
“Brother, dinner, dinner, let’s make it together!”

“Well, got it”

Laughter filled the corners of the cabin.

The only pink flower left in the corner of the wall shimmered slightly.


At night, the stars shine

[Ding, congratulations to the host for getting 200,000 emotional points].


Golden ripples appeared in front of him, flowing like water in front of Su Mo.

But Su Mo had not yet decided where to go at this time.

With a sentiment value of 200,000, it would be a huge challenge if you wanted to modify the world line of the entire type moon.

“… Let’s start here”

The golden ripples fell, and Su Mo’s figure disappeared.


Ma Kiri’s house

“Sister, mother, don’t abandon me”


The timeline seems to be crumbling, passing quickly, but slowing down in a certain segment.

Sakura’s childhood and even growing up in the Makiri family even has a timeline in which Gilgamesh kills everyone in the Makiri family except Sakura with a sword.

But the final result is still the result of a single time, and even the result is not much different from the timeline of other worlds.

“… Modify”

Time forbidden At a certain moment, Su Mo’s emotional value points were also instantly consumed.

Ma Tong stared at the figure in front of him with a stunned look, his thoughts surging wildly, but it was also limited to thinking…

I can’t move anywhere in my body.

In just a moment, the terrifying passage of time began to unfold on Matong’s dirty inkstone.

Ma Tong’s dirty face remained unchanged, but his consciousness was wailing madly, mobilizing everything he knew, but he could only watch his body dyed with black flames, turning into flesh and blood, white bones, dust, and flying ash.

Pain, unspeakable pain!

At the age of five hundred, he had survived through various methods such as insect magic, and he was not afraid of any pain, but at this time, he realized that the burning burning sensation of his spirit made him want to rush to death immediately.

However, the result is that at the next moment, the reincarnation of the body reappears, supporting the next one.


Su Mo did not care about the dirty inkstone on the side, the other party’s reincarnation was caused by him, and it was also for the sake of a moment’s plan, the outstretched finger lightly fingered in the void, the water-like lines echoed in the void, and random countless blue time lines appeared in front of Su Mo’s eyes.

There are so many that the touching month timeline alone has already cost all the sentiment points.

The timeline about Sakura is also unimaginable.

It is completely impossible to make a modification that runs through the entire timeline with his points.

A moment later, Su Mo put the timeline of Sakura in the transition to the Matong family for a few days on Shinji Ma Tong.

After all, Shinji can also hold up as the protagonist.


“Aaaaah! Grandpa, let me go, these bugs! Please, let me go.”


In this place alone, the figures of the two will repeat in the reincarnation of all world lines.


“Sakura, it’s daddy who is sorry for you,” Tosaka gently stroked Sakura, who was lying unconscious on the bed.

Although in the clip, he already knew that Sakura reaped the best results.

But now Sakura… Still with empty eyes, like a lifeless doll, even rest can only use magic to hypnotize Sakura.

“Dirty inkstone !!!”

Watching one’s own children being tortured like that is not anything elegant to speak of

Tosaka Shichen’s face was fierce and he roared in a low voice, but then he showed infinite self-blame.

He’s the culprit….



Golden ripples emerged, and without waiting for a reaction, Tosaka Shichen found himself… No, it’s time!

Time has stood still!

Not caring about Tosaka Shichen on the side, Su Mo pointed his finger at the girl’s forehead.


In this main timeline, Su Mo can only change the other party’s experience back to a year ago.

But this is separated from the later cherry blossoms.

In fact, the best way is to solve the most fundamental incidents, such as the Holy Grail….

It can be said that everything in all types of months revolves around the Holy Grail.

By addressing this root cause at the source, everything can be changed.

However, Su Mo did not do this.

After all, in this world, people who desire something do have impossible wishes, but they want to fulfill.


Time flows again.


“Thank you so much!”


In the Ten Thousand Worlds

The black and white screen flashes bright again….

[Death Scene: In this game, Hughby won…].


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