
Luo Xiu This developed the Devil Fruit ability to 100.

At present, it is slightly different from the one hundred percent expressed in pure attributes.

Through long experiments.

After Luo Xiu successfully transformed the lava fruit into his own shape inside and out.

Luo Xiu discovered many secrets about Devil Fruit.

Although he is not a genius scientist who can discover the 'blood factor'.

But as a time traveler, Luo Xiu can still draw many conclusions through guesswork and personal experiments.

Among them, the 'will' possessed in Devil Fruit.

It is indeed directly related to the ability users' fear of the sea.

In other words, Devil Fruit is afraid of an ingredient close to seastone contained in the sea.

That ingredient will directly weaken the power of the Devil Fruit, thus affecting the ability user who eats the Devil Fruit.

Therefore, when Luo Xiu used the sea, it seemed to suppress the will of First Generation Guiche, completely removing the will in the lava fruit.

Whether it is the effect of the sea, or the strong sense of powerlessness that will appear when touching the sea.

All ushered in an earth-shaking change.

Although there is still a slight effect.

But the impact has been negligible.

Although this does not rule out that Luo Xiu's body and even his soul are not people from the Pirate World at all.

But all in all.

18 The weakness of the sea is a fatal threat to capable users.

Luo Xiu was nothing to worry about.

Now even if he goes to war with the Marine government and the world government, and falls into the sea with his eyes closed, he doesn't worry about the pressure of the sea that makes ability users fearful.


The most unexpected harvest for Luo Xiu.

That is, the ability of the lava fruit still has room to continue to rise.

Push Devil Fruit's abilities to the limit.

That's when it's perfect.

Luo Xiu found that the ability of Devil Fruit began to depend on the strength of the person with the ability.

That is to say, the stronger Luo Xiu's own strength is, the stronger the strength that the lava fruit that has been developed to perfection will be.

It's as if the previous lava fruit just gave Luo Xiu the power to control lava.

Now it turns out that Luo Xiu itself is a moving volcano.

The power has changed from only being able to control lava, and now it has become lava, fire Yamamoto body.

Therefore, the stronger Luo Xiu's strength is, the stronger the ability of the released lava fruit will naturally be.

This matter is naturally a good thing.

With Luo Xiu's current control over the lava fruit.

It is no exaggeration to say that he can easily and permanently change the climate of any place!


Luo Xiu also deeply understood why Devil Fruit has superiors.

There is no weakest Devil Fruit, only developers who can't use it

This sentence.

After Luo Xiu developed the lava fruit to a perfect level.

More and more I thought it was just a joke from netizens on Blue Star.

Just like the ability of Devil Fruit depends on the strength of the person with the ability.

The simplest example.

It is the Mera-mera Fruit which is the subordinate of the Lava Fruit and is also Logia.

As a traveler, Luo Xiu naturally knows that the temperature limit of natural fire is very high.

But this premise.

However, a crucial factor has been overlooked.

The power endowed by Mera-mera Fruit is the same as lava fruit, which is to control a corresponding natural element.

The power given to Luo Xiu by the lava fruit is control and the ability to elementalize lava.

Mera-mera Fruit is naturally also a flame.

Ordinary flames can be developed however you want, the highest temperature is several hundred degrees, but the temperature of the flames released from the Mera-mera Fruit cannot affect the surroundings, which can be seen in Madara.

If it is replaced by lava fruit, the high temperature released to the air will directly melt the surrounding area.

Furthermore, even if Mera-mera Fruit really has "the potential of thousands of degrees of high temperature".

The capable person itself may not really be able to meet that need.

After all, everyone knows that the temperature of the flames burning on the surface of the sun is terrible.

But how big is the sun's volume in the sky? How much fuel is there enough for that heat?

If a person improves his strength, can he compare with the sun who is not in the same "magnitude"?

I'm afraid that the 'physical energy' used as fuel will be exhausted before the temperature is reached.

after all.

This has not yet involved the problem that Devil Fruit itself may have an upper limit.

The reason why the lava fruit is terrible is that it is the fruit with the strongest attack power among all Devil Fruits.

The main reason is that the initial destructive power is far from comparable to ordinary Devil Fruit.

The high temperature of thousands of degrees at every turn, the devastating destructive power.

Whether it's melting a human body or a weapon, just a few seconds is enough.

Almost nothing in the world would dare to take such an attack head-on!

Not to mention that the enemy is usually made of flesh and blood!

"It feels so good to swim in the sea..."

Luo Xiu popped his head out, feeling the negligible weakening.

On such a hot summer day, it is indeed a rare enjoyment to take a cold bath after soaking in the hot spring.

The most important thing is that there is no "powerlessness" that is exclusive to capable people.

But this feeling is good.

But moderate enjoyment is enough.

According to current information from my mother-in-law, members of the Whitebeard Pirates are going to Wanokuni.

Thinking of this, Luo Xiu subconsciously thought of Kozuki Oden, the 'moving fruit ability'.

to this person.

Luo Xiu's attitude is consistent.

I can't appreciate it.

Especially the third generation of the Kozuki family.

As long as a normal person has some brains, Wanokuni will not become what he will be in the future.


Luo Xiu fixed the Devil Fruit weakness.

I plan to go there.


"Go the other side's way? Let the other side have no way to go?"

Such an idea popped up inexplicably in my heart.

Wanokuni's seastone mine is indeed an attractive enough thing.

Immediately, Luo Xiu landed on the edge of Nine Snake Island like a fish jumping out of the ice-blue sea.

But at this time.

In a jungle not far from the edge of Nine Snake Island, you can see a clear river.

Many female warriors from Hydra happened to bathe here.

On a hot summer day, it is natural to see the beautiful scenery at a glance. 240

The other party saw that it was Luo Xiu.

They didn't dodge or dodge, but looked over curiously, chatting and laughing and discussing, and some courageous ones were greeting Luo Xiu, shouting "Hello, Mr. Luo Xiu" and so on.

When Luo Xiu saw this, his face didn't blush and his heart didn't beat. He looked at the "scenery" with almost no cover in the jungle nestled in the river not far away, so he touched it.

In this situation, Luo Xiu is not surprised.

Most of the women on Hydra have hardly ever seen a man.

It is reasonable to be curious about men.

Moreover, Shakky's original decision caused a lot of heated discussions on Hydra Island.

But the power of the Emperor of Nine Snake Island is greater than Luo Xiu imagined.

Said to be the emperor, it is more inclined to blind faith'.

Furthermore, in the name of Luo Xiu, the Nine Snake Pirates, who left Nine Snake Island, really improved the situation of the residents of Nine Snake Island.

Therefore, the attitude towards Luo Xiu, the nominal "owner" of the Nine Snake Island site, is naturally different.

Of course, if it was replaced by a strange man who sneaked onto Nine Snake Island.

The attitude and treatment are completely different.


Luo Xiu looked away.

Sigh, this is life.

Luo Xiu's eyes sank.

Time to get down to business.

This trip to Wanokuni.

There are, no, at least two purposes.

First, Luo Xiu intends to take a look at Pluton! If it doesn’t work, just destroy it on the spot!

If you do it, you must do it absolutely, this is the gist of Luo Xiu's action without hesitation.

If it cannot be used, then Luo Xiu will naturally not leave it to others. .

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