On the other side, someone secretly released the panda.

After seeing clearly, I realized that the person who came was the second-grade class teacher, Kusakabe Atsuya.

"They arrested you just to lure out Principal Nightmoth"

"Ye Moe has done me a favor."

The scene turned to Ye Moe Zhengdao. He had quietly escaped when Principal Le Yan Temple was not paying attention.

In order to obtain the method of making"Completely Autonomous Cursed Skeleton", the top leaders sent Le Yan Temple to interrogate Ye Moe.

But Ye Moe insisted that he did not know the method of making"Completely Autonomous Cursed Skeleton".

The panda was an accident, and he found an opportunity to escape from prison.

Unfortunately, Ye Moe did not escape the fate after all, and Le Yan Temple still caught up with him.

Usually, Le Yan Temple and Ye Moe have a good relationship. This time, he came to kill Ye Moe just to follow orders and had no personal grudges.

People from the Curse Association also appeared together.

He told Ye Moe that as long as he could tell how to mass-produce pandas, he would let Ye Moe live.

This kind of nonsense, not to mention the experienced Ye Moe, even others would not believe it because the credibility of the top leaders in the curse world is not even as good as P.

So Ye Moe decisively chose to fight.

In terms of strength, Ye Moe should not be inferior to Le Yan Temple.

But as a curse skeleton master, Ye Moe did not have a single curse skeleton around him at this time, and his strength was greatly reduced.

"A passerby, a passerby"

"It's really an eyesore."

Feng Wuxia finally found Principal Ye Moth and followed the instructions of Panda and Kusakabe.

He found Principal Ye Moth on an empty road.


"The other party is a top-class sorcerer!"

Principal Leyan Temple knew that Feng Wuxia could at least be on par with Gojo Satoru.

As for how he knew this, it was when Feng Wuxia fought against Shibuya Sukuro.

Ye Mo Zhengdao and Principal Leyan Temple saw everything.

He didn't dare to do anything bad in front of Feng Wuxia.

He was afraid that the man in front of him would get angry and kill him.

"Feng Wuxia, you shouldn't get involved"

"We are also following orders."

The relationship between Leyan Temple and Ye Moth is good. If Gojo Satoru had not been sealed and the higher-ups had not put pressure on him, he would never have attacked his good friend.

"Based on the words of those old men"

"I can easily deal with you?"

"Or are you afraid of them?"

Feng Wuxia stood on the street lamp, looking down at the principal of Leyan Temple and the passerby A sorcerer beside him.

"Let me be frank"

"The high-ranking officials you mentioned have all been killed by me."

Yoga Masamichi and Leyan Temple are still there. After all, it's not a one-day or two-day thing to resist the high-ranking officials.

Since Gojo Satoru, the high-ranking officials have been intentionally or unintentionally opposing the high-ranking officials.

The sorcerer of the Jujutsu Association next to him had a very ugly expression. His biggest backers were all dead.

What's the point of him staying here?

"Are you telling the truth?"

Feng Wuxia was very impatient. Why didn't she believe what he said?

"System, open the storage space!"

As Feng Wuxia took out the bodies of the senior executives, the people present finally believed

"I didn't expect these old guys to be so brave."

""You dare to fight back."

Without the instructions from the top, Principal Ye Moth breathed a sigh of relief, and Principal Le Yan Temple also stopped chasing.

But Principal Le Yan Temple still wanted to ask, how did the panda come about?

"From the body to the soul, copy all the information"

"Input information into the core of the curse"

"But this is not enough. A core containing three matching souls needs to be placed inside the body of the cursed corpse."

"Almost three months later"


Yemo Zhengdao made arrangements and hid all the"Completely Autonomous Curse Corpses" in a forest.

There, with the protection of Master Tianyuan, it was very safe.

The Curse Corpses asked Yemo what he was going to do, but Yemo did not tell the truth.

He just told them that he was going on a business trip for a long time.

The Curse Corpses felt that Yemo was not in a good state this time and were very worried about him.

"Get out of here before I kill you."

The oppressive feeling of the Samsara Eye was given to the passerby sorcerer.

The power behind him was gone, so there was no need to fight for his life.

"Let's go back to the technical high school first. Zenin Shinji and Fushiguro Megumi are collecting the cursed tools."

"Let's go and help."

Feng Wuxia didn't kill Zenin Naoya, but just broke his hands.

From now on, Zenin Naoya will be no different from a useless person.

As for the passerby just now, Feng Wuxia chose to give him a chance.

The world of sorcery needs to be thoroughly cleansed, not endless killing.

Feng Wuxia agrees with Gojo Satoru's concept on this point.

Becoming the head of the family has only advantages and no disadvantages for Fushiguro Megumi. All the money and sorcery tools belong to Fushiguro Megumi.

And with the great god Feng Wuxia around, the Zenin family dared not do anything.

At first, they were still very skeptical about the strength of Feng Wuxia's special sorcerer.

Knowing that most people have seen the crushing Feng Wuxia, who suppressed the fifteen Ibusuki Nuo.

Only then did he realize that the world of curses was about to change.

Maki walked into the gate of the forbidden library, and what caught his eye was a woman sitting on the ground.

Sitting on the ground was his father, Zenin Osamu.

When Maki went back to the Zenin family to get the curse tools, he was blocked by his biological father, Zenin Osamu. According to Naoya and Shinichi.

Osamu did this in order to kill his two daughters, and then flatter the upper echelons of the academy to gain their trust.

In order to revoke Fushiguro Megumi's right to inherit the position of the head of the family, because in this way they can divide the Zenin family's property.

Little did he know that the upper echelons he mentioned were already cold corpses.

"Fushiguro, Shinkei and Mayi"

"You have been identified as rebels by the top leaders. Anyone who tries to unseal Gojo Satoru will be killed."

Zenin Maki mocked her father:

"You guys were also responsible for Yuji Itadori's immediate execution, right?"

"You can't beat Yuta Okkotsu, so you have to win him over. As for Feng Wuxia, you don't even have the courage to say anything about him."

"They are all a bunch of cowardly rats."

Zenin Shan began to use the secret technique, the Love of Falling Flowers.

This technique was used by Naohito when he was fighting against the domain.

Now all the power of Zenin Shan's curse was concentrated on the sword, and the strength of the whole body was concentrated to form a fatal blow.

The Shin system also took out its weapons without hesitation and fought Zenin Shan.

"Dragon bone!"

The dragon bone can store the impact force and cursed energy of the blade, and then release the power from the back of the blade according to the user's intention.

The plot has changed. Zhenxi has not yet become the second generation of Tian Yu and the tyrant. He is still the Zhenxi who has not been disfigured.

Fighting against Zenyuan Shan has doubled her pressure and she seems to be a little flustered.

Zenyuan Shan aimed at Zhenxi's abdomen, but Zhenxi was quick to block it.

Then the cursed energy of the dragon bone was released, and the back of the blade released a powerful cursed energy.

Zhenxi cut off the opponent's knife, but the old ginger is still shrewd. The next moment, Zenyuan Shan's knife was possessed by cursed energy and cut Zenyuan Zhenxi.

"You think you can shorten my attack distance by cutting off the blade"

"So you are the useless person!"

Chanyuan Shan pulled the two into a secret room, where hundreds of cursed spirits were kept. They dared not move because of the pressure of Chanyuan Shan.

As long as Chanyuan Shan left, they would rush out and tear the two into pieces.

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