The battle was over, but the battle was over.

(Please note that the cost of activating [False God] is to clear all the cursed power for the day.)

The decisive battle site, Shinjuku.

Louhu picked up the phone and said:

"Hello, the person on the other end of the phone, which direction will the attack come from?"

And Xingji: "Southeast, the specific trajectory is unclear."

Louhu: "It doesn't matter, I can catch up."

Intercontinental missiles are limited by various factors, and their speed cannot be increased all the time, roughly within the range of 30 to 20 Mach.

Cursed spirits are different from real entities. They are composed of cursed power, and the speed limit they are subject to is greatly reduced.

After the transformation, the flight method of Louhu is boosted flight, which is similar to the principle of rockets.

The mantra as fuel can be replenished, and the fuel utilization rate of the technique as a boost is also very high. If all defense and attack means are abandoned and flying is the only goal, then Louhu can fly to all parts of the world at high speed and at will.

On the protagonist's side,

Kyuujiu Yuki used the mantra [Walnut Shell] to gather everyone except Gojo Satoru together, and Gojo Satoru outside the mantra began to draw a mantra seal on the ground around the [Walnut Shell].

When the large mantra seal was completed, Gojo Satoru launched the technique [Blue] to compress the distance between Kyoto and Shinjuku.

The reason for choosing Kyoto is simple. There are a large number of refugees there, and it will not and cannot be the place to be hit.

Compared with Nozomi who already knew the location of the attack, the protagonist can only rely on guessing.

After transferring the others away, Gojo Satoru did not choose to go to the shelter but chose to find Tendō Shinichi who intercepted another nuclear bomb. He wanted to help.

Gojo Satoru: "This is ridiculous, two of them, how can this thousand-year-old demon keep up with the trend of the times."


On the other side, the Neon Coast.

The second technique is being activated... It is determined to be feasible.

At the moment when the ability was issued, Tendou Shinichi was wrapped in a layer of faint light.

(The third season of One Punch Man has not yet been released, and it is not clear what color the light is when Sekkusu activates telekinesis. Readers can just use the color that they think is most suitable.)

The efficiency of flying and borrowing power by relying on spell power is too low.

In order to catch up with a high-speed nuclear bomb in the air, a more powerful ability is needed, and telekinesis is the best choice that can be thought of at present.

However, even Tornado cannot master telekinesis while obtaining it.

If it is really that simple, then the protagonist can directly awaken telekinesis and remotely crush the nuclear bomb.

I am afraid that only by using borrowing power in [Cosmic Terror Mode] can telekinesis be mastered instantly.

Shinichi Tendo: "It's really hard to use, but I don't have so much time to practice now."

The next moment, Shinichi Tendo, who was moving at high speed on the ground, left the ground with his feet and flew in the air.

Soon after, he saw the clear trail.

Shinichi Tendo: "Found it! I didn't expect this power to be used in this place."

Shinichi Tendo secretly swore in his heart that he would settle the account with the people behind the scenes after the attack was over, no matter who the other party was or how many people there were.

In this world, politics is shit!

Shinichi Tendo accelerated again, and his figure moved in the air like a catapult.

His body began to mutate, black hard tissue gradually appeared on his skin, his hair stood up and then gathered, and his fingertips became sharper.

Lines like blood vessels were all over the body surface that had long been transformed into armor, and the stretched clothes moved in the wind like ribbons.

In less than a minute, he completed the transformation from the eve of monsterization to the horned monster (Armor Wolf).

At this moment, Tiandao Shinichi only felt that there was inexhaustible power in his body with boiling blood.

Tiandao Shinichi: "Explode!"

The two objects kept approaching each other until they finally collided.

In the neon sea, two violent explosions occurred in less than five minutes.

Flying Gojo Satoru suddenly felt something and hurriedly turned around and closed his eyes. After the deafening explosion sound dissipated, he continued to accelerate to the explosion site.

The scene after the explosion came into Gojo's eyes.

After the huge fireball disappeared, a towering mushroom cloud appeared and continued to spread around.

Considering the large equivalent of the island battle, the equivalent of this explosion was intentionally reduced, but even so, it was not comparable to the little boy at the time.

Gojo Satoru: "Shinichi..."

Going forward, even he

There will be dangers. If Wuji could block those high-speed microscopic particles, Gojo Satoru would have been able to stop the poison from approaching.

If the sorcerer affected by the radiation can reverse the spell and his level is not low, it is no problem for him to survive normally, but he will be accompanied by unbearable pain during the treatment process.

But in fact, there are not many such people.

On the other side, Louhu was holding a fireball in his hand, which was the energy collection he collected after unfolding the domain.

Compared with Tiandao Shinichi, Louhu was much more relaxed, and the radiation and explosion itself could not cause any effect on him.

Louhu looked at the mushroom cloud spreading to the sky and couldn't help thinking:

"This thing is useless to the cursed spirits, but the impact on humans is unexpectedly large. I don't know if that kid can survive..."

"Forget it, what am I worried about? If he dies, I can just be free."


December 23, 2018, afternoon.

Outside Kyoto Polytechnic, there were nearly 40 people waiting for the latest news.

A familiar white hair appeared in everyone's sight, and Gojo Satoru came to the teleportation location he chose.

Geto Suguru: "Satoru, you went to find Shinichi after teleporting us here, right?"

Gojo Satoru: "Yeah."

Kujuku Yuki: "So... where is the person?"

Not only her, but others were also waiting for the answer.

Gojo Satoru sat cross-legged on the steps beside him and sighed softly.

Gojo Satoru: "The person was not found."

Zenin Maki: "Please explain clearly, what does not find mean?"

Gojo Satoru: "That's the problem. Shinichi's speed suddenly increased at a certain moment. I discovered this through the remnant of cursed power.

Then the explosion happened. I was done. I don't know what happened before the explosion." (Gojo Satoru's teleportation requires clear coordinates of two places, and the conditions are not low.)

Suguru Geto: "Did the explosion happen on the sea or on land?"

Gojo Satoru: "On the sea, about 100 kilometers away from the coastline."

Lu Shiyunyi: "So...Tendo Shinichi wrapped himself up with a spell and crashed into it?"

Although this sounds explosive, it seems to be the case from Gojo Satoru's description.

Nishimiya Momo: "It sounds terrible."

Miwa Kasumi: "Maybe, probably, maybe, right?"

In terms of the hardness of the spell walnut, it is really no problem to withstand the explosion. The only thing worth worrying about is how to swim out of the radiation-filled area.

Yuji Itadori and Nobara Kugisaki stared at each other, as if they had heard something that would only happen in a science fiction movie.


Gojo Satoru wanted to say something like "Don't be so silent," and tell a joke, but it seemed that no jokes would work now.

Rakuganji and Yoga Masamichi had similar ideas, that is, it was a pity to waste such a good seedling.

(Yuki Kujuku: "Is this a bad joke from some god? Everything is about to end.")

(Megumi Fushiguro: "Senior should be fine... Damn it, I should have taken the initiative to help at that time, if I let Makoto intercept him.

Senior Shinichi did so much for us, but I didn't repay him.")

Megumi Fushiguro had a gloomy face, and at this time, a hand of Fushiguro Jyouji was placed on his shoulder to signal him not to think too much.

In fact, the reason why Hui was not allowed to intercept with Makoro was that Tendou Shinichi and even Fushiguro Hui himself did not think that they had full confidence in controlling Makoro to accurately intercept outside the killing range.

(Otsutsuki Yuta: "I'm really useless...")

Like Fushiguro Hui, Otsutsuki Yuta, who also has a Shikigami, is also blaming himself for not offering to help. Compared with Makoro, "Rika" showed more autonomy.

If the speed problem is overcome, there is really a possibility of successful interception.

Mingming: "Looking for someone? Or should we prepare for the afterlife directly?"

Zenin Maki was angry when he heard this:

"Can you say something nice? Shinichi is not a fool who would take a nuclear bomb with his body." (In fact, Shinichi Tendo really took a nuclear bomb with his body.)

Otsutsukotsu: "Of course I will look for someone. In Sendai, Shinichi showed his ability to attack from a distance.

He is always confident in what he does, and he will definitely be able to turn danger into safety this time."

Rika Kimoto: "Good people will be rewarded, I believe he will be fine."

Panda: "Learn more from Rika, don't scare yourself."

Miguel: "But... why hasn't he come back yet?

Without Gojo Satoru using teleportation, he is the fastest sorcerer at present,

Even 200 kilometers is enough for him to come back and travel back and forth between Shinjuku and Kyoto."

Ieiri Shoko: "It is probably still floating on the sea, but Gojo Satoru's six eyes didn't find it, so it was probably blown away to a far place."

Kujuku Yuki agreed.

"It should be. The density of the object constructed by his technique is smaller than water. If he stayed inside, it should be floating somewhere on the sea now."

Gojo Satoru: "I'll go to a farther sea to look for it."

Sugar Geto stopped Gojo Satoru.

"Why is your smart brain not working now? I'll go if I want to go. The cursed spirit is not affected by radiation, but your cells may have died before you find it."

Gojo Satoru looked at Sugar Geto helplessly.

"Of course I know this, but it's too slow. I'm worried that he drifted too far.

Don't worry, with the output of my reversal technique, it's no problem to look for it at the edge. ”

Ieiri Shoko: “My reversal technique cannot cure people exposed to high-intensity radiation. Otsutsuki, can you?”

Otsutsuki Yuta hesitated for a while and then said affirmatively:

“No problem.”

Suguru Geto: “Then it’s decided. We will go together.”

Ieiri Shoko: “Let me make it clear in advance that if there are sequelae such as cancer, I will be powerless to save the situation.

If you go together, you must be careful. No one can get into trouble.”

Yoshinji: “Wait, maybe we can ask for help from Roko. This is the safest and more efficient way.”

Itadori Yuji: “Maybe. I heard from Shoko that it was Roko who defeated Sukuna and sent me back to the rear for treatment.”

Gojo Satoru: “Anyway, there will be no loss in looking for them. It would be great if they are willing to help.” "

Soon after, Gojo Satoru left Kyoto to seek help from Rokugo.

After Gojo Satoru left, Leganji and Yaga Masamichi began to contact the cabinet to obtain information from cabinet members on behalf of the Jujutsu General Administration.

Todou Aoi: "He went there without hesitation, what an interesting man."

Kiyoshi Kinji, who was sitting on the sofa, suddenly became interested.

"Want to gamble? I bet on people who are fine."

Mingming: "I don't plan to participate in this kind of bet that I can't see winning."

Kiyoshi Kinji: "Tsk~ boring."

Youyou: "What do you know, elder sister is thinking long-term. It's normal for a gambler like you who only shouts passion all day long not to understand."

Xing Qiluo Luo: "Little friend, don't talk nonsense~ People who dare to gamble like Ajin often reap a lot of rewards. "

The sister-protecting demon Youyou and the husband-protecting demon Xing Qiluo Luo can be said to be a real ruthless match.

Mingming ignored the two people's fight and turned to talk to Miguel who understood the international situation.

Mingming: "Mr. Miguel, where do you think the attack came from?"

Miguel: "The answer is too obvious. Who else could it be except that country?

I really don't know why they are doing this and why the Japanese government agreed. It is better to immigrate to a safer country."

Mingming: "Hehe~ I thought of the same thing. For this reason, I transferred my assets in Japan on the day of the Shibuya Incident."


Lu Ziyunyi: "To be honest, I don't know whether to blame Sukuna or those people who can only press buttons. It feels that they are not only unable to help, but also always cause trouble at inappropriate times."

Takaha Fumihiko: "Yes, yes, in November, someone from abroad sent troops here to arrest sorcerers. ” (Because one of the people who led the soldiers was a Japanese traitor, Gao Yu's memory of this incident is quite clear.)

Suguru Jie turned around and looked around, and was relieved after confirming that Rakuan Utaha and Ieiri Shoko were not there.

"Sure enough, these monkeys are still so annoying. If I hadn't promised Tendō Shinichi to start over, I would have wanted to retaliate."

Kurosaki Heizi: "Tsk tsk, this era is also so speechless."

Shiliu Long: "Indeed, anyway, I didn't expect Japan to listen to foreigners so much now."

Listening to the complaints of several people, the angel couldn't help but start a small lesson of justice for these juniors.


In Shinjuku, Gojo Satoru found the four disasters who were about to leave here.

Gojo Satoru: "Yo~ I knew you guys hadn't left yet."

Togen: "Gojo Satoru is here."

Louhu: "Huh? What are you doing here? "

Zhenren suddenly became excited.

"Louhu, how can you talk to him? Isn't his purpose obvious? "

Louhu: "You know it now?"

Zhenren: "Of course, I don't know, but you know it. Mr. Gojo must have come here to pay me."

Then Zhenren stepped forward.

He grabbed Gojo Satoru's hand and opened it without limits.

"I told you not to be so polite. Let's do this. I don't want much. Just a Soul-Release Sword is enough for me."

Gojo Satoru looked at the complacent Zhenren and was speechless, just like seeing a young Hui.

Hana Yu: "I don't mean to fight. Do you need anything from us?"

Gojo Satoru: "You've seen through me. Then I'll just say it straight. I want you to help me find Tendou Shinichi. After all, cursed spirits are not affected by that kind of weapon."

Hearing this, Zhenren let go of his hand, looking like he owed him money.

"I'll set the reward. Even if Jesus comes, you can't let me work for nothing. I said it."

Louhu waved his hand.

"Maybe he will be back in two days. To be honest, I have never seen that man being defeated."

Hanayu: "Louhu..."

Louhu: "Okay, okay, I will find it. Can't I?

You are just like your students. You really know how to find things for me."

Gojo Satoru: "Thank you. I will reward you later."

The smile returned to the real man's face: "You are worthy of being Master Gojo. You understand the ways of the world. From today on, you are my brother.

Brother, give me the immunity from the whole curse. That means I can chase others and beat them, but others can't chase me and beat them."

Gojo Satoru: "By the way, where is that big guy?"

Hanayu: "He left a long time ago."

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