"Is there any other way to unlock the prison gate?"

Now it seems that Tian Nimu and the black rope have been destroyed by Gojo Satoru, so it is naturally not that easy to unlock the prison gate.

"Of course"

"What I am going to talk about next is the last resort."

"Among the sorcerers who participated in the Death Migration, there was a sorcerer named Angel."

"He can remove all spells, including the seal of the prison gate."

The angel's real name is: Kurusu Hana.

The angel is currently located inside the Tokyo barrier.

The game of death and annihilation does not allow Tianyuan to enter, so Tianyuan does not know the exact location of the angel.

Only a few people can go in to search.

There are currently ten places in the Tokyo barrier, which are connected to the barrier of"transferring humans to the other shore".

Migrating to the other shore barrier is what Nozomi has done to assimilate humans.

"The ceremony will probably be over in about two months."

This is just the time predicted by Tianyuan. The actual assimilation may be faster.

It is now the morning of November 9th. According to the first rule of the Death Migration, swimmers must go to any barrier to participate in the game within 19 days after the ritual awakens.

There are about ten days of buffer time before Fushiguro Megumi's sister Fushiguro Miki wakes up.

If the first rule is violated, the swimmer's ritual will be deprived.

"Deprivation Technique, does this ability really exist?"

Yuji was very surprised. It was the first time he heard of the Deprivation Technique.

Otsutsuko Yuta had learned about it in advance, and Ieiri Shoko had studied the Deprivation Technique.

"Miss Glass told me that deprivation of the ritual means death"

"According to this statement, wouldn't the Shin-style senior be the safest?"

Fushiguro Megumi looked at Zenin Shin-style, and Otsutsukoshi Yuta nodded. The second rule of the Death Migration was useless to Zenin Shin-style.

Of course, it was also ineffective for"Hen Wuxia".

He used ninjutsu, and only had cursed power but no techniques.

For non-swimmers like Itadori Yuji, the barrier also formulated corresponding rules.

The third rule: If a non-swimmer breaks into the barrier, he will directly become a swimmer.

And it is regarded as a default entry.

"What about ordinary people?"

"What about the ordinary people in the barrier?"

Otsutsukoshi Yuta was also confused. The number of ordinary people was huge. Although they had one chance to leave the barrier, it did not mean that they could all evacuate before the game started.

"Don't worry about this."

"The moment the barrier fell, my avatars, who were scattered in the movement, began to evacuate the crowd."

Of course, Feng Wuxia evacuated in the name of the high school, and it was impossible to do it with just a few words from him.

To get extra points, you must kill other swimmers.

The magician is five points, and the non-magician is one point.

After each swimmer enters the barrier, they will be attached with"golden bugs."

They are just used to record points.

Swimmers can also spend 100 points of their own to gain the right to communicate with the makers, thereby adding rules to the game.

From the perspective of spells, as long as the additional rules are not harsh, the managers will agree to add rules.

As long as the points are enough, the next situation will move closer to the high school.

"Did you find out?"

"In order to urge swimmers to fight, within 19 days, if the swimmer's points do not change, the spell will be deprived."

Several people began to have difficulties, that is, they have to keep killing other swimmers.

Only in this way can they continuously obtain points.

After the pre-war meeting, Hu Zi and others discussed and finally allocated personnel as follows:

Jiujiu, Zhang Xiang and Feng Wuxia's two clones stayed to guard Tianyuan.

Maki returned to Zenyuan's house to get the spell tools.

Hu Zi and Fushiguro went to find a new helper, that is, the third-year senior, Hyokinji.

As for Otsutsuki, he acted alone, and it was not certain what he was going to do.

According to Otsutsuki himself, he would immediately participate in the Death Return Tour.

Before Tsu Miki and Fushiguro Megumi joined the game, they collected some Intelligence.

In other words, Otsutsuki was the vanguard. Of course, this was just Otsutsuki's statement. Anyway, he acted alone and no one knew what he was going to do.

After all, Otsutsuki was a special-grade magician. Once he showed up, even the brains had to take him seriously, which gave Torago and others a chance to act.

Hyō was mentioned twice by Gojo before.

Once was after Torago was betrayed by Sukuna, and once was when Otsutsuki was recalling Gojo.

Looking at his profile, this guy looks like a bit player, but he is quite strong.

According to Otsutsuki, Hyō is even more powerful than Otsutsuki when he is in good condition.

Maki wants to recycle Cursed tools, this is easy to understand.

Because her Youyun was taken away by Shinji in Shibuya and destroyed.

Without powerful cursed tools, Maki is useless.

But the Zenin family and Kamo family are too despicable. After Gojo was sealed.

They didn't go to kill the cursed spirits, but raided the high school's arsenal first and took away everything they could.

So they had to go to the Zenin family to get the cursed tools.

I don't know who was quick to tell Maki that Fushiguro Megumi would take over as the head of the family. Maki has a big picture view and didn't mention her thoughts on the position of head of the family. She just said that this way she could take the cursed tools of the Zenin family.

After all, Fushiguro is now As the head of the family, the Zenin family has to give him this bit of face.

Once Maki gets the cursed tools, she will go find Senior Panda and join the Death Tour together.

Before leaving, Hu Zi suddenly called out to Zhang Xiang.

And thanked him for his help for a long time.

Zhang Xiang managed to remain calm in front of his brother and only said"Don't die".

But as soon as Hu Zi left, Zhang Xiang covered his face with his hands. The sharp-eyed Jiujiu immediately discovered that Zhang Xiang was crying...

At this time, Principal Ye Moth was in crisis. Now he was locked in a special cage.

Outside the cage, Principal Leyan Temple was asking about the production process of Panda.

"Noctuid, what on earth is that thing?"

"Other techniques can also make the cursed skeleton walk independently"

"But it can only consume the magic power given by the magician as power"

"The pandas you made can replenish their own magic power."

The high-level magicians classified Yega Masamichi as a special-grade magician and detained him indefinitely.

Yega Masamichi remained silent. He did not intend to reveal the secret of making pandas.

The high-level officials already knew the secret of pandas, which was that pandas did not need the users to inject magic power.

Instead, they could generate magic power autonomously like humans, think independently, have human emotions, and have the ability to grow, that is,"completely autonomous magic skeletons."

If you master the method of making pandas, then as long as you mass-produce pandas, you can have a powerful army. This is both a threat and a temptation for the high-level officials.

"Gojo Satoru was sealed"

"They started to commit suicide."

Yuji Itadori and Megumi Fushiguro didn't quite understand what Feng Wuxia meant.

Instead, he asked Yuta Otsutsukotsu to take Yuji away first, and he wanted to find Principal Yaga.

The panda that Yaga regarded as his own son was arrested by the higher-ups.

Shinji and Megumi Fushiguro returned to the Zenin family to get weapons, and by the way, they looked for Kinji Hyō.

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