The wound on Kinji's abdomen healed in an instant, and Centipede Naoya was very surprised. It was the first time he had seen such a technique.

"Hahahaha, it’s on fire!"

"My luck is really amazing."

Kyū Kinji began to take the opponent in front of him seriously. He was just lucky and won the jackpot.

The opponent's ability is very abnormal, and he can even freeze himself in place.

He is holding the cursed tool dragon bone in his hand. Maki left the cursed tool on the battlefield when he left just now.

"Damn, I don't know how to use weapons"

"Forget it, it's better to have it than not, let's make do with it."

Kiyoshi Kinji reluctantly picked up the dragon bone. Even though Kinji couldn't use it, the dragon bone was a special-grade cursed tool that greatly improved the user.

He slid to the big centipede Naoya's body and chopped it with a knife. He felt his arm numb from the shock.

Fortunately, this knife caused substantial damage to Naoya, otherwise he really didn't know how to fight.

"it hurts……"

"So the cursed spirits feel pain too."

The centipede Naoya felt pain and hit Kyōkinji with his tail.

Kyōkinji held the dragon bone flat with both hands and blocked the attack of the tail, but he still couldn't stand firmly and took a few steps back.

"This is too hard."

""Even the special grade spell tools can't cut it?"

The two sides were still in the field confrontation. Naoya's sure hit effect was broken, and he fell into a period of spell melting.

Hyōkinji's field was not an attack type, at most it blocked the opponent's field.

"4 minutes and 11 seconds?"

"That's right, you are the only one who can be called an opponent!"

The centipede Naoya successfully learned the invincibility time of Hyokinji through careful observation.

Hyokinji's ordinary body can't resist Naoya's attack at all. Only after winning the lottery can he have the capital to fight back.

"Sit and kill gamblers"

"Another big prize!"

The connection was very fast. In order to maintain his invincibility, Kinji Hyō made a seamless connection when the technique ended.

As long as his immortal body remained, he could slowly wear down Naoya.

"In that case, I will completely destroy your immortal body within these 4 minutes and 11 seconds!"

"Who is afraid of whom? Let's see who has better luck!"

The battle between Kinji Hyō and Naoya the Great Centipede entered a white-hot state, and both sides were completely excited.

"Damn, are these two people masochists? They get excited just by fighting?"

"No, no, I have to stay away from this gay guy, Kyōkinji, from now on."

Feng Wuxia looked at Kyōkinji on the ground with a disgusted look on his face. When he asked Qi Luoluo to be his girlfriend, he knew that this guy was not a normal person.

Now it seems that it is indeed as he thought before.

The blood and cursed power at the wound of the giant centipede Naoya merged and gradually began to form a sphere.

A huge cocoon wrapped around Naoya's whole body, and an extremely strange sphere appeared in the air.

Kyōkinji immediately reacted that Naoya's condition should be evolving.

"It's really disgusting. It's obviously a big centipede that has to use a cocoon to evolve. It's totally unreasonable!"

With the help of the surrounding buildings, Kinji Hyo jumped into the air with the dragon bone, trying to break the cocoon.

With one knife, a huge hole was broken in the cocoon. Although Kinji Hyo succeeded, the big centipede Naoya completed the evolution.

Now Naoya is in the form of a complete curse spirit, and his strength has touched the threshold of the special grade. It is not so easy for Kinji Hyo to deal with Naoya.

A half-human, half-insect creature broke out of the cocoon, and Naoya was reborn again.

His strength is no longer what it used to be, and a top-level sorcerer is not Naoya's opponent.

At this time, Feng Wuxia on the roof saw Naoya's true face clearly.

It is no exaggeration to say that if the previous Naoya was half-human and half-curse spirit, then the current Naoya is in the form of a complete curse spirit.

Just like the assimilation mentioned by Nose. A punch blasted Kinji Hyo away, and a huge crack appeared on the dragon bone in his hand. The special-grade curse tool almost shattered under Naoya's fist. It can be seen how powerful this punch is.

"Stupid sorcerer, I will send you to hell right now."

Kiyoshi Kinji's invincibility time has not yet expired, and the damage caused by this punch is immediately restored.

Naoya looked at Kinji with disdain. No sorcerer is absolutely invincible. Everyone has flaws.

If Kinji doesn't win the jackpot next time, he will probably die.

"Damn, do you know this punch hurts?"

"It's not like the invincible golden body can't feel pain."

He rubbed his old waist. The injury just now was not light, and the pain was real.

The complete form of Naoya is not someone that Kinji Hyo can deal with. The enemy has control type fields and quasi-special level strength.

No matter what, Kinji Hyo can't contend with it.

Strength, speed and strength all suppress Kinji Hyo. The only thing that supports Kinji Hyo against Naoya is his immortal body.

Kinji Hyo understands that the meaning of this battle has changed. He will die if he is not careful.

While the technique has not disappeared, Kinji Hyo takes the initiative to attack, trying to find the opponent's flaw.

The cursed tool in his hand must not be used anymore. Next, it depends on whose fist is harder.

"Projection spell!"

There are two steps to the operation of the projection spell.

The first is the"preset action", which requires the user to design a set of 24 separate actions within the user's field of vision.

Then there is the"projection action", which means that the user imitates the 24 designed actions one by one.

This means that using the projection spell requires extremely strong computing power.

The inspiration, time concept and battle prediction are broken down frame by frame.

Even if ordinary people master this spell, they cannot complete the calculation at all.

"Zen temple rituals"

"Do you still retain some consciousness from your life?"

King Kinci took a big step back. This spell was very difficult to solve. Once hit, he could not escape by his own strength.

The gambler's invincible golden body time was about to expire. He had to use the curse spirit to strengthen himself in order to fight with Naoya.

Now the situation was not good. He was hit by Naoya's spell without any preparation.

The whole person was sucked in. It must be said that no matter whether it was the domain or the spell, it was a natural counter to King Kinci.

Even if King Kinci had the ability to fight with Lu Ziyun, under absolute restraint, he looked very pale and powerless.

Feng Wuxia on the roof saw this scene and couldn't help but sigh:

"Not bad, not bad, I didn't expect you to have such great potential"

"If I had known this, I would have kept it for you to play with."

"System, open the mall, I want Naoya to experience the pain of secondary despair and never being able to turn over"

【Ding, the mall is opening for the host.】

【Additional mall opening】

【Any Enhancement Voucher: can enhance the body ten times, needs to consume 200 points】

【Gambling Dog Ticket: Randomly draw a spell from the world of curses, purely random, depending on the host's luck】

【The remaining function coupons have not been unlocked yet. Please complete the subsequent tasks to unlock them.】

"Buy any enhancement coupon!"

A powerful force entered Feng Wuxia's body, and he felt that his strength was ten times stronger.

His physical strength was enough to kill a special-grade cursed spirit with one punch, without the assistance of ninjutsu.

At a speed that was less than the speed of thunder and lightning, he brought out the scale Jinci in the wall.

If Feng Wuxia was a hexagonal warrior before, now he is a sixty-sided warrior, ten times stronger.

"Back off, this guy is a quasi-special-level strength"

"Besides, the technique and domain are very restraining to you, so leave it to me next time, and you can just go and watch the show from the side."

Feng Wuxia jumped down and stood there to stretch his muscles, not taking Naoya seriously at all.

When the complete Naoya saw someone coming to support him, he said:

"It's you?"

"It's really a narrow road for enemies to cross."

Naoya's body was instinctively afraid. When he first met Feng Wuxia, he couldn't block Feng Wuxia's punch.

The second time, he was directly killed by a meteorite. The strength of the two was so different.

Feng Wuxia didn't care at all. With a slightly aggressive look, he said with a slightly cold look:

"You are such a noisy monster, if you want to die, I will grant your wish."

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