The 200-meter-long Outer Dao Golem received Feng Wuxia's order and stiffly raised its right foot to step on Lu Ziyun on the ground.

"Hey Hey hey"

"I won't play with you like this."

Lu Ziyunyi, who was in the amber state of the phantom beast, was finally scared when he saw the demon statue.

The situation was as simple as an elephant stepping on an ant, except that Lu Ziyunyi was a little stronger than other ants.

"The law of the jungle is the law of this world"

"It's true that you have a shikigami, but I have something stronger!"

Feng Wuxia instantly moved to the top of the outer demon statue, looking down at the terrified Lu Ziyun.

"You were just born in an era without me."

"If your opponent was me four hundred years ago, I'm afraid you wouldn't have thought of rebirth."

Before Lu Ziyun died, he tried to struggle and release a hundred times the current to attack the demon statue.

But this was just a mantis trying to stop a chariot, and it didn't work at all. The demon statue stepped on him directly.

"So boring, is this the end?"

"I thought you, as the strongest person four hundred years ago, could give me a little surprise."


Feng Wuxia released the psychic technique, and a huge footprint appeared on the ground.

Lu Ziyunyi's figure was not seen, only a pool of meat paste in the deep pit.

Lu Ziyunyi entered the revolving lantern before complete death, and an old and frail white-haired old man sat on the stone.

A person looked at the sky quietly, as if he had endless worries in his heart.

"meet again"

"Lu Ziyunyi."

Lu Ziyunyi turned his head in surprise. He should be dead. He was confused as to why Feng Wuxia appeared in his revolving lantern.

"I should be recalling my life, but I didn't expect you to come in."

"I didn't expect that four hundred years later, there would be so many evildoers in the world of curses."

It was too late to sigh now. He knew his situation. The dead could not be resurrected, so he had to accept this result.

"My luck is really bad."

"I didn't find Su Nuo, but I actually ran into you."

Feng Wuxia picked a good place to sit down and planned to chat with Lu Ziyun.

"Is this the world of sorcery four hundred years ago?"

"It's a little different from what I imagined."

Looking around, in Lu Ziyun's memory, ordinary people lived in thatched houses, and only the rich families could build houses with bricks.

The endless plains and the bottomless dark forests

"This is where I often relax."

"I am too strong, I have no rivals in the world, only here can provide me with a comfortable resting environment."

Feng Wuxia was bored, from the perspective of other sorcerers, this is also a curse.

Constantly pursuing power, constantly defeating powerful sorcerers

"I don't know what happened four hundred years ago."

"Maybe there are many powerful sorcerers who have challenged you."

Lu Ziyun nodded slightly. It was indeed as Feng Wuxia said.

After he became the strongest, he had to face the challenges of the strong and the harassment of the sorcerers every day.

"You killed a lot of people"

"But none of them cursed you."

"Perhaps it is a kind of mercy to you."

Feng Wuxia knew that Lu Ziyunyi had let it go, whether it was the self four hundred years ago or the self now.

Lu Ziyunyi regained his youthful appearance, and things around him began to change.

There were piles of corpses around him, all of which were sorcerers killed by Lu Ziyunyi himself.

"Give you one more chance"

"Will you cherish it?"

"In other words, will you make changes?"

Lu Ziyunyi didn't take Feng Wuxia's words seriously, just as a joke.

After all, the method of resurrecting the dead is simply a fantasy, even the strongest Lu Ziyunyi has never heard of it.

"Maybe, I will find a new self"

"I have been blindly pursuing power, but I have forgotten the essence of a sorcerer."

Lu Ziyun laughed at himself. If there was a chance to start over, anyone would cherish it.

At this moment, he looked back at the revolving lantern and realized that his life was so tiring.


"That's fine, my time is up.……"

Before Lu Ziyun finished speaking, his body gradually became transparent.

He himself also noticed this. At first he could still move, but when the color was so light that it was invisible, his whole body seemed to be fixed, unable to move even if he wanted to.

The revolving lantern ended, and Feng Wuxia returned to reality.

"Xiao Jin, call up my points"

【Swimmer"Phoenix has no time to kill" Swimmer"Lu Ziyun one"】

【Successfully obtain the opponent's points】

【Feng Wuxia's current score: 160】

"Don't look at the points yet, I'm still on the ground"

"My core is not damaged. If you make me a new body, I can be revived with full health."

It turns out that when the panda's body was about to be destroyed, he mobilized all his strength to move his core.

This is also the backup plan left by Ye Mo Zhengdao for the panda. He can move the core anytime and anywhere.

It is because of Ye Mo's backup plan that the panda successfully saved his life.

"It's simple. I'll help you reshape your body."

"You definitely won't die while I'm here. I'll revive Lu Ziyun first."

"Hell, resurrect Lu Ziyunyi."

The panda was stunned when he heard Feng Wuxia's words. The other party was trampled into a pulp by the monster you summoned.

"Is it really possible?"

""Lu Ziyun has turned into meat paste!"

Panda said on the side. He wanted to see if Feng Wuxia could really revive the dead more than his own situation. He saw Hell Dao grab a pile of meat paste on the ground with one hand, and a monster with only half a face appeared behind him.

"I happen to have a corpse that can be reborn in flesh."

"I'll give it to you."

The huge tongue directly rolled up Lu Ziyunyi's meat paste, and then began to chew it in big mouthfuls.

The panda was disgusted by this scene, but still insisted on watching it.

"You beast, take the panda to find the doll body I hid"

"I will call you if there is anything."

Feng Wuxia had to break his promise. When Yuji Itadori went to see Hiromi Hiromi, he had his eyes on a big doll.

There was no other way. The panda's situation was more urgent. He had to give it to the panda.

"Oh, don't take me away yet."

"Wait until I finish watching Lu Ziyun's resurrection"

"I'm telling you, you can't abuse pandas. I'm going to the Animal Protection Association.

Before the panda could finish her words, the beast summoned a spirit beast and took the panda away.

"Panda is a chatterbox"

"Next, you should be resurrected, Lu Ziyunyi!"

After a while, the monster that had been chewing stopped and spit out a complete Lu Ziyunyi from its mouth.

As long as Lu Ziyunyi's soul still exists in this world, the new version of Liudao transformed by Feng Wuxia can be resurrected.

"This is?"

"Am I not dead?……"

It seems that Lu Ziyunyi still retains his memories from his previous life, so this will be easy.

"I promised to revive you."

"Now it’s your turn to help me with something."

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