At this time, Lu Ziyunyi's state reached its peak, and his whole body seemed to have inexhaustible power.

He felt that even if he could not defeat Feng Wuxia, it would not be a problem to defeat the puppet in front of him. The lightning spell was sealed by Feng Wuxia, and the curse tool was damaged, making it impossible for Lu Ziyunyi to maximize his power.

"Your puppet is special."

"It's the first time I see you, with the same eyes and the same aura"

"It's incredible."

After saying that, Lu Ziyun planned to use brute force to make a passage, but Tiandao waved his hand and blocked Lu Ziyun's way. He cursed Tiandao in his heart. It was this weird move again. Even if Lu Ziyun was mentally prepared in advance, he still couldn't resist it.

He had to speed up his movement speed and try to avoid Wanxiang Tianyin.

Shura Dao rushed out from behind him, with a mechanical bracket growing on his shoulder, which was equipped with several shells.

"Unleash the bomb with all your strength"

"I want to see if he can withstand the improved shells."

Feng Wuxia ordered Hell Road through his mind.

Shura Road received the order and aimed the shells at Lu Ziyunyi's vital points.

Lu Ziyunyi clearly sensed the danger behind him and quickly blocked the shells with both hands.

He stepped back several steps in succession. It must be said that Lu Ziyunyi's strength is still very strong. Even a first-level sorcerer may not be able to catch the shells head-on.

Without giving Lu Ziyunyi time to react, the shell exploded directly in Lu Ziyunyi's hand in the next second.

Lu Ziyunyi did not dare to neglect it. His reaction speed had reached the extreme. At the moment of the explosion, his hands were free from the shells.

"The art of summoning spirits!"

The Animal Path summoned a crab, and Lu Ziyunyi, who was unable to dodge, was attacked by the foam spit out from the crab's mouth.

He found that his own movements began to slow down, and guessed that it should be the big crab that did it.

It can not only affect the speed, but also disrupt Lu Ziyunyi's thoughts in the battle.

Shuradao used the mechanical armor to summon three heads and six arms, and a huge sawtooth extended from the back.

Facing the huge blade, Lu Ziyunyi condensed all the spell power in his body into his hands and caught the blade attack of the Hell Knife.

Before Lu Ziyunyi could catch his breath, Shuradao opened his head and continued to put pressure on Lu Ziyunyi. The laser on his head opened the head mechanism and fired laser cannons

"Coming again?"

"I will completely destroy your mechanical body!"

Lu Ziyun rushed to the location of Shura Road, but he didn't know that all the six paths' sights were shared.

It was impossible for Lu Ziyun to get close to Shura Road easily.

Sure enough, the Hungry Ghost Road ran out of the container on the right. Chakra swallowing is one of the abilities of the Samsara Eye. It directly contacts the opponent's body and absorbs the opponent's chakra directly into its own body.

After Feng Wuxia's improvement, the Hungry Ghost Road no longer absorbs chakra, and can now absorb cursed power.

"Lu Ziyunyi, don't be unable to defeat the puppet I made"

"I will be very disappointed in you."

The Hungry Ghost was so strong that he grabbed Lu Ziyunyi's body and began to absorb the magic power from Lu Ziyunyi's body.

Because Lu Ziyunyi was blessed by the spell, his whole body was full of flames and the temperature was very high. Even the Hungry Ghost could not bear the burning of the flames.

It didn't take long for the Hungry Ghost who grabbed Lu Ziyunyi's body to peel off a layer of skin, and the strength of his hands was gradually decreasing.

"There is a little trouble"

"It's not impossible to solve it."

The high temperature directly burned off the hungry ghost's arm. Lu Ziyun took the opportunity to break the other arm of the hungry ghost, and then punched through the hungry ghost's chest.

It was definitely not thorough enough, so he directly broke the hungry ghost's neck, and then he felt relieved.

The hungry ghost was not strong, so it was reasonable that he couldn't withstand Lu Ziyun's flames. Besides, Lu Ziyun gave too little information.

No one knew what strange moves he had.

"Very good, defeated the weaker hungry ghost"

"I will make an exception and praise you. There are stronger ones waiting for you next."

"Hell, revive the Hungry Ghosts!"

Spiritual · Hell King, one of the abilities of the Samsara Eye, summons Hell King, and can use the"common nature of the Samsara Eye" to observe the enemy. Hell

King resurrects, one of the abilities of the Samsara Eye, summons Hell King, Hell King opens his mouth, stretches out a long purple tongue with hands, puts the damaged Hungry Ghosts into Hell King's mouth, and resurrects by chewing.

"You're cheating"

"Is there a resurrection function?"

"If you had told me earlier, would I have spent so much effort targeting your hungry ghost realm?"

Feng Wuxia waved his hand to signal Lu Ziyun not to be too surprised. For the Samsara Eye, reviving the dead is a basic operation, not to mention that he is just a puppet.

"As the strongest person four hundred years ago, you should know a little bit about the world of magic a thousand years ago."

"I'm curious, in the heyday of the spell era a thousand years ago, were there no spells to revive the dead?"Lu Ziyun didn't react for a moment. He had never heard of a spell that could revive the dead. Even in the spell era a thousand years ago, it might not exist.

Even if it existed, it was an extremely taboo spell. Only the top spell masters of the time could access it, and they were not even qualified to hear it.

"I haven't heard of it."

"To be honest, this is the first time I have seen a move that can bring back the body after living for so long."

Lu Ziyun knew that he didn't have much time left, and he could feel his body disintegrating at a steady rate. He could barely hold on for quite a while, and realizing how powerful the man in front of him was, Lu Ziyun thought that the chance of defeating Feng Wuxia was almost zero.

"Damn, this incarnated body is so weak"

"If it was a stronger body, maybe it could last longer.��"

Lu Ziyun began to complain about the noose. This was obviously a trap set by the noose. He specifically found a weaker body for Lu Ziyun, which prevented him from exerting his full combat power.

""Unlock the spell!"

Burning his life and accelerating the disintegration of his body, he successfully unlocked the lightning spell.

Through lightning, he re-condensed his weapon. Lu Ziyun held the lightning in both hands. Coincidentally, it was raining, and there were lightning and thunder in the sky.

This created an excellent fighting environment for Lu Ziyun. He had an advantage on a rainy day.

The lightning spell could conduct electricity through rain and water on the ground. Even if the opponent could fly, he could still conduct electricity.

"The power is back, thunderstorms are my home ground"

"Let me show you how powerful the lightning of the phantom beast in its amber state, coupled with the blessing of the weather, will be!"

Feng Wuxia was speechless. He felt that Lu Ziyun didn't seem to understand the current situation. He summoned the"Outer Golem." Did this kid not take into account the Outer Golem behind Feng Wuxia, or did he selectively ignore the Outer Golem in his passion?

"Should I say you are really stupid?"

"Outer Golem. Go up and trample him to death."

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