu Ziyunyi: "I used it when I was young, how about you?"

Tiandao Zhenyi: "Well... I forgot."

He can use Black Flash with a normal attack, and he really doesn't know how many times he has used it.

Lu Ziyunyi: "It seems that not only the former and future sorcerers have monsters beyond common sense. Alas~ I was born at the wrong time."

Tendo Shinichi suddenly thought of something and opened his phone to check the time.

"Let's talk next time. I have to get busy."

Lu Ziyunyi: "Have a good trip."

Without explaining the reason, the protagonist quickly left the location of the few people and headed for other barriers.


November 14, 15:05, Sakurajima Barrier.

Zenin Maki, who can freely enter and exit the barrier because of the lack of spell power, and Kamo Kenki, who has changed his style, met at the end of a car tunnel.

Kamo Kenki came to the Sakurajima Barrier from another entrance and arrived earlier. When Maki entered the barrier along the road while killing the cursed spirits, the two had almost cleared out the aggressive players inside the Sakurajima Barrier.

At this time, she was carrying a long package, which contained four spell tools that could be used. Kamo Kenki was wearing a combat tights that made it easy to move, holding a short bow.

Zenin Maki said calmly:

"Why are you here?"

Looking at the change in momentum in front of him, Maki Naoya said what he was thinking.

"We have both changed since we parted in Shibuya, but you have become stronger, while I have fallen."

"The head of the family and the family have been captured by the noose, and I,

The illegitimate child has no choice but to leave."

Maki: "Ha~ Anyway, there's nothing good about family. The new hairstyle is nice, not as gloomy as before."

As she spoke, Maki raised her hand and pointed at the hairstyle that her relatives "helped" design. For this responsible teacher Tony, Maki gave them due rewards.

Kamo Kenji smiled awkwardly and talked about the next arrangements.

"At present, the threats inside the barrier have been eliminated by us, and the rules that are urgently needed have also been completed. According to the plan, we should go to meet with Yu Yu."

Maki: "Can't we go directly to Shinichi? That pair of siblings are very calculating."

Kamo Kenji: "This time the benefits are enough, it will be reliable."

Just as he was about to leave, Kamo Kenji felt an ominous fluctuation of cursed power, and Maki also felt the sudden change in the atmosphere through the super senses given by Tian and Jubind.

The two looked up at the same time.

Kamo Kenji: "That is... Curse Spirit. ”

Maki: “There is no doubt about it, and this cursed spirit is not right.”

In the sky,

Xiao Jin: “Are you sure you want to enter the barrier? A pvp game called Death and Return is going on in this barrier. Once you step in, you will also become a player.”

Unknown large winged cursed spirit: “Stop making so much noise, I will kill you if you keep talking!”

After the unknown cursed spirit passed through the barrier, it looked down at the city below in the air. It didn’t take long for it to find its target.

The next moment, the cursed spirit accelerated and dived towards the two, to be precise, Maki.

The moment it landed on the ground, the cursed spirit disappeared. A moment later, the sonic boom that exceeded the speed of sound blew up all the glass of the houses on both sides of the street.

Bang! A solid impact sound came, and the cursed tool fell to the ground.

Before Kamo Kenji could react, Maki beside him had been knocked to the back mountain. This blow destroyed the houses a hundred meters behind him, leaving only the plowed land.

Not to mention the reaction, the dynamic vision of ordinary humans can’t even They couldn't catch the attack.

Maki, who was embedded in the mountain, raised her fist to counterattack, but the cursed spirit reacted faster and retreated when the fist reached her body, then accelerated and hit Maki again from the side.

Maki, who had been attacked once, was ready to block this attack. Maki wanted to take the initiative, but the cursed spirit swung its newly grown arms and swung its tail at Maki at the same time, not giving her any chance to breathe.

Maki was clamped due to limited space. At this time, the cursed spirit also revealed its true face, and a distorted human face stretched out from the cursed spirit's body. It was Zenin Naoya.

Zenin Naoya: "The punch you broke my head really hurt, little Maki."

"In order to get revenge, I didn't hesitate to turn into a cursed spirit and follow your traces all the way here~"

Maki: "One time is not enough, you want a second time, what makes you so eager to die."

Cursed spirit Naoya: "That's it, be more arrogant. Then I will suck your blood dry, hehe~"

While talking nonsense, Maki twisted Naoya's hand and kicked him back.

Naoya adjusted his state and prepared to counterattack, but suddenly stepped back subconsciously. It turned out that the arrow shot by Kamo Kenki from a distance arrived and interrupted Naoya's action.

Kamo Kenki took the opportunity to throw the cursed tool over, and Maki got it before Naoya reacted. The whole process was done in one go.

With the Soul Release Sword in the right hand and the Ten Fist Sword in the left hand, Maki entered the dual wielding state.

Maki jumped up and slashed Naoya, and Naoya retreated in a straight line but was still hit by two swords.

One sword broke the defense and cut off the body, and the other sword caused an unhealable wound.

The cursed spirit Naoya, shouting in pain, fled to the sky, but his speed was no longer as fast as before. Kamo Kenki took the opportunity to shoot a few arrows and hit Naoya.

Cursed spirit Naoya: "No! It's not over yet, I will crush you all. "

Unable to bear it, Naoya exploded. Before the two could breathe a sigh of relief, the broken body quickly gathered together to form a cocoon-like sphere.

Maki: "Hurry up and attack! He was a cursed fetus just now, and now he is becoming a perfect form!"

Without thinking about how terrifying the perfect form of the cursed spirit Naoya is, Kamo Kenji immediately took out a blood bag from his bag and hit a full-strength [Blood Piercing].

The thick and long blood column shot out and pierced through Naoya's cocoon.

The hole in the sphere fell down. Seeing this scene, Kamo Kenji breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't dare to imagine the speed that the cursed spirit Naoya could achieve when he evolved into a perfect form.

"Get out of the way!"

However, Kamo Kenji hadn't relaxed for more than two breaths before he saw a cursed spirit standing in the air. At that moment, his breathing stopped.

Naoya's torso is similar to a column, his face is a skull, his arms are long and big, and his legs and feet are just the opposite.

The scene replays, when the blood piercing pierced through the sphere, Naoya had already left the sphere at a faster speed

Having escaped, Kamo Kenji's full-strength attack was meaningless.

The next moment, the scene in front of him changed.

The cursed spirit Naoya's fist hit him, and Kamo Kenji instinctively resisted, then flew straight through the woods to the winding mountain road in the distance, and there was no sound.

Cursed spirit Naoya: "Trash should have the consciousness of trash, my goal from beginning to end is... huh?"

Naoya looked at the blood on his hand and realized that his attack did not kill Kamo Kenji, and Kamo Kenji, who survived the disaster in the distance, had entered the Red Scale Leap and was ready to fight for his life.

Naoya locked Kamo Kenji and accelerated on the spot, rushing towards the opponent. This time, Maki reacted and came to Kamo Kenji at a faster speed and swung the cross slash.

Naoya had no choice but to take this move, and one arm fell off. Without stopping, Naoya continued to rush towards Kamo Kenji, and Kamo Kenji was also ready for [Red Binding].

When the rope made of blood moved like a snake, quickly approached the target and successfully tied up Naoya, Maki stepped forward and swung the knife at Naoya's head.

(Maki: "Solve it in one go!")

Naoya, whose reaction and speed surpassed those of humans, came up with a solution, turned into a gyroscope and spun at high speed to bounce off the blade, and then easily broke free from the red bondage.

(Zukure Naoya: "The wound caused by one of the knives cannot be healed, in this case...")

Naoya, who had a plan in mind, left the battlefield and returned to the air.

Kamo Kenki: "Is he planning to escape?"

Maki: "No, he is planning to superimpose the highest speed and then rush over. As the technique is continuously activated, the speed will also be superimposed and become greater. The only way is to seize the opportunity to counterattack."

Kamo Kenki: "This is a gamble."

Naoya in his human period was already close to the speed of sound, and in his cursed period, he could reach the speed of sound with a single acceleration. Moreover, he can not only launch the spell, but also inhale air from the front air intake at the speed of sound, compress it with the cursed force, and discharge it from the tail to obtain more propulsion to reach the maximum speed faster. It is unimaginable that Naoya is accelerating.

Looking at Naoya hovering in the air, Maki knew that the attack was coming.

Naoya rushed towards Maki at a speed of Mach 3, and Maki couldn't stop the attack at present, let alone launch a counterattack.

Maki was hit so hard that her internal organs were damaged and she couldn't stand up again after vomiting blood. Naoya mocked her and tortured her to death slowly. This was what Naoya imagined before launching the attack, and it was just an imagination.

However, since Maki had gotten rid of the twin curse, there was no need to let this poor man suffer more trauma.

A person attacked from a distance, and the aftermath of the advance caused the house to collapse. The speed had already exceeded several times the speed of sound, and it could be said to be flying close to the ground.

In just a blink of an eye, he had come to the battlefield from the edge of the barrier. When he reached a certain position, there was a violent impact, enough to cause the recoil of the earth to crack and send the sender of the force into the air.

There was no time to think about Naoya's attack, because the man had landed accurately in front of the two of them and punched them at the moment Naoya arrived.

The sound of the collision was deafening, and a huge amount of smoke and dust was lifted up and filled the air.

The shock wave generated by the needle-point collision forced Kamo Kenji, who was blown into the air, to grab the telephone pole to avoid falling to the side.

The cursed spirit Naoya flew out of the smoke and returned to the air, splashing purple blood as he flew.

The cursed spirit Naoya, who was screaming, roaring, and shouting in pain, was now in tatters, with only half of his head left.

The angry Naoya didn't even realize that he didn't see the person coming clearly, but just wanted to kill everyone present.

In the center of the smoke, Shinichi Tendō clapped his hands to blow away the smoke and officially appeared on the battlefield.

Although Shinichi Tendō's appearance had changed, the cursed spirit Naoya in the sky still recognized him at the first time, and then all the bad memories in the past came to his eyes, and he couldn't help but get angry.


"Why! You are just a poor imitator, a cheap thing! Whether it's Yuta Otsutsukota or Shinichi Tendō, why do you always stand in front of you and ruin my good things!"

"I just want to kill you! Is it so difficult!"

When saying these words, the cursed spirit Naoya twisted and twitched all over, and his inner anger reached its peak.

He didn't expect that even if he became a cursed spirit, he would be so embarrassed when facing Shinichi Tendō. His original idea was to kill Maki and then Yuta Otsutsukota and Shinichi Tendō.

Shinichi Tendō: "Isn't this Naoya? I haven't seen you for so long and you have become a cursed spirit, but your attack is still as weak as before."

Ignoring the barking of the person in the air,

Shinichi turned around and met Maki's gaze. At that moment, an inexplicable sadness filled the two of them.

"Leave the next battle to me."

Zenin Maki shook her head and refused.

"No, leave it to me. I will settle the family's grievances and hatred today." (This time I will also take on the responsibility of a protector.)

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