Cut off Magma Fruit, Meteor Volcano On The Valley Of The Gods

086: Luo Xiu Was Treated As A Slave Trader? When Kozuki.

in a few days.

A merchant ship passing by somewhere in the New World.

"Hey, hey! I just saw someone in Calm Belt...!"

Someone rubbed their eyes, unbelievable.

The companion next to him immediately laughed and said:

"Is there someone in the Calm Belt? Are you kidding me, Zuo De, could it be that there is Lanzi who dares to swim in it?"

"It's a recognized death zone in this world. Otherwise, those pirates who came to New World from the Grand Line would just pass through the Calm Belt honestly. Wouldn't it be so troublesome to take other routes?"

"But, but I really seem to see it."

Facing the ridicule of his companions on the deck of the merchant ship.

The dark man whose skin is often exposed to the wind and sun because of the weird weather in the New World still wants to make an excuse.

But looking at the distance, Calm Belt seems to be a fleeting black shadow.

His throat moved, and he could only suppress this crazy thought.

after all.

In order to avoid pirates, their merchant ships travel in this sea area all year round.

They know very well whether there are any islands nearby.

in this case.

Someone in the Calm Belt?

It can't be said...that the suspected human figure he saw in the Calm Belt in the distance swam here through a piece of sea, right?

This kind of frightening thought gave birth to a moment.

He shook his head violently.

Is that really human?!

Even for those top monsters in the world, it is difficult to do it, right?

And just after the merchant ship left.

About half a day passed.

In a piece of sea that is extremely far away from meeting merchant ships.

If anyone is here, they will definitely find a scene of horror.

A man pokes his head out of the waters of the Calm Belt, considered taboo at sea.

"The vastness of this sea is much bigger than I thought."

The man let out an exclamation.

It was none other than Luo Xiu who left Nine Snake Island and crossed the Calm Belt directly to New World.

Luo Xiu has been in New World for nearly a week now.

The purpose, of course, is Wanokuni.

However, Wanokuni's route in the past was far more troublesome than Luo Xiu predicted.


Wanokuni is a kingdom of locks.

There is basically no contact with the outside world.

It is difficult to determine the exact location.

In addition, there is no map at all in New World, and all "pointers" are used.

Otherwise, the pirates would not be running around like headless chickens in this vast sea.

So Luo Xiu can only find a specific approximate location based on his impression and memory as a traveler.

Then follow this approximate location to find Wanokuni.

It's just that I didn't expect this search, and it took a week to determine the exact location.

"Forgetting to take the permanent pointer is really a headache."

Luo Xiu rubbed his forehead involuntarily.

During this time on Nine Snake Island.

In addition to the willpower possessed by eliminating the lava fruit, Luo Xiu naturally learned other aspects of the sea by the way.

As the saying goes, the best way to experience combat is to experience it with your body and remember it with your body.

But in terms of sailing, except for those with extraordinary talents, they can only remember the most critical points in a desperate way, and then use tools to assist them.

Luo Xiu himself is the latter.

A strong combat talent does not mean that Luo Xiu is familiar with sailing, something that he has basically never touched before.

"But it's probably too late to get it now, forget it, let's try our luck"'. "

Thinking of the merchant ship I encountered not long ago, there may be permanent pointers on it, which are necessary for navigation.

Shaking his head, Luo Xiu released his terrifying knowledge.

In an instant, the invisible color of knowledge centered on Luo Xiu, covering a terrifying range almost to the distant sea.


next second.

Feel a completely different atmosphere from pirates and merchant ships.

Luo Xiu probed into it with knowledge and knowledge, and then his face sank.

slave trader?

Inside the wooden medium-sized ship, there are girls of various races with bruises on their bodies, including humans, fur tribes, and some long-handed tribes.

But there is no doubt that all of them are fifteen or sixteen years old, at most no more than twenty years old.

An atmosphere of despair and lifelessness enveloped the entire interior of the cabin.

As a traverser.

Luo Xiu is no stranger to this slave trader.

Similarly, Luo Xiu maintained an attitude of extreme disgust.

If there is a chance to solve it, then Luo Xiu doesn't mind slaughtering a few scum by the way, anyway, I didn't expect him, a traverser, to get lost.

With this in mind, Luo Xiu followed the slave ship.


Shortly after.

On the edge of this slave ship near the next sea area.

"Forgive me! My lord! My lord! I was wrong! I was wrong!"

On the deck, the muffled sound of kowtowing and begging for mercy continued to sound.

This is a tall slave trader frantically begging for mercy to a black-haired man.

Even the usually brutal slave trader didn't dare to resist at this moment.

Others here will definitely be shocked.

However, only the slave traders themselves know.

When I saw that Luo Xiu was already rumored all over the sea, even children from all over the world could be promoted by the world government, and they would cry out when they heard the name.

The slave traders couldn't muster up the courage to act.

10 billion reward

The 'scourge' of walking on the sea.

Such a terrifying big shot is not an existence that he is qualified to fight against.

And it made the leader of the slave trader even more horrified.

that is because...

The man in front of him.

It turned out that I jumped from the sea to the slave ship just now!!!

It's no secret that Luo Xiu is a capable person.

The whole world is after the Valley of the Gods incident.

While Luo Xiu's name was causing a sensation in the world, there were people in the underground dark world selling information about Luo Xiu.

What I'm afraid of is if I provoke the monster of 'moody'.

Even the World government dared to blatantly ignore it. They didn't think that if they provoked such a monster, they would have the idea of ​​making the other party afraid.

It was because of this that the slave chief could recognize Luo Xiu.

But facing the begging for mercy from the leader of the slave trader in front of him, Luo Xiu didn't have the slightest kindness in his eyes.

Lava, ah no, does not need Luo Xiu to use his ability at all.

Luo Xiu felt the strange movement of the demon knife hanging on his waist.

Luo Xiu took out the knife.

"Okay, I'll leave it to you."

The demon sword is not any other sword, it is naturally the First Generation Onitsu.

As a demon sword, following Luo Xiu, what he enjoys is the same treatment as daily sundries.

If any swordsman knows about this, he must fight Luo Xiu desperately!

It is precisely because of this that the First Generation Guiche, who has not touched any blood for 8 years, is about to be fired.

And when the leader of the slave trader, most of the blood in his body disappeared, and he died strangely.

The rest of the helpers on the slave ship collectively started howling.

Obviously, although slave traders did almost everything.

According to the leader of the slain hardworker.

Along the way, in the several islands they passed, there were more than a dozen dead ‘goods’, and they were thrown into the sea to feed the fish.

The means are more brutal than pirates.

But in the blink of an eye, a terrifying scene of turning a person into almost a mummified corpse.

Undoubtedly, it aroused the great fear in the hearts of these slave traders.

But even so.

Luo Xiu also showed no mercy.

After all, although he thinks he is not a good person.

But to a group of people, it's not a thing, to make a nest for the Calm Belt Sea Kings is the best affiliation for these slave traders.

And when these slave traders are dealt with.

There was one remaining problem that Luo Xiu had to deal with.

That is the girls who were captured from all over the New World on this ship.

According to the slave trader, these girls are 'the best' so they must not move.

Luo Xiu thought about it and decided to find an island to put it down.

He is not a good person, it is already very good to be able to do this.

And Nine Snake Island is indeed too far away from here.

Thoughts determined.

But just when Luo Xiu was about to act.

Suddenly, as the slave ship approaches a nearby island.

A Slash Wave suddenly flew from the rock group on the island beach.

On power.


This is Luo Xiu's judgment on it.

After all, among the enemies Luo Xiu fought against, there were two great swordsmen at the beginning.

The level of this Slash Wave...

Even Luo Xiu basically didn't practice swordsmanship much.

He can still clearly recognize the level of this slash.

Not to mention the Great Swordsman. (of)

I'm afraid the most.

It can only reach the threshold of being a 'sword hero', and it is still very reluctant.

This shows that the master who issued the slash is...very weak.

Whether it is the range or the strength of the slash, it is too small.

Luo Xiu smashed directly almost easily.

And at this time, a female shouting voice came.

"."Damn slave traders...! Let them go!"

Hear voices from the rocks on the beach.

Luo Xiu couldn't help touching it.

"This is me? Being treated as a slave trader?"

Rubbed his forehead.

As a man who was offered a reward of 10 billion by the World Government.

If it spreads out, I am afraid that no one in the whole sea will believe it.

Luo Xiu looked along the source of the sound.


Seeing that it was clearly an isolated island in the previous knowledge, a figure appeared.

Luo Xiu's eyes moved suddenly, and he carefully looked at the female figure on the island not far away.

I saw that she was holding a Taidao, her exquisite face was full of anger of "not passing the current pirate era", and she was wearing a pink kimono that didn't completely cover her slender legs.

Looking at these vaguely familiar outfits, Luo Xiu suddenly smiled.

"What a coincidence? It seems that my luck is very good...Even if I got lost, I came to the vicinity of Wanokuni by mistake.".

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