The death of Sukuna was a big blow to the United States.

Just when everyone was happy about Sukuna's death, a phone call came in.

After Tiandao Shinichi answered the phone, a slightly frightened voice came from the other side of the phone.

"Shinichi, two objects are flying towards Neon, maybe..."

Tiandao Shinichi: "What could it be?"

Yosingji: "ICBM."


The appearance of Godzilla has caused the US military to panic, and they are eager to fight back against this monster.

Since the US navy suffered a devastating blow from Godzilla, the US has been preparing for a devastating revenge on Godzilla.

The newly-appointed president also learned about the concepts of cursed power, cursed spirits, and cursers under the guidance of the Ministry of Energy and the Ministry of Defense.

Initially, the invisible Godzilla was judged to be a cursed spirit.

However, after many attempts at sea operations, the body tissues knocked off by artillery allowed tactical consultants to determine the nature of its creature, and then redefined Godzilla as a giant unknown creature that relied on cursed power to achieve the effect of concealment.

So there was an island operation centered on detonating hydrogen bombs.

As they predicted, the operation was successful, and the military and the newly-appointed president were very satisfied with the operation.

Then, the successive attacks on the US troops stationed in South Korea and Japan made them realize that there was more than one Godzilla.

"Shinjuku is a no-man's land," this is the official report from Neon.

"The situation of Godzilla in Shinjuku was submitted to the Neon Cabinet under the manipulation of Nozomi, and then learned by the US advisers.

When the signs of radioactive heat rays when Rimei was captured alive were captured by drones, the nuclear strike against Shinjuku was finalized and was determined with the consent of the new cabinet.

In fact, launching a nuclear bomb is not a simple matter, it requires a strict approval process.

First, the top US military officials submitted an application for a nuclear strike to the Pentagon. This application describes in detail the threat of Godzilla and the necessity of a nuclear strike. After receiving the application, the Pentagon immediately organized experts to evaluate. After some arguments, the experts believed that launching a nuclear bomb was the most effective solution under the current circumstances.

Next, the application was submitted to the White House. After learning the situation in detail, the US President weighed the pros and cons. Launching a nuclear bomb would bring great damage, but it also meant that the strike against Godzilla would achieve a decisive victory. After careful consideration, the president decided to approve the action.

After that, launching a nuclear bomb The United Nations' consent is also required. The senior US military officials immediately submitted an application to the United Nations and elaborated on the necessity of launching a nuclear bomb.

In "Shin Godzilla", this resolution was quickly passed after a not-so-intense discussion, and it would not be much different in this world.

Before the UN Security Council finally passed this resolution, because Japan and the United States agreed that one was willing to fight and the other was willing to be beaten, the launch did not even need to be

After obtaining the consent of all parties, the US military began to prepare for a nuclear strike.

While the real person was performing surgery on Sukuna, the intercontinental missile was officially launched.


Due to the dissolution of the Jujutsu General Administration, the cabinet and the Jujutsu High School did not establish an information exchange channel.

The rope can know when the attack will arrive through the barrier technique, but the protagonist group cannot be so well-informed.

This is one of the reasons why Sukuna chose to fight here, and this is also the reason why Rimei asserted before his death that they would pay the price.

Tendō Shinichi: "There is still time to notify me separately for this kind of thing! Tell me the direction quickly. "

The people present were shocked by the anger shown by Tendou Shinichi.

Kyuujiu Yuki: "Calm down, Shinichi, what happened?"

Tendou Shinichi: "Gojo-sensei, take everyone away from Shinjuku and go to Kyoto and other places, the farther the better.

Kyuujiu, use the cursed tools according to the situation and protect them.

All take action, I'm not kidding, hurry up!"

Tendou Shinichi came to Louhu again and handed the mobile phone in his hand to Louhu.

Tendou Shinichi: "Lohu, you are a cursed spirit, you can resist nuclear bombs, help me intercept one."

Lohu: "Okay... ah? What bomb?"

At this time, the people with better hearing were already scared.

Tendou Shinichi: "Don't worry about it, just blow it up.

Wu Erluo, if it ends up falling on the mainland, the radiation will be solved by you. ”

After finishing the explanation, Tiandao Zhenyi ran towards the path that one of the missiles would pass.

Tiandao Zhenyi: "The god who brought me here

Ming, I want you to pray for success this time...

Activate your ability, telekinesis!"

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