If Yuji Itadori performs very well, he will most likely meet Kinji Kyō tonight.

Itadori could no longer hold back the smile on his face. It was purely hand-to-hand combat, with no spells allowed.

He is now a first-class sorcerer, and his physical strength is enough to fight against weaker special-class cursed spirits.

The boxing match in the underground parking lot was tailor-made for him. Soon after, the thugs took Yuji Itadori into the competition venue, and the middle floor of the underground parking lot was opened up.

This made it easier for the audience and sponsors to see more clearly.

The upper floor is for the audience and sponsors, and the lower floor is where the boxers fight.

Yuji Itadori's opponent has entered the venue, and after both sides are in place, the referee begins to shout loudly.

"Yuji Itadori!"


""Get in position!"

Yuji Itadori couldn't suppress the smile on his face. He didn't expect that Senior Panda was also looking for Kinji Hyo.

In this match, Yuji Itadori only needed to let go and fight, and he would have a chance to see Kinji Hyo behind the surveillance camera.

"Senior Panda, please don't show mercy."


Panda's acting career began. He said he would not let her win in this match.

But if Yuji doesn't win, he won't see Kyō.

So he will reveal a not-so-obvious flaw and let Yuji win.

The fists of both sides touched, which represented the official start of the match.

The referee retreated outside the competition area in an instant, fearing that he would be affected by the fight between the two.

Kyō Kinji in the monitoring room was drinking a little wine out of boredom. He thought this fight was boring.

Panda is quite famous in the world of curse, so he concluded that Yuji Yuji could not beat Panda in this match.

"What a boring battle."

"There is no point in fighting when the outcome is already known."

Tiger Stick and Panda fought back and forth, and the referee began to comment passionately on the side.

The fight between the two was the best fight the referee had ever seen in his life.

The others were either killed instantly or fled when facing Panda, but the boy in front of him actually showed a gesture of suppressing Panda.

The game entered a frenzy stage, and all the spectators were excited.

The fight they had been waiting for was finally here! A real fight, a fight without a script, a hearty fight.

"I know Cheng from old times."


During the interval between the two people's battle, Panda began to share information with Yuji Itadori quietly.

"Cheng has no suspicion of me, but he has always been behind closed doors."

"He hasn't seen you, maybe you have a chance to meet Kinji Hyo."

Itadori found the right opportunity, and Panda accidentally revealed a flaw.

Dialogue does not affect the battle, but it often disrupts one's thoughts and makes the body move slowly.

A punch hit Panda's stomach, and Panda almost lost his footing and took a few steps back.

This flaw was actually revealed by Panda on his own initiative, because Itadori and others did not reveal the identity of the high school.

The reason why Kinji Hyo didn't see Panda was that Panda was from the high school.

As long as Panda loses this game, Yuji Itadori will most likely meet Kinji Hyo.

Panda was in a state of drama, and began to attack Yuji Itadori

"Damn, why is his fist so hard?"

"You wait, I will go to the Animal Protection Association to punish you."

The panda admitted defeat, and the newcomer Yuji Itadori won the first game in the underground parking lot.

The goal was achieved, and Kinji Hyo had always believed that the panda would win this game.

But he unexpectedly guessed wrong, and Kinji Hyo, as a gambler, was very dissatisfied.

He immediately notified his men to summon the newcomer Yuji Itadori and asked him to go to the rooftop.

"Let the newcomers come upstairs"

"This guy's strength impressed me, so I'll make an exception and meet him."

"Another thing is that his companions are missing."

"Send someone to keep an eye on them, maybe they are plotting something."

While his subordinates were talking to Kinji, Fushiguro Megumi used the calligraphy technique to wrap himself and Inujutsu.

He heard all the conversations.

Panda walked out of the parking lot to find Fushiguro Megumi. He knew that with Fushiguro Megumi's personality, he would definitely follow Yuji Itadori.

At the same time, he saw Inujutsu, who was in the same grade, was also at the scene

"Tiger stick had a perfect boxing match"

"Basically, you can see Kinji Hyō."

The panda found Yuji Itadori and told him Kinji Hyō's location.

"Although I have not seen the scale, I have heard from other people that"

"Cheng is in the monitoring room on the top floor, with Qi Luoluo beside him. Her spell is very troublesome."

Panda has also looked for Cheng Jinci, but Qi Luoluo beside him has never solved the spell.

No matter how Panda moves forward, he can't touch the door of the monitoring room. This is the opponent's spell.

As long as the opponent doesn't want to see you, you will always enter the opponent's spell.

"I always feel that it is very similar to Gojo Sensei's technique."

Qilara is a man, but he likes women's clothing. In short, he is a cross-dresser.

When Panda found that he could not get close to the monitoring room no matter what, he thought that he was too impatient.

This made the other party more vigilant.

But it is better to be a boxer who can attract more audiences and slowly make Kageki relax his vigilance.

This is the most reliable way for Panda at present.

"The question now is whether Yuji can successfully convince Senior Kyoshi."

Fushiguro Megumi pointed out the biggest problem. Even if Yuji Yuji met Kyoshi Kinji, what would happen?

If the other party did not agree to help the high school, it would be a wasted trip in the end.

"I think it's difficult, not because of the poor eloquence of Tiger Stick"

"The reason lies with Hyūga."

Panda thinks it's Hyūga Kinji's own fault, but Panda still thinks if it's Yuji, there will be a chance.

"Yuji has a cheerful personality and is very good at socializing."

"Giving him more time might convince him."

But they all overlooked the most important issue, which is that Yuji Itadori is not good at lying.

As long as there is a flaw, Kinji Itadori can accurately catch it.

In the worst case, if Yuji reveals his identity as a high school master, it may���He was kicked out of the monitoring room before the conversation.

It is also possible that during the conversation, the identity of Yuji was discovered, and others forcibly intervened and took Yuji away.

Either way, it is extremely unfavorable to Yuji's situation.

"Fushiguro, you should have been there the moment Yuji Itadori entered the monitoring room"

"Suppress the entire parking lot"

"Guard the door of the monitoring room to buy enough time for Yuji Itadori."

Fushiguro Megumi looked embarrassed. It would be bad to fight and kill as soon as they arrived at the parking lot.

Indiscriminate suppression is their worst case scenario.

Panda spoke to comfort Fushiguro Megumi:

"Don't worry, it's easy for Gojuan to suppress others."

"At worst, let them have some sleep."


Panda has been in the underground parking lot for a while and has figured out the layout of the entire parking lot. He knows exactly where the cameras are and where the blind spots are.

"Senior Panda, what if you are discovered?"

"This is not a big deal. I usually like to wander around in there, and Kyoko doesn't care about me."

In the entire parking lot, except for the boxers, Kyoko's brothers are all ordinary people, so it's easy to deal with them.

Right now, only Kirara's technique is very difficult to deal with, so we can only take it one step at a time.

At this critical juncture, there is no reason to retreat.

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