Cut off Magma Fruit, Meteor Volcano On The Valley Of The Gods

081: The Lunatic Who Dared To Do Something To "Holy Land Mariejois" On Red Line

this day.

Naval Headquarters' long call for emergency assembly sounded again.

Red Line.

I believe no one is unfamiliar.

This is a red continent separating the first half and the second half of the Grand Line.

Because of the red color of the soil, it is named Red Line.

At the same time, it is precisely because of the Red Line that the four seas and the first half of the Grand Line have been cut off from 'New World'.

It is also known as the place where all pirates go to the Grand Line.

It belongs to the main road under the banner of the World government and is firmly controlled by myself.

Only those who are allowed by the World government and the Marine government can pass.


It is just above this 'artery' that allows access to the New World on the Red Line.

It is the present era, like a "monster" that weighs on the hearts of countless kingdoms in the world like a black mountain!

Holding the power at the center of all power in the world!

World government!

The Holy Land Mariejois is located!

One can imagine

When this news was learned by Kong·kong and Sengoku and others.

An almost subconscious disbelief associated with the words "crazy!"

Not sure what the most dangerous man in the world is going to do after the collapse of the Rocks Pirate.


no doubt.

a pirate.

Dare to board the Red Line.

It is tantamount to provoking the "sacred land" that has stood on the sea for 800 years and no one dared to violate it.

That will definitely be a big event that will shock the whole world!!!

The key is....

The opponent has no fear!

Even kill Celestial Dragons without hesitation!

"Is that monster... crazy?!"

"A bounty of 10 billion Baileys was offered by the World Government... Is this going to cause trouble for the World Government?"

"No! No matter what, we must stop that bastard! Otherwise, the face of our Marine government will be completely lost! That damned bastard!"

Kong Kong clenched his fists tightly, his joints turned white when he thought of the battle in the Valley of the Gods.


On this day, Naval Headquarters will assemble the troops that were originally going to maintain the law and order in the world, and prepare to set up obstacles in advance to stop the "monster" in the Red Ten Continent.

After all, the Battle of the Valley of the Gods almost seriously injured Marine, and there was almost no difference between the faces of the Marine government and the World government being trampled under by that man.

Now that I know Luo Xiu's plan in advance.

So no matter what, the Marine government will definitely stop it this time!

Even if you will pay a huge price for it!

The majesty of the world government absolutely cannot tolerate a pirate doing whatever he wants!

to this end.

Kong · Sora put Zephyr and Sengoku's promotion to Admiral on hold.

Order the two to go out together with Garp at the same time.

At all costs, we must firmly block it at the feet of the Red Line!


With Naval Headquarters, the mobilization of the stage of debilitating vitality began again.

Kong Kong's plans and ideas at this time are good, and there is no problem at all.

But in this era, seastone technology has not yet been perfected.

Kong·kong can't think of it anyway.

After the Naval Headquarters mobilization is located in New World, the Marine force blocking line must be set in advance through the route.

Someone was able to pass straight through the jaw-dropping Calm Belt!

Arrive at the foot of the Red Line!

This means that Naval Headquarters has mobilized its troops ahead of time.

They even dispatched two Admirals who are about to be promoted, and the impenetrable defense line set up by Garp and others.

When they were waiting for 'Luo Xiu' to come, they didn't even hit Luo Xiu's face at all.

And just when Kong Kong and others once suspected whether the intelligence was wrong.

On the Red Line.

Something has gone wrong....!

On the Red Line.

This is a young figure standing on the Red Line where he can look directly at the Holy Land Mariejois.

Behind it, this is a step-by-step "step~" ladder" melted by lava on the Red Line


"Spent almost a week at The fish men island, but the place is truly spectacular."

Luo Xiu looked at it, compared to the Valley of the Gods, the degree of luxury was too high, and in the distance was Mariejois, the Holy Land where the wealth and power center of the entire world was concentrated.

Luo Xiu had to admire the richness of the World government.

Witnessing and knowing are two different things.

Just the huge buildings towering into the clouds in the headquarters of the World Government.

I just dumped the Marine government headquarters, I don't know how many streets.

It's a world government, in Luo Xiu's eyes, counting the 'towns' under the huge building, it's more like an arrogant country.

Towering above the Red Line, overlooking all the kingdoms in the entire Pirate World.

But amazement is amazement.

Luo Xiu did not forget the business.

Come all the time, Luo Xiu didn't just come to appreciate this place that offered a reward of 10 billion Baileys for himself.

He raised his head, billowing black smoke came out.

The flowing orange-red lava carried scorchingly high temperatures, which caused the temperature in the air to rise suddenly, and spread like hot wind passing through.


Luo Xiu thought of the conditions of the reward offered by the World government, and a look of coldness flashed in his eyes.

So fond of rewarding the rights to 'Celestial Dragons'...

So the remaining Celestial Dragons are immortal?

How can there be room for a 'dog' who wants to serve the world government? Right?

Therefore, Luo Xiu intends to leave a "gift" that the World government will thank in the future

I saw lava dripping under my feet, immediately burning a pothole.

Luo Xiu aimed his arms at the sky, storing up the scorching lava ready to go.




A series of volcanic bombs, like spewing fire snakes, continuously flew towards the blue sky, piercing the air and tearing the sky apart!

Gradually covering the entire Red Line Holy Land Mariejois above!

And when the hot flame meteorite lights up the entire cloud layer, turning its sky and clouds into a fiery red like a maple leaf...

Below the Red Line.

upside down mountain....

Sabaody bottom islands.

nearby islands.

And, the Marine forces waiting for Luo Xiu to pass through the sea, etc.

When someone looks up to the sky.

You will notice it all of a sudden.

I usually look up at the unattainable Red Line with no end in sight.

The blue sky is an eerie red today.

follow closely.

It was the sound of fiery red clouds and the muffled thunder of the atmosphere being torn apart!

It was like a doomsday flame meteorite occupying the entire Red Line!

When discovering this astonishing scene.

Islands and Marine forces below the Red Line.

Almost without exception, I felt a sense of suffocating oppression coming from above!

".", not good!"

At the foot of the red land continent.

Zephyr jerked his head up and turned to stare at the sky above the Red Line behind him.

Zephyr didn't take part in the Valley of the Gods War though.

But Zephyr at the moment.

He had evidently recognized what it was that had painted the sky a flaming red like a maple leaf!

‘Meteor Volcano’!

The terrifying moves of tens of thousands of Marine elites and Rocks Pirates are buried in the Valley of the Gods!

It even tore the entire Valley of Gods into pieces in one fell swoop!

And now...

That move appeared on the Red Line?!

"...How is that possible?! How the hell did he get up there on the Red Line?!"

Sengoku's face changed drastically, and cold sweat could be seen on Sengoku's forehead.

The tone was unbelievable.

Marine gathered troops from all over the world to stop Luo Xiu.

They have been waiting for almost a week.

However, tell him now that the 'Target' has appeared on the Red Line!

How can this be accepted by Sengoku?

On the side, Garp turned around and stared at the Red Line, and there was no time to stop it. The terrible natural disaster that was about to erupt, as Zephyr and Sengoku sank in their hearts, they shook their heads and said solemnly:

(Qian Zhao) It seems that this time... the World government is going to encounter an unprecedented big trouble, not only us...

Having said this, Garp's face became extremely solemn:

"I'm afraid that even those guys from the World government above can't think of someone who can reach it with bare hands without going through the 'must pass'?"

The voice fell.

Sengoku and Zephyr's hearts suddenly sank again.


None of them could have imagined that someone could bypass the "recognized fixed route" to reach the Red Line.

Then, with the World government's habit of standing upright for 800 years, it has never been reached by pirates.

The people of the world government....

The two stared at the volcanic meteorite that tore through the atmosphere and clouds.

I'm afraid I'm not prepared at all!! Cabinet!


Previously in Wrath World government.

I never imagined that there would be a bounty pirate who had just been offered a sky-high price of 10 billion Baileys by the World government.

Within a few days, the pirate who was alone, not only did not hide, but tried his best to avoid the sight of the sea.

Instead, he dared to climb up the Red Line alone, facing the location of the World government!

Mary Joa straight shot!

This is destined to be a peaceful day that the whole world will never forget!


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