The flames and raging lava in the holy land of Mariejois lasted for nearly two days and two nights.

Defense of the Holy Land Mariejois.


This restricted area that has been 'easy' for too long.

The response was far worse than anyone could have imagined.

No one can imagine.

There is one pirate who would dare to board the Red Line alone.

No one can imagine.

This 'absolutely safe zone' where all the centers of wealth and power in the world gather


There is a lunatic who doesn't care about the World government and shoots him!

It is for these various reasons.

Only then did the Holy Land Mariejois, the center where the apex of world power gathered, ushered in an unprecedented terrorist disaster!

The huge building towering into the sky is where the World government is located.

The strong can change color immediately and make a move.

Don't care about hiding the details.

Swordsmanship, devil fruit abilities, physical skills, etc.

Some powerhouses that the outside world had never heard of appeared one after another to resist the flaming meteorites that covered the sky and fell like a wash!


The 'town area' under the World government building

This is where most of the surviving Celestial Dragons live.

But there is no such luck as 870.

Ordinary 'Guards' can't resist the coming of 'Natural Disasters' at all.

Marine Admiral intercepted Luo Xiu under the Red Line again, but there was no sign of Luo Xiu yet.

One can imagine.

The flaming lava meteorites that fell to the ground tore apart the sky and occupied the entire sky, and dense raindrops fell on the entire Mariejois, the so-called "holy place"

I saw that the moment the burning meteorites touched the ground or buildings, they would directly explode with high temperature and explode, setting off a terrifying explosion.

However, this is not the end.

Followed by.

That is, the bursting flame meteorite will split into countless small 'lava bombs' and cause secondary terrifying damage again!

Visible to the naked eye.

Just after the first round of scrubbing Meteor Volcano coverage.

The entire Mariejois ignited raging fires, and at least one-third of the buildings turned into a scorched black scorching ground, exuding an astonishingly inaccessible temperature.

As for the 'urban area' below that couldn't be intercepted, at least two-thirds of it was destroyed in one round!

for a while.

Fear, exclamation, wolves, etc.

This kind of emotion that is absolutely impossible to appear in the Mariejois "aboriginal people" (bicg) directly swept the entire holy land Mariejois!

no doubt.

What happened suddenly in the Holy Land Mariejois caused a sensation in the whole sea and the times.

There are rumors that a reward of 10 billion Baileys was offered.

Known as the most dangerous man at sea right now, revenge on the World government.

There are also rumors of the inviolable ‘sacred land’ of World Government.

Not as scary as imagined.

after all.

The "natural disaster" was a real "big riot" in the "sacred place" of Mariejois.

Since the establishment of the World Government 800 years ago, it was the first time that a pirate dared to board the Red Line, and even shot Mariejois alone.

In the end, he was able to retreat completely!

All kinds of rumors.

The entire sea was almost turned upside down.

Even the Golden Lion, Charlotte Linlin and others who are in the middle of the battle, when they see this 'untrue' news, they can't help but change.

"What a crazy guy" he thought.

World government...

They even directly bypassed the Marine government and went to attack the World government.

This is something that even Rocks hesitated for a long time and did not dare to do it!

And when all kinds of rumors are flying in the sky from the outside world.

Amazon Lily.

", why mother-in-law, what do you think of this matter?"

Inside the emperor's palace on Nine Snake Island.

Shakky, who is the current Emperor of Hydra, stared at the unsettling newspaper in his hand.

Shakky thought of the day when Luo Xiu said he had to leave for a few days...

Then you can see news about him in the newspaper at that time..

Shakky never thought of that.

The most dangerous man who was alone went to the Red Line and shot Mariejois!

I'm afraid.

No, it should be the first time that an authority that has never been challenged since the establishment of the World government in the past 800 years has received such a big post, right?

And the enemy, there is only one person!

Although Shakky is currently in the Calm Belt's Hydra Island, she can already imagine it.

What kind of terrifying vibrations will be caused by the outside sea.

The mother-in-law who will assist until the birth of the future empress looks at the newspaper in Shakky's hand.

She was holding a cane, with a dignified expression on her face.

Then he said: "You did a good job Shakky, maybe someone will stick to the bottom line, but in this sea, no one can deny that only the strong can have everything. I am very pleased that you, as the current emperor of Nine Snake Island, can understand this

The smashing mother-in-law then sighed:

"And in this sea, no one may believe it, but I believe that there is no force that can always hold power, and there is no eternal strongest, even if it is as strong as Rocks, who is known as the overlord of the sea, his failure proves everything. ,Those who think that he will not fail can only say that they have shallow knowledge...But if it is this man who shakes the world one after another..."

What Granny Zha said next made Shakky palpitate.

"Maybe we can really subvert that 'power', and maybe our Nine Snakes Island can get rid of the dilemma that every generation of emperors has to face.


Shock appeared on Shakky's face, his pupils constricted.

She couldn't imagine that her mother-in-law was the former emperor.

Granny Z, who has knowledge and knowledge far beyond her own on Nine Snake Island, would rate a person so highly.

After all, Lux was once evaluated as open-air and lunatic.

at the same time.

in a few days.

A sea.

"World government, although not simple."

"However... Although I haven't seen the so-called 'Im', I really don't dare to use 'Uranus' on Mariejois at will. It seems that the gift I left for the World Government this time, the World Government should like it."

Luo Xiu touched the bandage wrapped several times around his body, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Although it took a little longer than that.

But in the end the goal was achieved.

After this shot.

Luo Xiu also explored the background of the World government almost.

To sum it up.

Luo Xiu touched several bandages on his body.

"I'm still not strong enough, but next time, I won't know for sure."

"And I want to deal with the world government that must have an Ancient Weapon. It seems that I have to pay attention to Pluton in the future, even if it is an unusable external force. "It's better to destroy it so that people don't worry about it."

Think here.

Luo Xiu retracted his thoughts and put away the fishing rod placed beside the boat.

Then put the bait skillfully and throw it out.

"The two goals have been achieved. After fishing this last shot, it's time for me to go back."

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