Before Yuji Itadori left, Tianyuan grabbed Yuji Itadori's shoulder and told him to work as a head of a police station in a parking lot in Tochigi Prefecture.

"Senior Goujuan, is Senior Cheng really in there?"


Judging from the tone of Gojumaki's voice, they were not sure if the other party was inside.

Moreover, the two did not know much about the suspended Kinji Hyo. They only knew that Gojo Satoru had mentioned him before.

Simply put, Kinji Hyo was doing black boxing in the parking lot and made a lot of money from the black boxing business.

The so-called black boxing means letting the sorcerers go to the fighting arena.

The guests watching the game were basically non-sorcerers. Kinji Hyo's behavior had completely violated the regulations of the sorcerer world.

At the same time, it violated the last bottom line of a sorcerer.

After several twists and turns, they finally found the parking lot, and the two found a secluded place to change clothes.

The reason why Kinji Hyo was suspended was because he contradicted the top management.

If they knew that Gojumaki and Yuji Itadori were from the technical high school, they would most likely escape through the back door.

"I always feel that Senior Scale is not very reliable"

"The other seniors don't have a very good opinion of him."


Yuji Itadori still had some concerns, worried that Kinji Hyo was not very reliable, but Yuta Otsutsukoshi said that

Kinji Hyo could catch up with him when he was in good shape, and he was a great fighting force in the high school.

Inuju and Yuji Itadori crossed the fence and entered the underground parking lot.

The air inside was very humid and the ventilation system was not very good.

There was a strange smell in the air. Fortunately, Inuju's clothes blocked his nose.

Itadori looked very uncomfortable and it seemed that he could hardly accept this smell.

"Hey, those two little brats over there"

"This is not the place for you to come."

Seeing Inuma Ji and Yuji Itadori enter the underground parking lot, the thugs stepped forward to drive the two away.

"When I count to three, you turn around."

"If you dare to look back, I will beat you up."

Yuji Itadori felt someone tapping his shoulder and looked back hesitantly.

Fushiguro Megumi was standing behind Yuji Itadori. He was supposed to go to the Tokyo battlefield to participate in the Death Migration.

But he was always worried about Yuji Itadori, this sloppy guy.

So he asked Feng Wuxia to take a detour and send him to Yuji Itadori.

Feng Wuxia did not refuse. After all, releasing a clone would not hinder the progress of going to the Tokyo battlefield to participate in the Death Migration.

Fushiguro Megumi walked forward with a very calm expression on his face and said:

"We need money"

"Let's have a fight here."

As soon as Fushiguro Megumi finished speaking, the big hand on the opposite side didn't care about Fushiguro Megumi and the others at all.

He rushed forward to hit Fushiguro Megumi, and the huge fist stopped a few centimeters away from Fushiguro Megumi.

This was just a test of courage. If you still dodge the enemy's fist, you are not qualified to participate in the fight in the underground parking lot.

Then the big hand began to introduce the rules of the underground parking lot to the three people.

"Rule 1: The fight must be kept strictly confidential"

"Also, who did you hear about the underground boxing ring from?"

Fushiguro Megumi had done a lot of preparation in advance and looked up a lot of information on his phone.

He found that a boxer disappeared here for no reason a month ago.

He might as well use him as an introducer. It's impossible to confront him face to face when he's gone.

He lied that he got the news from the missing player.

"I can fill his gap."

"If you don't believe in my strength, I can fight you first."

""I am deciding whether to let me participate in the black boxing."

Another fighter in a suit has contacted Jinci and quickly got permission.

"Boys, today's qualifying round is yours to participate in!"

"But I want you to participate."

Fushiguro Megumi looked very calm, not someone who is easy to mess with. Inujū said nothing and behaved very steadily.

Only Itadori Yuji looked funny. With his years of experience, Otetsu selected the weakest of the few people, Itadori Yuji.

He specifically asked Itadori Yuji to participate in the boxing.

However, Fushiguro Megumi and Inujū thought differently, because the qualifying round was boxing and hand-to-hand combat.

Itadori was very talented in this area, so there was no need to worry about Itadori Yuji.

"Senior Gojuan, there are a lot of cameras in the underground parking lot"

"Kinji should be watching us somewhere."

Fushiguro Megumi noticed that there was a camera in a shadowy corner, secretly monitoring their every move.

"We split up"

"Yuji, you go down there and fight underground, and find the location of Hyōjinji from the inside"

"Senior Inujutsu and I will sneak into the parking lot, provided that you, Itadori, do not reveal any flaws."

What Fushiguro Megumi said is not without reason. No matter what kind of boxing match, the identities of the contestants will be checked in advance.

What's more, it's Kinji Hyō, who must be very wary of them.

If they are found to be sorcerers from the Jujutsu High School, their credit will be ruined, and they will not be able to participate in boxing matches in this area.

Of course, Fushiguro Megumi has made plans for the worst. Inujutsu can use spells here to restrict the activities of others.

"The worst case scenario is to force our way in. Senior Gojuan and"

"You should pay attention to this aspect of Tiger Stick and always find opportunities to cooperate with us"

"Most of the people in the underground parking lot are low-level sorcerers. You should show your normal strength."

"Don't just go up and kill others instantly."

The purpose of this trip is to ask for help, and to avoid excessive conflicts.

Fushiguro Megumi doesn't want to act tonight, but Fushiguro Miki doesn't have much time.

She needs to find Senior Kinji as soon as possible.

"Have you finished chatting?"

"Come with me!"

A big hand separated several people. They were looking at Yuji Itadori.

Next, they would take Itadori into the secret room to introduce the complete rules of the boxing match.

"The rules of underground boxing are simple"

"No escape allowed"

"The use of spells is not allowed."

Yuji was confused. Isn't this a competition between sorcerers? Why is the use of spells prohibited?

"I don't understand, what does it mean to forbid the use of the technique?"

Big Hand looked at Yuji's silly look and patiently explained to Yuji the purpose of doing so.

"We need to take care of the ordinary people in the audience"

"The reason why sorcerers are prohibited from using spells"

"This is because the magic of some sorcerers is very powerful and can easily affect ordinary people."

"Ordinary people cannot see the curse spirits and spells, so even if they foresee the danger, they cannot escape."

No matter how fiercely the spellcaster uses spells, ordinary people will find it very boring if they can't see it.

So hand-to-hand combat has become the rule of the underground boxing ring.

"So, what does it mean to not allow escape?"

"Not allowing escape does not mean that you are sending yourself to death, but that the boxing match must be conducted within the audience's sight."There are roughly two types of underground boxing matches. The first type is the knockout match that Yuji participated in.

There is no inside information involved, it is a real boxing match, a hearty fight.

Of course, underground boxing matches cannot avoid the situation of match-fixing.

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