"Seeking death? It's just a joke"

"I am now the most perfect creature, the new human being in this world!"

"Let me show you the power of the perfect form combined with the technique."


The perfect form Naoya's chest began to spurt blood, and he had no idea what was going on.

Looking closely, there was a small stone embedded in his chest. Feng Wuxia just picked up a small stone casually and threw it at Naoya.

Originally, Feng Wuxia could knock Naoya away with one punch, but now Feng Wuxia can kill Naoya with one punch.

At present, the most cost-effective one is the one that has been strengthened with a coupon.


"This, this is impossible"

"I've obviously evolved, why do you look so nonchalant, as if this attack was just a casual one?"

The Complete Form Naoya was very puzzled. After evolving, he already had the strength to fight against the Special Class, plus the domain and technique were enough to give him a fight

"You seem to have made a mistake. Everyone knows that I am a special grade."

"I am a special grade not because my strength is only special grade, but because the highest is only special grade."

"Simply put, no special grade sorcerer can beat me, and the same goes for Sukuna."

Naoya was deeply shocked. The title of the Curse King was a very famous name both before and now.

Since Feng Wuxia said so, he must be able to beat Sukuna in his prime.

"To be honest, I didn't want to take your life."

"You insist on courting death, so I have no choice but to help you."

The two ended their casual chat. Feng Wuxia did not use his spell power to strengthen himself. He wanted to see what level he could reach with his own strength. He instantly moved in front of Naoya. Obviously, Naoya did not see Feng Wuxia's figure clearly.

He only saw a figure suddenly appear in his field of vision. He was caught off guard and did not even have time to react. When their eyes met, Naoya could not help but shudder. Feng Wuxia's oppressive feeling was stronger than before, giving people an irresistible feeling.

This is the absolute confidence of the strong, and the oppressive feeling brought by absolute power.

"Kneel down!"

Naoya's body knelt down uncontrollably. The stronger the spell user is, the greater the power.

"A curse? Impossible, absolutely impossible"

"The unique technique of the Gojuan family is impossible for others to learn"

"Even if it is a collateral bloodline, it won't work. Only the most orthodox Inugami family bloodline has the curse."

The analysis of the complete form Naoya is correct. This is copied by Feng Wuxia using the ability of his eyes, similar to the copying technique of Yuta Otsutsukoshi.

"You hold your head too high."

"Don't you want your head anymore?"

The next moment, Naoya crawled on the ground, and his back felt cold. This was the third time he felt so close to death.

Feng Wuxia only needed a thought to kill him completely.

""You are so brave! Spare his life!"

Seeing that Naoya still had helpers, Feng Wuxia didn't say any more nonsense and grabbed Naoya's head.

With a bang, the head of the complete body Naoya split open, and his body was torn apart.

At this point, both Zenin Naoya and the complete body Naoya were completely dead.

"The Great Dao Gang" and"Three Generations Sixty-four Appear"

"Wait, what are you holding in your hand?"

"I asked you what you have!"

When he saw the curse tool in Kinji Hyo's hand, Dao Dao Gang, who regarded the sword as his life, was very excited.

He saw at the first glance that the curse tool in Kinji Hyo's hand was definitely not an ordinary item.

"The knife flew away?"

"Damn it, you can’t play it like this, I am your user!"

"Damn, Maki will kill me soon."

Kyojinji paused in fear. He just held the dragon bone tightly, but suddenly a force took away the sword in his hand.

When Dadao Gang held the dragon bone, the area was filled with an inexplicable sense of oppression. This was the breath emitted by Dadao Gang.

Feng Wuxia scratched his ears, and he did not feel the so-called sense of oppression.

"Are you the body of the unknown swordsman?"

Hyōjinji figured it out. Daido Tsuna couldn't use cursed power. The oppressive feeling he exuded just now was all due to his murderous intent in holding the dragon bone.

"What a pity, a good experimental material"

"This is a good sword, but you ruined my original plan."

Da Dao Gang pointed the finger at Feng Wuxia. Da Dao Gang was not a helper of Zenyuan Zhiya.

He just wanted to test the power of the dragon bone. Now, Feng Wuxia disrupted his plan, so he was naturally very angry.

"What a good knife! What a good knife!"

"There is no scabbard or hilt, but the workmanship is so delicate."

"I'm afraid it's hard to find a sword that's as good as mine."

Da Dao Gang was happily playing with the dragon bone, not paying any attention to the others, as if he had chosen to ignore them.

"The only flaw is the cracks."

Before he could be happy for long, the dragon bone had a rejection reaction. The owner of the dragon bone was Zenin Maki. No one could use the dragon bone without Maki's permission.

Daido Tsuna's eyes widened, and he stood there talking to himself:

"Could it be that a knife also chooses its user?"

"You want to embarrass me with your broken sword?"

While he was arguing with Longgu, Feng Wuxia had already moved and hid behind Da Daogang.

The Third Generation Sixty-Four next to him suddenly said,"Stinky old man, don't interfere with my business."

"If you want to show off your skills with knives, go away."

The third generation sixty-four turned his gaze to Feng Wuxia. He had just seen the scene where he killed Naoya with his physical strength.

He had always wanted to complete a hearty sumo match, and Feng Wuxia was undoubtedly the best choice.

The third generation sixty-four looked like a kappa, funny and hilarious.

But when he said the word sumo, his eyes were full of uncontrollable enthusiasm.

"You little bastard, pay attention to me!"

"This is the battle I've always dreamed of, show your full strength!"

Feng Wuxia was stunned. This was the first time she heard someone ask her to show her full strength.

""Domain Expanded!"

A circular sumo arena appeared. The arena was small and the domain was not strong.

It looked like the domain that had just awakened not long ago.

"Let me ask you a question"

"Do you like sumo?"

The smell of a royal palace greeted me, and the feeling of déjà vu reappeared.

"I don't like it, I just heard about it."

The third generation sixty-four didn't care so much, half squatting in place with a fighting spirit.

The domain was very strange, Feng Wuxia couldn't feel any power.

It turned out that the domain of the third generation sixty-four needed the consent of the challenged party to activate.

Seeing that Feng Wuxia didn't say anything for a long time, he thought he didn't want to fight with him.

"I agree."

Feng Wuxia said, and the third generation sixty-fourth beside him was as excited as a pervert.

A hemisphere wrapped around the two of them and entered an isolated space.

"Before that, I made a rule"

"The use of magic is not allowed!"

This requirement is simply unnecessary. Feng Wuxia's physical strength alone is enough to crush the three generations of sixty-four.

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